Japanese-Jewish cooking may not seem the most obvious combination. But, hey, this is New York and people from all walks of life fall in love here, including Sawako Okochi and Aaron Israel, two restaurant chefs whose love story informs the restaurant they opened together, Shalom Japan.

I remember my childhood best friend and me, we loved Pokemon so much. We created pokemon cards from scratch before they were even a proper invention, and then sold them at school before the real pokemon cards came out sometime later.

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For my entire life, I have never been able to properly express why I love Asia so much or how much I needed to go there; it was just that, ever since I was a child, I knew deep inside that I had to go. My whole life has revolved around that moment; one could say that I even chose to attend Denison so that I could go abroad.

As someone who lived in China for years, in a part of the country ruled by a Japanese puppet state during WWII, anti-Japanese sentiment was high. And it seems that everywhere else that was occupied by Japan, people hate Japan. Yet Taiwan was occupied by Japan longer than anywhere else, yet the people here love Japan. Why is that? Were the Japanese more lenient to Taiwan than the rest of their empire? Is it a reaction against the KMT?

us2007/8/23 12:03 Sometimes wife can be called x-chan by husband and she calls husband x-chan. That is the case with us. It is a cute way and shows we are family and not just lovers. I like it and he does too!

(we are not at all like brother/sister!)by Umirate this post as useful

I really liked the honesty in this post! I did love Japan but definitely with the experience you had in Mie Prefecture and the difference when heading to the more touristy locations, it made perfect sense why you felt a bit disappointed. Good tips for future travelers or if you go back again!

Here in Singapore, it is like the idyllic village of Spectre in the Big Fish. Everyone loves our kids here. On numerous occasions, elderly passengers and pedestrians warmly confide in us that high energy is a good sign for intelligence. For which I totally agree.

Nick , glad you and your family moved to singapore . Welcome to Singapore and have a great time with your family ! Enjoyed your post on the challenges you faced living in Japan even with a local japanese wife. What a hassle even for a credit card ! 5 years is simply too much ! Have a great time Nick!

Let's post your "best Japanese food" or "favorite Japanese food" that you enjoyed during your trip to Japan, or "Japanese food that you want everyone to know about" with #foodieslovejapan on your Instagram, Facebook, X, etc! Show the screen of your post to the staff at the event booths at the airports where the event is being held and you will receive a specially made Japanese Food keychain.

I'm really loving the AE86 on TE37vs. I love that the ride height is determined for better handling and performance. But I also really love the Doriten's E46 with R34 wheels. That just looks beautiful. Also that S2K is hype. Great Coverage Dino!

i love the enkei rims on the subaru. hey dino i think your buddy with the r33 had these rims? i dont remember the last time when enkei made a rim that was so attractive. wasn't there a company named grenade from japan that used to make r34 style rims? btw i like how you refer to other cars as imports lol.

As I passed a gift shop near the Snow Monkey Park entrance, I even noticed that it is possible to rent a jacket and boots for 500 yen each. Other items are also for sale such as gloves (500), ear muffs (500), socks (500), scarf (1,000), hat (1,000), and non-slip covers for your shoes (1,500). The shop also allows you to store any bags in the shop for 500 yen. They think of everything in Japan!

Experiences like this first led me to fall in love with Japan, and thrill me to this day, even after all these years. I first moved from New York City to Tokyo with a desire to master the Japanese language. Planning to stay a year, I ended up staying several, and now spend several months of every year traveling through Japan. (Read my story.)

If you have time to go to Koyasan which is near Kyoto, we stayed in a temple called Shojoshi-In and were served an incredible vegetarian feast. Plus the accommodation was lovely and the mountain itself a peaceful and beautiful place: -single/?ryokan=Shojoshin-in

Because we only had 1 free day left in Tokyo, we had to choose between Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disneysea. They said Tokyo Disneyland catered more to the younger children, while Tokyo Disneysea catered to the older and more adventurous crowd. Knowing our love for thrill, exhilaration and excitement, Tokyo Disneysea was the runaway winner (but if we had an extra day, we would still visit Tokyo Disneyland for sure!)

