Because of the Second Chakra being the seat of emotion, it is often associated with the Throat chakra, which is all about speaking our truth. I have seen it often in my practice when patients have shut down, or denied, their emotions, their Throat Chakra often becomes blocked. As we all know, everything is connected.

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Welcome to the Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts! Here you will find the most recent updates on my adventures as an urban Licensed Acupuncturist Reiki Master/Teacher, and Medicine Woman in New York City, as well as wellness tips to soothe the soul, live more vibrantly, and cultivate wholeness and balance. Enjoy the blog, and please say hello!

Passing or the transition into/through death and beyond can be a fear filled time. This can be especially true for those who are not prepared for it. Maybe because of a belief system (or lack of one) or simply because of denial. For many people there is the element of the fear of the unknown. For those who are open to it, crystals may make the process a more gentle, spiritual and calming. As death comes near, crystals can make the experience of transition so much calmer and less fearful. These are the five stages of dying, these happen both with the person dying and also if you are the person your loved one is leaving or has left

These are like rose quartz on steroids! It is the energy of pure love and love of the divine spirit. Both are celestial vibration stones and are the symbol of infinity. Their high vibration helps with negative thoughts, anxiety, stress and to relieve panic and fear. Use to assist with transition for the dying by imparting the knowledge the departing soul requires and helping them move over into enlightenment.

Known as the stone of alignment and one of the very few crystals that ever needs cleansing. Working with the third eye chakra it Stimulates psychic abilities, intuition and helps connect to your spirit guides. As well as connecting to the ancestors .

A deeply spiritual stone of serenity and calmness with a vibration that is all about love, compassion and forgiveness, it assists us to accept ourselves and past actions. Use this pink stone helps you to let go of experiences from the past, especially where you still feel fear or grief .

Lets explore crystalline frequencies that help us align, receive spiritual downloads, enhance psychic abilities and intuition. With their help, we can become better at manifesting, better at visualizing, connecting to source and more importantly, better at trusting ourselves and the Divine.

Formed over one billion years ago when the primordial forces of the Earth tell a story of molten rock, of seas and ancient mountains now long gone... the huge pink Granite Dome rising almost two thousand feet above sea level was. perhaps, the only landmass high and dry in what is now Texas. It represents some of the Earth's oldest exposed rock and the roots or foundation of the continent. Held sacred by the area's indigenous peoples and surrounded in legends, the granite anomaly rises shining and bald above the green, rolling, and otherwise limestone, hill country.

The flower or earth essence of of Enchanted Rock increases the bio-magnetic forces of your your body to align with the magnetic fields of the Earth. Your root chakra is brought into a stronger state of harmony and balance, which in turn, strengthens your ability to feel more secure and present. Greater peacefulness, focus and quiet allow for nervous energy to be released from your chest and lungs, while this, in turn, allows tension to be lifted from your shoulders.

Rhodonite is manganese silicate mineral with an opaque transparency. Rhodonite comes in shades that vary from pale pink to deep red. It has a vitreous luster and is composed of other minerals such as calcite, iron, and magnesium. It has a triclinic crystal system and occurs in ores or as rounded crystals. Rhodonite means compassion and love.

Ripe with rich healing properties, those who welcome the rosy glow of Rhodonite into their world are sure to feel those walls around the heart space falling down. We all throw up walls of protection, some are healthy boundaries and some come from blockages or not holding trust in the universe. With Rhodonite on side, you can work to bring your heart to a place of purity and elegance and step out on the journey towards your higher truth. Anyone who has ever wanted to find the capacity to grow their love and give back to the world, Rhodonite is your center.

As mentioned, Rhodonite has a huge connection to the heart chakra. The heart chakra is where our love, trust, and ability to bring compassion comes from. As life can be brimming with hard knocks, it's our heart chakra that can often take the hit. We throw up walls, we shut down, and our trust levels diminish. When we work to clear the blockages that clog up the heart space, we may find ourselves healed and in harmony and able to bring about healthy levels of love both internally and externally.

Those Rhodonite crystals that come swirled with plenty of darker patches also resonate strongly with the root chakra. This is our place of safety, its how we root into the earth beneath our feet and it all relates to our sense of security in the world.

It goes without saying that as a stone of deep love, Rhodonite comes with more than a pinch of positivity. It brings joy and energy and a spark that can light up a room. If you feel like you need some added power in reducing the negative energy in your life then you can also pair Rhodonite with Sugilite for even more intense action.

Keeping your Rhodonite cleansed and charged will help it to stay fresh-faced and fine-tuned for bringing its healing properties to the table. Rhodonite can be easily cleansed with a little soapy water and a soft cloth. It will also benefit from being held under a stream of water twice a month to discharge some old energy. By keeping it clean every now and then, you are washing away those old traumas and letting lightness return to the stone so its ever ready for the next soulful spring clean. Rhodonite can also be charged and infused with energy by keeping it in close proximity with Amethyst or placing it in a soft slant of morning light. 152ee80cbc

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