Bishop's Annual Walk of Hope

The Bishop's Annual Walk of Hope 

This walk has its roots in Bishop John's arduous journey through Cancer over 14 years ago. As he recovered, many friends came together to support one another on a pilgrim walk from Altar to Altar -- from the Cathedral to St.Andrews in Glenwood. It wasn't just a fundraiser. It was an intentional prayer walk focused on carrying each other in prayer and hope.  Funds raised were used for many different ways of outreach.

After John+ became the Bishop of the Diocese, the walk continued. Over the past few years in Gander, our walk moved to Cobb's Pond a beautifulboardwalk of just under 4.5 kilometers . This makes walking much easier for those who wish to join,but feel unable to walk long distances on the highway. 

We meet,then walk with conversation and love stopping at regular intervals to pray. Following the walk we return to Synod Office for Lunch together.

More Information about the Gander Walk is Here:

Around the Diocese

Some people from around the Diocese join us in Gander for the walk. Others hold their own walk of Hope within their own communities and context. Every year,the walk reminds us of our Diocesan family ties, our committment to each other,and the Hope of Christ that lives within us.

As we "Bless the ties that Bind" our hearts, we also provide for outreach. This outward expression of helping is done through donations to the Bishop's Discretionary fund.

You are invited to join this event of love and hope.

Please contact your Local Clergy for more information about the walk in your area.

Sponsor Sheets are available here

To Make a Donation:

The Friends of the Bishop Fund is here