And it was beautiful! Such a beautiful place, you are. It was amazing at any time of the day, but I loved you most from sunset until night, when the heat had subsided a bit, the lights were on and everything seemed like magic.

ABSOLUTELY LOVE "lovers in Japan", used to be my least favorite song on the album until I was running one day with my iPod on and this song came on right as the sun was rising over the water here in San Diego and I stopped running and stood there in awe of nature and for some strange reason I felt close to God at that moment in time.

i always put a story to this song. I always saw it as two lovers in a Japanese prison camp, where they're interrogated. hence "they are turning my head out". "one day the sun comes out", to me, represents them waiting for them to be released.

5: Chicken curry

I was stunned when I learned that the Japanese LOVE curry with rice. When you think of Japanese cuisine, you probably thinking about the classic/stereotypical food sushi. But the Japanese are fond of curry. The first time I went to a supermarket, I saw a section all dedicated to curry. I cannot name half of them, but there were all sorts of curries such as beef, chicken, pork, fish, and vegetable from what I could see. The Japanese use rice as their main dish; they love to add curry to their rice. The curry is very easy to prepare. They come in an aluminum sealed package. All you need to do is either put the aluminum package in a pan with water and boil it for a few minutes or put it in a bowl and microwave it for 6 minutes. Within minutes you have a great dish. There are big curry chains in Japan fully dedicated to curry rice. One of the biggest is Curry House CoCo Ichibanya. They have all curry versions, and if you love spicy food, they can make it extremely spicy for you. Even though I am very used to spicy food, I could barely handle level 5. A friend of mine took number 8, and he was crying and sweating like a pig the entire lunch. You are warned :p.

For me, I love the (halal) chicken curry that is provided by the shop at my school campus. The chicken curry is creamy, smells fantastic, and I love the chicken because it is heavily spiced. The chicken curry is already in a small plastic bowl with rice, and I only need to microwave it. Since my stay here in Japan, I have tried several curries as in my country, curry is not a real common thing to eat. But this spicy chicken curry rice really takes the cake :).

2: Sushi

A bit of a clich, I know. But I cannot deny my true feelings towards this. I just love sushi. The quality of sushi you will get in Japan really differs from what I had in Europe. I can tell in the way the fish is prepared and the taste of rice. The texture is amazing. Not only that, but the experience of eating sushi in the restaurant is also fun. Some of the restaurants have these sushi treadmills where you can pick your sushi that waggle around. Though the sushi is all random, so you have to wait until your favourite sushi comes. The Japanese found a solution to that. Each table has a tablet where you can select your favourite sushi. When you finished picking your sushi, the sushi will then come on a train directly to your table. The sound the tablet makes and the sound the train makes are hilarious!

5: Chicken curry

I was stunned when I learned that the Japanese LOVE curry with rice. When you think of Japanese cuisine, you probably thinking about the classic/stereotypical food sushi. But the Japanese are fond of curry. The first time I went to a supermarket, I saw a section all dedicated to curry. I cannot name half of them, but from what I could see, there were all sorts of curries such as beef, chicken, pork, fish, and vegetable. The Japanese use rice as their main dish, they love to add curry to their rice. The curry is very easy to prepare. They come in an aluminum sealed package. All you need to do is either put the aluminum package in a pan with water and boil it for a few minutes or put it in a bowl and microwave it for 6 minutes. Within minutes you have a great dish. There are big curry chains in Japan fully dedicated to curry rice. One of the biggest is Curry House CoCo Ichibanya. They have all curry versions, and if you love spicy food, they can make it extremely spicy for you. Even though I am very used to spicy food, I could barely handle level 5. A friend of mine took number 8, and he was crying and sweating like a pig the entire lunch. You are warned :p. 589ccfa754

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