Cedric Yu

Data Scientist

PhD in Physics

About me

I am a data scientist based in London, UK. I am a natural problem solver: I enjoy solving interesting problems on different topics. I turn abstract, complex real-world problems into concrete problem statements and solve them.

I am experienced in data science on a variety of datasets, as demonstrated by the 5 projects I have contributed to on the job so far, and the hobby projects I worked on. This includes time series forecasting, predictive maintenance, signal processing, text mining, topic modelling, as well as the classic machine learning problems. I have been involved in an Innovate UK project, investigating Trustworthy AI in federated learning. I have helped clients save manufacturing costs, evaluate ROI, and predict customer churns. This also involved customer-facing experience, where I gave effective, business-oriented presentations of data insights with visualisations.

I was part of the company's product team. I helped construct an ML-OPS, federated learning platform that mass-deploy data science pipelines on IoT devices. I have helped deliver company's core product's first version and feature updates under tight time and resource constraints, via the CI/CD process (Git). I helped prepare product demo videos for the marketing team.


cedric.yu [at] nyu.edu
