TEL: 03-2118800 ext 5145
服務機構 / 服務單位 / 現任職稱 (可多項填寫):
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Electrical Engineering
Hsiao-Lung Chan achieved a Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan in 1997. He now is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan. He has accomplished several studies in retrieving the vital information hidden in cardiovascular systems and neurophsyiological systems including heart rate variability analysis in congestive heart failure and the wearable analysis system for physical activity and electrocardiogram, and analysis of deep brain potentials as a guide of target localization of stimulation electrode for treating Parkinson’s syndrome. He is currently interested in clinical applications of intelligent wearable biomedical devices and corticomuscular coherences during bilateral upper-extremity rehabilitation in stroke patients and during dual-task cycling ergometer training in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Publication list (2018-2021)
1. M.A. Lin, L.F. Meng, Y. Ouyang, H.L. Chan*, Y.J. Chang, S.W. Chen, J.W. Liaw, “Resistance-induced brain activity changes during cycle ergometer exercises,” BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, vol. 13, p. 27, 2021. (SCI) (impact factor 1.979) (*corresponding author)
2. C.J. Huang, H.L. Chan, Y.J. Chang, S.M. Chen, M.J. Hsu, “Validity of the Polar V800 monitor for assessing heart rate variability in elderly adults under mental stress and dual task conditions,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, no.3, p.869, 2021. (SCI) (impact factor 2.849)
3. J.W. Liaw, R.S. Chen, C.F. Chen, Y.R Wang, H.L. Chan*, Y.J. Chang, “Evaluation of Anticipatory Postural Adjustment before Quantified Weight Shifting—System Development and Reliability Test,” Applied Science, vol.11, no. 2, p.758, 2021. (SCI) (impact factor 2.474) (*corresponding author)
4. M.J. Hsu, H.L. Chan, Y.Z. Huang, J.H. Lin, H.H. Hsu, Y.J. Chang, “Mechanism of fatigue induced by different cycling paradigms with equivalent dosage,” Frontier in Physiology, vol. 29, pp. 511-545, 2020. (SCI) (impact factor 3.367)
5. C.C. Chen, C.H. Yeh, H.L. Chan, Y.J. Chang, P.H. Tu, C.H. Yeh, C.S. Lu, P. Fischer, G. Tinkhauser, H. Tan, P. Brown, ”Subthalamic nucleus oscillations correlate with vulnerability to freezing of gait in patients with Parkinson's disease,” Neurobiology of Disease, vol. 132, 104605, 2019. (SCI) (impact factor 5.16)
6. M.H. Hsu, S.C. Fang, F.T. Wang, H.L. Chan*, H.E Huang, S.C. Yang, “Sleep apnea assessment using declination duration-based global metrics from unobtrusive fiber optic sensors,” Physiological Measurement, vol. 40, 075005, 2019. (SCI) (impact factor 2.006) (*corresponding author)
7. F.T. Wang, M.H. Hsu, S.C. Fang, L.L. Chuang, H.L. Chan*, “The Respiratory Fluctuation Index: a global metric of nasal airflow or thoracoabdominal wall movement time series to diagnose obstructive sleep apnea,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 49, pp. 250-262, 2019 (SCI) (impact factor 2.783) (*corresponding author)
8. Y.F. Chuang, C.C. Chen, M.J. Hsu, N.J. Huang, Y.Z. Huang, H.L. Chan*, Y.J. Chang*, “Age related changes of the motor excitabilities and central and peripheral muscle strength,” Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, vol. 44, pp. 132-138, 2019 (SCI) (impact factor 1.568) (*corresponding author).
9. F.T. Wang, H.L. Chan*, M.H. Hsu, C.K. Lin, P.K. Chao, Y.J. Chang*, “Threshold-based fall detection using the hybrid of tri-axial accelerometer and gyroscope,” Physiological Measurement, vol. 39, 105002, 2018. (SCI) (impact factor 2.006) (*corresponding author)
Y.T. Chang, H.Y. Chen, Y.C. Huang, W.Y Shih, H.L. Chan, P.Y. Wu, L.F. Meng, C.C. Chen, C.I. Wang, “Left centro‑parieto‑temporal response to tool–gesture incongruity: an ERP study,” Behavioral and Brain Functions, vol. 14, p. 6, 2018. (SCI) (impact factor 2.449)
NAME: Hsiao-Lung Chan, PhD
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Laboratory: Biomedical Electronics and Signals Lab.
