Iptv List Updater 1.10 Ipk

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IPTV List Updater 1.10: A Plugin for Enigma2 Devices

IPTV List Updater is a plugin that allows you to update your IPTV list on your Enigma2 device. It downloads the lists from various sources and converts them to suitable bouquets. You can choose from different countries, categories and genres of channels. You can also customize your list by deleting unwanted bouquets or adding new ones.

The latest version of IPTV List Updater is 1.10, which was released on June 16, 2013. It has the following features:

LOG output to TV

Rename Aduld to XXX-Aduld

First step to update script over internet

Change back to all.ipk (need for Dreambox 800HD user)

Small fixes

Kurdisch added

Add first step for download check

Added "Welcome" screen

Added FAQ in "Welcome" screen

To install IPTV List Updater 1.10, you need to download the enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptv-list-updater_0.90_all.ipk file from the web search result [^1^] and copy it to your Enigma2 device. Then you need to use a telnet client to connect to your device and run the following commands:

opkg update

opkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptv-list-updater_0.90_all.ipk


After rebooting, you can access the plugin from the extensions menu of your Enigma2 device. You can select the country and category of channels you want to watch and enjoy IPTV on your device.Here are some tips and tricks to make the most out of IPTV List Updater 1.10:

You can update your IPTV list manually by pressing the green button on your remote control. This will download the latest lists from the sources and convert them to bouquets.

You can edit your IPTV list by pressing the blue button on your remote control. This will open the favorites menu, where you can delete or rename bouquets, or add new ones from the available lists.

You can sort your IPTV list by pressing the yellow button on your remote control. This will sort the bouquets alphabetically, by country or by category.

You can search for a specific channel by pressing the red button on your remote control. This will open a search menu, where you can enter the name of the channel you want to watch.

You can change the language of the plugin by pressing the menu button on your remote control. This will open the settings menu, where you can choose from different languages available.

I hope you enjoyed this article about IPTV List Updater 1.10. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.In this article, I will show you how to create your own IPTV list using a simple text editor and a web browser. This way, you can add your favorite channels from any source and watch them on your Enigma2 device using IPTV List Updater 1.10.

Here are the steps to follow:

Open a text editor on your computer and create a new file. You can name it anything you want, but make sure it has the .m3u extension. For example, you can name it my_iptv_list.m3u.

In the first line of the file, write #EXTM3U. This is the header that tells the plugin that this is an IPTV list.

For each channel you want to add, write a new line with the following format: #EXTINF:-1,Channel Name,url. For example, if you want to add CNN from this source: http://iptv4u.ddns.net:25461/live/123456/123456/1.ts, you would write: #EXTINF:-1,CNN,http://iptv4u.ddns.net:25461/live/123456/123456/1.ts. You can find many sources of IPTV channels online or create your own using tools like VLC or ffmpeg.

Save the file and upload it to a web server or a cloud service that allows direct links. For example, you can use Dropbox or Google Drive. Make sure the file is publicly accessible and copy its link.

On your Enigma2 device, open IPTV List Updater 1.10 and press the blue button on your remote control. This will open the favorites menu.

Press the green button on your remote control to add a new bouquet. Enter a name for your bouquet and press OK.

Enter the link to your IPTV list file and press OK. The plugin will download and convert your list to a bouquet.

Enjoy watching your custom IPTV list on your Enigma2 device.

That's it! You have successfully created and added your own IPTV list to your Enigma2 device using IPTV List Updater 1.10. You can repeat this process for as many lists as you want. You can also edit or delete your lists from the favorites menu.

If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. 66dfd1ed39

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