Issue with Setup

Issues with Setup

You can click Reporting to Admin button below if this troubleshoot doesn't work

Do each step in order, try game after each steps


Issue 1 : Forge Installer won't install


1: Download java (you can find that above).

2: Right click forge installer. Click open with. Click java.


Issue 2 : Synchronized Registry Error [on connecting to server]


1: You cannot use mods which aren't on the approved list.

2: You must have the .mcdj music files.

3: Please reinstall .mcdj file. 


Issue 3 : Internal Exception Error [on connecting to server] X below the amount of players online


1: Make sure you have all the mods you need to join.

2: Read the mod list at the bottom and check it off to make sure you have every mod and correct version.

3: Please reinstall all mods.


Issue 4 : Disconnected Error [on connecting to server] X below the amount of players online


1: You cannot use mods which aren't on the approved list.

2: Please reinstall all mods.


Issue 4 : Unbearable Lag


1: Type into google chrome "how to add ram to minecraft". Follow the appropriate steps.

2: Please change your JVM arguments to use 6gb of ram (you can look up how to change minecraft jvm arguments online)

3: Sometimes there's memory leaks and you need to just turn your computer off and on

4: Get optional performance mods listed at bottom of page.

5: Reduce particles to minimal in your settings.

6: Reduce entity render distance. 

7: Play without shaders mod.


Issue 5 : Frozen Launcher and Crashed Launcher


1: Type into google chrome "how to add ram to minecraft". Follow the appropriate steps.

2: Please change your JVM arguments to use 6gb of ram (you can look up how to change minecraft jvm arguments online)

3: Sometimes there's memory leaks and you need to just turn your computer off and on

4: Try deleting config

5: Try reinstalling your mods.

6: Reinstall your game.


Issue 6 : Only See Sky, Lose Connection [Known as KingNero Fever]


1: Ask Admin to move you to a less laggy starting location.

2: If that doesn't work, ask Admin to reset your spawn in playerdata.


Issue 7 :$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out


1: Make sure that there are no hidden spaces when you copy and paste the ip.

2: Double check the ip you're using.


Issue 8 :$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused


1: Make sure that there are no hidden spaces when you copy and paste the ip.

2: Double check the ip you're using.

3: Server is offline. Ask Admin to turn the server on.