TEL: 03-2118800 ext 5145
E-MAIL: chanhl@mail.cgu.edu.tw
Hsiao-Lung Chan achieved a Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan in 1997. He now is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan. He has accomplished several studies in retrieving the vital information hidden in cardiovascular systems and neurophsyiological systems including heart rate variability analysis in congestive heart failure and the wearable analysis system for physical activity and electrocardiogram, and analysis of deep brain potentials as a guide of target localization of stimulation electrode for treating Parkinson’s syndrome. He is currently interested in clinical applications of intelligent wearable biomedical devices and corticomuscular coherences during bilateral upper-extremity rehabilitation in stroke patients and during dual-task cycling ergometer training in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
1. 以微小化、省電及低成本的微處理器為控制與計算核心,以穿戴或無拘束感測方式,即時偵測心電、肌電、呼吸、肢體動作及步態資訊,進行即時訊號處理或傳至智慧型手機分析與物聯網應用。
2. 以穿戴式裝置為橋樑,設計適用於巴金森氏症及中風患者之虛擬實境復健場景,提供回饋,提升沉浸感及復健多樣性,改善大腦可塑性,改善動作功能。
3. 以研發的裝置或虛擬實境系統所得之生理訊號或直接由醫院取得的癲癇、巴金森氏症腦波與睡眠呼吸障礙生理訊號,以進階訊號處理及深度學習為主的人工智慧演算法,開發疾病相關辨識與評估指標。
1. 應用於中風及巴金森氏症病患之手勢動作感測手套與虛擬復健平台
2. 應用於巴金森氏症病患之智慧型視覺導引鞋
3. 虛擬實境雙重任務腳踏車訓練平台
4. 無拘束睡眠呼吸障礙及睡眠分期之人工智慧辨識演算法
5. 癲癇腦棘波分類與灶源定位分析演算法
1. 以足壓深度學習網路建構巴金森氏症步態異常分類研究,科技部計畫,108.8.1-110.7.31.
2. 總計畫兼子計畫一: 智慧型坐壓與下肢運用感測與分析-應用於脊髓損傷者之懸吊橢圓機訓練,科技部計畫,107.8.1-110.7.31.
3. 虛擬實境雙重任務下腦電同調及事件關聯分析-應用於巴金森氏病患之大腦運作功能探討,科技部計畫,106.8.1-107.7.31.
4. 中風上肢鏡像復健之運動學與大腦肌肉運作監測與分析平台建立,科技部計畫,105.8.1-106.7.31.
5. 步態偵測之運動學分析演算法設計,工業技術研究院委託學界技術開發計畫,105.5.1-105.12.15.
6. 總計畫兼子計畫一: 以腦電與肌電分析研究巴金森氏病病患雙重任務訓練之大腦認知與動作運作功能,科技部計畫,104.8.1-105.7.31.
7. 應用於帕金森氏病患者抗疲勞訓練之穿戴式myo-kinematic感測裝置與即時分析系統研發II科技部計畫,103.8.1-104.7.31.
8. 總計畫兼子計畫一: 應用於帕金森氏病患者抗疲勞訓練之穿戴式myo-kinematic感測與即時分析系統研發,科技部計畫,102.8.1-103.7.31.
9. 心衰竭之心率變異及心呼吸耦合分析及融合研究(1)(2)(3),國科會計畫,99.8.1-102.7.31.
10. 居家睡眠品質軟韌體介面 ,工業技術研究院委託學界技術開發計畫,99.4.1-99.12.15.
11. 腦部醫療擴增實境研發三年計畫(第二期):(分項二)腦神經細胞電位分析及評估系統之開發,經濟部學界科專計畫,97.12.1-100.11.30.
12. 癲癇腦波分析平台建構與發作預測可行性之研究(1)(2)(3),國科會計畫,96.8.1-99.7.31.
13. 整合型腦部退化疾病之多重資訊整合平台之開發:以阿茲海默症為例-子計畫三:以阿茲海默症腦電生理檢測與分析平台建立與研究,長庚醫學研究計畫,97.12.1-100.4.30.
14. 腦部醫療擴增實境研發三年計畫(第一期):(分項二)腦神經細胞電位分析及評估系統之開發,經濟部學界科專計畫,94.4.1-97.3.31.
15. 智慧型生理資訊處理演算法及IP設計,國科會計畫,95.8.1-96.7.31.
16. 焦慮症之全日、活動與呼吸相關之心率變異度研究,國科會計畫,94.8.1-95.10.31.
17. 昏迷腦波特性分析及類神經模糊網路分類之研究,國科會計畫,93.8.1-94.9.30.
18. 嵌入式生理紀錄器設計及睡眠呼吸障礙之心率變異起源研究,國科會計畫,92.8.1-93.7.31.
19. 睡眠呼吸障礙之心血管呼吸動態調控模型研究,國科會計畫,91.8.1-92.7.31.
20. 心率與人體活動監測系統設計及心率變異與活動狀態關聯性之研究,國科會計畫,90.8.1-91.7.31.