Correlated Electrons Virtual International Seminars (CEVIS)

June 18, 2020 - Dec 2, 2020

March 4, 2021 - May 27, 2021

Sep 27, 2021 - Dec 13, 2021


  • Strongly Correlated Electrons

  • Frustrated Magnets

  • Topological Phases

  • Entanglement and Dynamics in Quantum Systems

Time & Venue:

  • Time: Mondays 10am-11:30pm (KST/JST)

  • Date: Sep 27, Oct 18, Nov 1, Nov 29, Dec 13

  • Venue: Zoom

  • To join the seminar series, please register in this website. We will send the Zoom link to you via the information you provide us.

  • The talks and discussions will be limited to those who registered. So please do not share the Zoom link with others.

  • The number of allowed participants is limited to 300 people. If this number is reached, the host may lock the meeting to avoid possible crash.

  • We post the list of the registered researchers here.

Invited Speakers for CEVIS 2021 (Fall)

Takahiro Morimoto (Univ of Tokyo, Japan)

Hosho Katsura (Univ of Tokyo, Japan)

Ehud Altman (UC Berkeley, USA)

Kyoko Ishizaka (Univ of Tokyo, Japan)

Bohm-Jung Yang (Seoul National Univ, Korea)

Hong Yao (Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, China)

Invited Speakers for CEVIS 2021 (Spring)

Junyeong Ahn (Harvard, USA)

Jun Sung Kim (POSTECH, Korea)

Mikito Koshino (Osaka University, Japan)

Jong Yeon Lee (KITP/UCSB, USA)

Zi-Yang Meng (IOP/CAS, China)

Kazuaki Takasan (Berkeley, USA)

Haruki Watanabe (Univ of Tokyo, Japan)

Youichi Yanase (Kyoto University, Japan)

Invited Speakers for CEVIS 2020

Jason Alicea (Caltech, USA)

Gang Chen (University of Hong Kong and Fudan Univeristy, China)

Gil Young Cho (POSTECH, Korea)

Tarun Grover (UC San Diego)

Hiroaki Ishizuka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

BJ Kim (POSTECH, IBS, Korea)

Sungbin Lee (KAIST, Korea)

Ryusuke Matsunaga (ISSP, University of Tokyo)

Shuichi Murakami (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

Takashi Oka (ISSP, University of Tokyo, Japan)

Masaki Oshikawa (ISSP, University of Tokyo, Japan)

Nic Shannon (OIST, Japan)

Takasada Shibauchi (University of Tokyo, Japan)

Yuan Wan (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

Mike Zaletel (UC Berkeley, USA)


Masaki Oshikawa (University of Tokyo/ISSP)


Yuki Motome (University of Tokyo)

Eun-Gook Moon (KAIST)

Yong Baek Kim (KIAS/University of Toronto)