
The Overset or Chimera grid approach is a powerfully flexible technology that enables computational simulations of complex geometries and/or problems with relative motion. A system of overlapping component grids are used to discretize the solution domain. Individual component grids are fitted to portions of the geometry without requiring grid point or element face match with other grids, which greatly simplifies the grid generation process

Suggar++ is the premier and most flexible Overset or Chimera capability in the world.

Now available for licensing in the U.S and the world under an EAR-99 export license.

Suggar++ is unique in its wide range of capabilities to support most all flow solvers and grid topologies. [Read More...]

The Overset or Chimera grid approach utilizes a set of grids that encompass the computation domain and possibly overlap each other without requiring point-matched connectivity between individual grids. [Read More...]