Would like this farm to be above the bedrock roof, without nether portals or any form of spawnproofing under the roof. Also I do not require any exp at all. I have a ton of magma blocks so probably something that I can simply increase layers on should I need more gold.

The current gold farm I have is a really basic and not the best, so I am looking to build a better one. My question is; is Nether roof the only appropriate place for an efficient gold farm? While I understand the efficiency of it all, personally, I really don't like the whole design farms look on the roof, and I am would prefer to build in the wastes if possible. If anyone can link me design or share that they use, I'd really appreciate it. Gold is probably the next biggest thing I am missing, and I would like to complete my Trading Hall sooner than later.

Cfg Gold Farm Download

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Zombified piglin farming is a method of obtaining gold nuggets and rotten flesh renewably by using spawn platforms or nether portals to spawn zombified piglins and moving them to a killing zone. The rotten flesh and gold nuggets can be traded to cleric villagers in large amounts to gain emeralds easily.

To construct a farm in the Nether, one can build platforms for zombified piglins to spawn on, with trapdoors on the edge, and place slabs on the floors of all surrounding areas (or just fill them in), so zombified piglins only spawn on those platforms.

The simplest zombified piglin farm is to dig a 3x3x1 trench and make a layer of dirt leaving a 1 block space. Shoot zombified piglins and swipe at them with a sword on their legs after they jumped into the trench. Turn on subtitles, so you can hear when you can come out. To get maximum spawn rates, slab off the blocks in a 128 block diameter. It is done! You can also use magma blocks which only zombified piglin can spawn on (if you are on 1.16).

This farm is fairly easy to build, though it requires some digging so a Diamond Pickaxe enchanted with Efficiency II or up is recommended. The farm's optimal location is in a nether wastes biome below the nether roof. The zombified piglins are attracted to the turtle eggs hidden behind the portal and will attempt to crack them, only for them to be teleported to the overworld. In the overworld, 2 portals are built high up in the air, one where the zombified piglins came from and one where the killing chamber is located. The zombified piglins will gradually push each other to go to the second portal and go to the killing chamber, making it an easy kill for the player. The production rates are good, though the only problem for this farm is when another player is in the overworld, the piglins will despawn and the second issue is it has no dedicated storage, meaning players can either make a primitive one or an automatic sorter.

Ilmango's design consists of 3 circular shaped platforms made from magma blocks. The donut-shaped platforms start at y= 247, then the 2nd and 3rd layers start at 250 and 253 respectively. At y= 256, build a circular glass platform to prevent ghasts from spawning. Also, the farm had satellite piglins stationed around the farm, so that when new piglins spawn, they instantly get angry at the player. The killing method is fairly simple but expensive. The piglins are killed using entity cramming, and because they're angry at you, they also drop XP. There are around 4 holes the piglins can fall on, and each hole contains 24 minecarts, for a total of 96 minecarts (requires around 480 iron to make). The average gold block rate for the farm is 130 blocks per hour, and can get you from level 0 to level 130+ in around 30 minutes.

Gnembon's gold farm consists of 19 small circular shaped platforms. How it works is that piglins will spawn and attempt to crush the turtle eggs, but will instead fall to the killing chamber, where they are to be killed. The killing chamber itself has 2 modes, automatic and manual. In the automatic method, the piglins are killed with fall damage, which doesn't drop XP and it makes around 130 gold blocks per hour. The manual method meanwhile, gives XP and can get you to around level 130+ in 30 minutes. Aside XP, it also produces around 600 gold blocks per hour with a Looting III sword, making it one of the most powerful gold farms out there. The only issues with it are: its complicated structure especially the redstone system and it also requires some spawnproofing below the bedrock, which might take some time.

Rays Works would later make another design consisting of only one layer. The zombified piglins are attracted to the middle of the spawning platforms by a turtle egg and either an iron golem or zoglin and are killed using fall damage (Using a zoglin is more efficient as they won't kill, whereas an iron golem will sometimes kill before they fall). The farm also drops XP as the zombified piglins are made angry by the iron golem/zoglin before they die. The farm is pretty fast in terms of XP, getting you to approximately level 80 in 15 minutes. Link is here: =5iT-D3KNuvE

This gold farm is one of the most powerful gold farms out there, able to make 1600 gold blocks per hour. The farm consists of 34 circular-shaped platforms. In the middle of these platforms, there are 4 portals and an egg hidden in the middle to attract the piglins. They'll get teleported to the overworld and will float to another portal up in the sky using bubble elevators. The glass pillars are around 140 blocks long and it will take around 50 seconds for the zombified piglins to enter the second portal, which is enough time for them to enter another portal. The second portal leads to the killing chamber, which by the way had boats to have an unlimited mob cap of mobs. Just like the other designs, the spawning platforms had a glass roof to stop ghasts from spawning. Other bonus thing that are recommended although not necesarry is a beacon that has strength, regeneration and resistance effects. Strength speeds up the killing process allowing for more mobs to spawn and both regen and resistance are if you're gonna do long AFK sessions and will prevent you from dying from starvation. In 24 hours, it can get you from level 0 to level 862.

