Muk gaye ne charkhe de gerhe

The revolutions of the spinning wheel (charkha) have ended

Mukki na judaai yaar di

But my yearning/wait for my beloved hasn't ended.

(Charkha was a tool to spin cotton to make threads (which in turn was used to make clothes) and was also a symbolic part of romantic sufi punjabi songs and stories, it is said to be a symbol of true love, girls would sit by the charkha and spin threads thinking about their loved ones. It was a symbol of human relationships . So there was a whole lot of focus on the charkha and these stories while it spun cotton-threads) So that's why it says that so much time has passed but I still think of my beloved.

Lag gaye ne roag hoye

This dangerous disease (of love) has struck me

Sajna de bajhon main rondi rahi

I kept crying without my beloved. (Sajna means beloved, bajhon means without)

Poni koi vi na kati gayi

I couldn't spin none of the cotton rolls (What this could imply that she was so lost in the thoughts of the beloved that she forgot about the poni (cotton roll) and the spinning -i.e metaphorically speaking) But uh, I could be wrong on this part.

Baithee udeekan main kalle paee

Sitting here and waiting, I've gotten so lonely

Meray shareekaan de naal o phire

He walks around with my people (relatives and friends)

Utray tarakla kalege meray

It seems as if I've been impaled in the heart by the spindle (of the charkha)

[ because it further implies that the guy is ignoring her , and that possibly the relatives and people could be talking negatively about her, i.e. gossipping)

Marna ae chardh ke ode sirey

And, I'll die , and him being the cause of my death.

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