Please email or call with any questions - cemsw@comcast.net (916) 868-3980
QSP Course Registration Process:
Select a date and download a PDF Registration Form from the secure Google Drive link below.
Submit via email to: cemsw@comcast.net
You will receive a confirmation email from the instructor.
If you would prefer, you can also sign up right over the phone. (916)-868-3980 - Call anytime 7 days a week
We help students navigate the complex California storm water regulatory environment. We focus on putting the regulations into practice with real world examples. We serve individuals, contractors, consultants, developers, and municipalities. Below is a list of available classes with a focus on the California Construction General Permit (CGP) as well as an internationally recognized inspector certification. We have an open phone policy for all of our students, future and past. Please reach out anytime should you have any questions regarding storm water training or the CGP.
We offer public virtual classes on a monthly basis as well as private group trainings at your desired location and are available 7 days a week to fit your schedule/needs.
All classes are presented by our lead instructor Christopher Brown, who has nearly 23 years of experience in the storm water industry. He has presented over 200 storm water classes and workshops, and has prepared hundreds of storm water plans for residential, commercial, utility, and public works projects.
Christopher Brown, CASQA Approved Trainer of Record (TOR), CPESC, CESSWI, QSD/P, QISP
Below the list of available classes you will find a short summary on how to become a QSP. This is a 3-step process.
Feb. 22-23
March 29-30
April 26-27
May 17-18
June 28-29
July 26-27
Aug. 23-24
Sept. 27-28
Oct. 25-26
Nov. 22-23
Feb. 22
March 29
April 26
May 17
June 28
July 26
Aug. 23
Sept. 27
Oct. 25
Nov. 22
All course registration is on Envirocert's website:
CESSWI is available through an on-line application/course.
QSP Path
Becoming a QPS is a 3 part process: 1) QSP Course/Exam; 2) Reissuance Review/Quizzes; 3) Acquiring an underlying certification
2-Day State-Sponsored QSP Course - (California CGP)
Once you have completed the course, you will take an on-line/open-book exam at your home or office on CASQA's website.
The course covers the following modules/topics: Training Overview/Regulations, Erosion Processes and Sediment Control, SWPPP Implementation, Monitoring, and Reporting.
Reissuance Review
Covers the new 2022 CGP
This is an online web course with quizzes that all students must complete as part of the QSP program.
Certified Erosion, Sediment, and Storm Water Inspector (CESSWI) - ***Fulfills the QSP underlying certification requirement
This national program consists of an application process (gaining approval to sit for the exam), the review course, and ends with a proctored closed-book exam.
The course covers the following modules/topics: Rules/Regulations, Safety, Communication/Documentation, Inspector Duties, Plan Management, Best Management Practices, Mock Field Inspection
6-Hour Annual Refresher
The 2022 CGP now requires that QSDs and QSPs earn 6 hours of training annually.
Most underlying certifications require 6 to 10 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) or Continuing Education Credits (CECs) be earned on an annual basis.
Open to any student, this helps you meet your annual requirement, keeping your underlying certification in good standing (active).