To build a farm in the Overworld, one can build a lot of large nether portals, interlocked to save obsidian, and put signs or open trapdoors on the edges of the bottom obsidian blocks, so that zombified piglins (ZPs) will walk off. From here, one can use water to collect them into a fall or suffocation trap. Snow golems can be an alternative for pushing them around, or at least getting them moving.

One fundamental problem with Overworld gold farms is that it is occasionally possible for angered ZPs to return to the Nether through a portal, and perhaps anger others while there. Without proper precautions, you may be ambushed by one or more angry ZPs when they return to the Nether though a nearby portal. You will need to make sure that all your farm portals lead into a containment area where the ZPs will be isolated. This area should have enough room for any mobs there to get away from the portal for their 15 second cooldown, so that they can then go back to the Overworld. (Also include a fence-gate exit, just in case you stumble in yourself!) Similarly, one must be careful not to use a portal in the Nether which takes them into the farm for the same reason. Returnees can be minimized by use of turtle eggs to lure zombified piglins out of the portals. This ensures they will move and fall even without players nearby.

Since the availability of larger portals, it is no longer necessary to make a prism of portals as large portals can do as well. However, the same practice can still be used to make a hyper-efficient farm by building portals in concentric rings (one open to each cardinal direction) from a small inner ring (usually 5x5, to have a single center block) out to the maximum of 23x23. Note that even the inner ring can be 23 blocks tall (more portal blocks mean more spawns). A ring of size n and height h will take 8(n-1) +4(h-2) = 8n+4h-16 obsidian, with 4(n-3) =4n-12 trapdoors (3n-9 logs) needed to line the inside. If all the portals are to be 23-tall, the obsidian cost can be simplified to 8n+76.

Regardless, the mobs will be gathered to a central point, generally a 1x1 dropshaft. At the full scale of this farm, a complex grinder is unecessary: The farm can produce enough spawns that simply forcing them all into a single space will start killing them off through crowding ("suffocation"). They can be dropped onto a bottom-slab exposing their feet to you, with a hopper beneath that which can go to an item sorter. This setup has three main modes of operation:

This farm will reward at least a minimal item sorter setup, if only to divert the rotten flesh away from more valuable stuff. After that, separating out nuggets leaves the occasional gold ingots, and unstackable golden swords (and occasional armor). For the rotten flesh, it's likely worth setting up some system to automatically destroy overflow from the system. (Bringing in a cleric villager is also an option.) For gold nuggets, you'll just need to regularly check the chest, and craft the take into more compact ingots or blocks. Swords can be sent to a blast furnace by way of a double-chest; every so often check the chest and hoppers for enchanted swords you can feed to the grindstone (and then put back to be smelted). When enough swords have accumulated, drop some fuel in the blast furnace to clear out the chest.

A different way to spawn zombified piglins is to have a pig struck by lightning, meaning a trident enchanted with Channeling can be used in combination with pig breeders for an Overworld gold farm that requires no obsidian such as the design in this video: Note that this method will yield no swords.

This farm is arguably the most powerful one in Minecraft Java. It consists of 24 portals stacked together, with both zombified and normal piglins instantly spawning on the portals. Then they're gonna get teleported to the overworld (except the piglins, as they're gonna get teleported back to the nether). Once in the overworld, they will be attracted to the turtle egg in front of the portal and will fall to the killing chamber. In the chamber, there's an armour stand on which the player will hit to sweep the piglins and kill them. The rates of the farm is 44,000 gold ingots per hour or 4,444 gold blocks per hour, significantly more powerful than Dashpum's gold farm. Due to the sheer amount of loot you can acquire, a huge complex storage system is needed to be constructed, coupled with shulker loaders. A beacon is also recommended for long AFK sessions to avoid starving to death. A crafting system is also recommended to quick craft all the gold nuggets to gold ingots. 006ab0faaa

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