Our Roberto Maestas Digital Learning Lab and upgraded Wi-Fi coverage will help El Centro de la Raza ensure hundreds of local families have support and resources for online learning, accessing important support services, finding career opportunities, and more. Made possible by Comcast Washington, the lab and an expanded WiFi-connected Lift Zone, will support online learning for students, families, and community groups.

CENTRO Library & Archives is a treasured place where researchers, academics, teachers, students, genealogists, filmmakers, and the community at large find primary (historical documents) and secondary sources about the history and culture of the Puerto Rican diaspora. Visitors can gain access to books, photographs, documents, artifacts, art, maps, oral histories, moving image and audio clips, and digitized or born digital material pertaining to stateside Puerto Ricans via our Library Catalog, Archival Database, and Digital Collections.

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LearningExpress Library features nearly 1,000 online tutorials, practice tests, and eBooks, to help patrons of all ages. It offers job search and workplace skills improvement, skill building in reading, writing, math, and basic science. LearningExpress Library also provides career certification and licensure exam prep, college and grad school entrance test prep, GED test prep, and more.

Job & Career Accelerator: Explore a broad range of online training opportunities in EBSCO Academy. Whether you register for live instructor-led sessions or take advantage of on-demand training videos, you will find both broad and specialized training to meet your needs, such as product overviews, promotional tips, and more.

El Centro Regional Medical Center offers online services to improve access and enhance the healthcare experience. Through a variety of digital services you can access to your health information, pay your bills, make appointments, register for classes and more.

The International Symposium on Online Journalism is an annual conference that attracts editors, producers, media executives and scholars from around the world who convene at the University of Texas at Austin to discuss the evolution of online journalism. ISOJ started in 1999 and has grown throughout the years to become a unique international conference that serves as a barometer for the state of online journalism globally. In 2020 and 2021 ISOJ was held online only because of the pandemic, but in 2022 it returned to the UT campus in a hybrid format that also allows active participation of remote attendees.

A trilingual digital magazine published by the Knight Center, LatAm Journalism Review covers issues related to journalism and press freedom in Latin America and the Caribbean. For 17 years, the Knight Center has published the blog Journalism in the Americas that in June 2020 grew into this digital magazine. LJR is produced by a team of journalists in Austin, including Moody College of Communication journalism students, and contributors based in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Knight Center's distance learning program Journalism Courses offers a variety of free or low-cost online training for journalists. The Knight Center is the world leader in massive open online courses (MOOCs) and a pioneer in the field. In 2003, the center started offering online courses for journalists and since 2012 it has served almost 300,000 students from 200 countries and territories. Our world-class online courses have helped journalists adapt to the demands of the rapidly changing media ecosystem.

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas is pleased to announce a new free online course in Portuguese that will give Brazilian journalists the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the complex landscape of civil liability, privacy rights, right of reply, source confidentiality and more.

Digital technology has a pervasive impact on our lives and is reshaping our society. The challenge is to ensure that digital technology becomes a stepping stone to create a more sustainable, inclusive and secure society.

Promote the adoption of digital technology by Public Administrations to support effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability, to achieve better transparency and inclusiveness; to help the development of the skills necessary to drive the change.

Advance digital technology for understanding, predicting and mitigating climate change, improving the efficiency of socio-technical systems and promoting behavioral change for a sustainable future.

Hate speech in online social communities is a serious and pervasive concern, which requires fair and robust automated approaches to be tackled at scale. However, despite the great progress in natural language processing for detecting hate speech, current models have shown to be brittle when applied to real-world data, exhibiting limited out-of-distribution robustness and perpetuating and amplifying harmful social biases. After a brief overview on online hate speech and the multifaceted meaning of "bias" in natural language processing, we will dig into the topic, critically analyzing lexical biases in hate speech detection via a cross-platform study and analyzing their impact on out-of-distribution robustness and fairness. We conclude by discussing future avenues for research, arguing that fairness and robustness are strongly intertwined aspects that should be studied jointly in future work.

Undermining the impact of hateful content with informed and non-aggressive responses, called counter narratives,has emerged as a possible solution for having healthier online communities.Thus, some NLP studies have started addressing the task of counter narrative generation. Although such studies have made an effort to build hate speech /counter narrative (HS/CN) datasets for neural generation, they fall short inreaching either high-quality and/or high-quantity. In this seminar, we presenta novel human-in-the-loop data collection methodology in which a generative language model is refined iteratively by using its own data from the previous loops to generate new training samples that experts review and/or post-edit.Our experiments comprised several loops including diverse dynamic variations.Results show that the methodology is scalable and facilitates diverse, novel,and cost-effective data collection.

There is a wide interest in adopting gamification solutions for supporting engagement in software modeling and production with learning purposes, e.g., students to actively participate in courses, employees to deal with tedious tasks, or programmers to learn specific languages. Several frameworks to build-up gameful applications have been proposed. Their common goal is raising the level of abstraction of gamification mechanisms and proposing a well-defined set of languages for designing a game, its main components, and the behavioral details.All the research introduced until now reinforce the idea that there is a strong interest in the use of gamification in modeling and programming. Some early promising results exist, but in general existing attempts are mainly the work of modelers trying to manually create ad hoc gamification environments for their specific experimental scenarios. A real attempt to integrate full gamification in modeling and programming tools is still missing.Our vision proposes to integrate gamification mechanisms with modeling/programming tools. In this talk I present the required components and the necessary interconnections to adequately assemble altogether and get the resulting gamified modeling/programming tool. Moreover, I present two concrete examples of our idea: I first present an example of a gamified software, Polyglot, conceived to be applied in the field of software programming. After this I introduce PapyGame, a gamified software which finds its application in the field of software modeling. Finally, I illustrate a list of research challenges that must be addressed to realize motivational digital systems able to support personalized learning plansand feedback in context as education and training.

Power grids, trophic relations, online micro-blogging services or scientific collaborations: complex networks are ubiquitous in nature. In the research agenda of network science, network robustness has been a topic of paramount importance due to its conceptual, modelling challenges and its wide range of applications. In this talk I will review some of our latest research on this direction. I will show how to quantify robustness when networked systems are perturbed in two different scenarios. The first one considers metadata defined on the nodes, so metadata-informed attacks are performed in order to understand how to efficiently dismantle (or protect) a network. Thus, we shed light on the importance of non-toological information in network interventions. The second one focuses on the under-researched but empirically relevant phenomenon of non-local cascade spreading. In this, non-local cascading failures evolve on a network in a way that consecutive node failures need not to strictly follow a proximity-based evolution. We propose a mathematically solvable model of such a cascades and evaluate their accuracy in artificial and empirical topologies, finding an excellent agreement.

Alessandro Daniele received his master's degree in Computer Science at Universit degli Studi di Padova and his Ph.D. at Universit degli Studi di Firenze. During his Ph.D. he worked in the Data Knowledge and Management (DKM) group at FBK, where he is currently a researcher in Neural-Symbolic Integration. His research topic is about the integration of logical knowledge with neural networks models, with a particular focus on relational domains.Eleonora Grilli is a full-time postdoc researcher at the 3D Optical Metrology research group (3DOM) at the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) in Trento. After her master's degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna, she started and completed her Ph.D. at 3DOM under the supervision of Dr. Fabio Remondino, mainly focused on machine learning semantic segmentation applied to architectural and cultural heritage 3D datasets. Her current role involves the design of geometry and machine learning-based solutions in a wide range of fields, such as urban digitisation, digital agriculture and forestry, corridor mapping, and restoration projects. 17dc91bb1f

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