The app requires iOS 8.1 or later and is compatible with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Among the limitations of the app, one of the biggest is that it currently only supports setting a single alarm.

Time Is Money: Alarm Clock is similar to MoneyAlarm 2 however it contains a few additional features. Most notably it checks if the user is awake by having them sort a list of numbers. In addition, it keeps stats on delays and penalties. Users can also use any ringtone, music, sound, or mp3 file for the alarm sound.

Alarm Clock PRO 9.0.5 APK [Paid] [Full]


Snooze U Pay literally treats time as money. When the alarm is triggered, users can snooze up to five minutes at no charge. If the user chooses to sleep longer they can purchase bundles of minutes in the following amounts: 10 snooze minutes for $0.99, 30 snooze minutes for $2.99, and 120 snooze minutes for $11.99.

WAKEorDONATE, as the name implies, is an alarm that donates money to charity each time you push the snooze button. Users are able to customize the value of each snooze to be 50p ($0.62 USD) to 10 ($12.46 USD) and can be donated to a variety of charities. Users can choose to donate through the app or they can make donations manually.

First you need to stop using your normal alarm clock (this can be a dealbreaker for some already) and start using Sleep Cycle once you got it you also need to buy the premium (This is your only cost part)

This was brought under attention of SalkinDK, who mentioned another solution. iOS has an app called Shortcuts. You can download that for free from the appstore and if you have the Home Asistant app it will work to trigger alarms from your alarm clock.

Not that i am aware off, you can only trigger actions. For ios (which i use) its closed. I asked a few developers if it was possible to get the alarm clock times into HA but your not allowed to get that information as a developer for an app.

Though designs for alarm clocks date back to the ancient Greeks, they were still not particularly widespread well after the Industrial Revolution. In Britain and Ireland, a large number of enterprising early birds made a living waking people for work.

A knocker-up would be paid a few pence a week to make the rounds and rouse workers, banging on their doors with a short stick or rapping on upper windows with a long pole. The knocker-up would not move on until he received confirmation that his drowsy client was up and moving.

I believe this is unacceptable. It's like having users of alarm clock to pay for the clock feature. I understand that there should be some perks of paid subscription, but switching off actual speed in a ride tracking app - who does that?

Ugh. Google brought me here. I thought the problem was settings on my new phone but it turns out the change to average speed was because my free trial of premium lapsed. I understand the freemium business model and the need for people to get paid. By all means make all kinds of cool special features and offer them at a price. I didn't find them that special so I didn't pay to keep Premium. The ability to display actual speed on a GPS-based app is not a special feature. There are heaps of free apps that do it. Any of which can be run with Strava going in the background, or just switch to another fitness app.

his is totally unacceptable. The idea of paid features is understood, but live speed is too basic to charge money for. I ended my 1 year subscription a short while ago and was surprised to see you have included live speed as a paid feature. From my point of view, this is an unethical step and a non-legitimate pressure of a community app to prevent such basic info from non-subscribers. It is not even wise. If a person does not recognise the wealth of the paid features as a good enough reason to pay, do you think this "punishment" will make him or her pay? Most probably it will cause one to consider using another app.

I have some examples of both a 4 digit and 6 digit clock which can be set by an IR remote control. These are seven segment, but the principle would be the same for a dot matrix clock. The IR remote part is an NEC type device (these are available of about $1 each from China). The IR receiver is a TSOP type device. I have not published the code before so it is a bit "rough" but you may see bits in it which could help.

I would understand if the music I was trying to use was ripped from a cd or other outside source, but it isn't. And neither is my ringtone. I've paid Apple to use those sounds - twice in fact for each tone - and after 8 months this issue can't be resolved? It makes me miss my droids!

I have the exact same issue. Music downloaded on my device plays but other music in my library will not. It used to work fine as long as I had a wifi connection (my music library is all on my phone via icloud). The song plays when I set up the alarm but not when it goes off. I don't see a solution except to ensure the songs I want to use for alarms are actually downloaded onto my phone.

this is happening with both of our iPhone 7 alarms. We're getting radar no matter what we choose. I usually just use a different ring tone, and my husband uses music. I've installed the update, and still get radar. Sorry i don't have a fix.

Hi, I just found a way to play your music for an alarm, I when to my music hit on my songs, all my songs that had the cloud icon were not in my phone so I could not uses them as alarms, all I had to do was hit the cloud icon and it downloaded into my phone,how I can use that song for an alarm ??, try it c if it works for u, take care

Same exact issue on my iPhone X and nothing seems to fix it. I can't figure out how to delete and re-download my purchased tones. I can at least get rid of that awful radar tone by switching to built in ringtones for an alarm, but none that I've paid for.

A knocker-up or knocker-upper was a member of a profession[1] in the Netherlands, Britain, Ireland, and some other countries that started during, and lasted well into, the Industrial Revolution, when alarm clocks were neither cheap nor reliable. A knocker-up's job was to rouse sleeping people so they could get to work on time.[2][3] By the 1940s and 1950s, this profession had more or less entirely died out, although it still continued in some pockets of industrial England until the early 1970s.[4]

The knocker-up used a baton or short, heavy stick to knock on the clients' doors or a long and light stick,[5] often made of bamboo, to reach windows on higher floors. One famous photograph shot in 1931 by John Topham shows a knocker-up in East London using a pea-shooter.[6] In return for the task, the knocker-up would be paid a few pence a week. Some knocker-ups would not leave a client's window until they were sure that the client had been awakened, while others simply tapped several times and then moved on.[7]

You'll never guess so I'll tell you. She is woken every morning by a piper who plays for 15 minutes. The piper is a Pipe Major paid by the British army and seconded to the Royal Household. A Pipe Major isn't technically a major but a sergeant so looking at the pay scale for 2017/18 last year the Pipe Major cost 33490 to 47895 depending on where he is on the scale.

The army employs musicians to provide music for ceremonial occasions including showing respect for fallen soldiers. That is the task for which they are trained. My Dil is a professional musician, with a music degree, who joined the army in order to perform this role. By performing this role, she releases a "professional soldier" for other duties. 

It might seem like a stupid job and ridiculously archaic, however, in the event of a terrorist attack or act of war, communication systems can fail. Mobile phone networks are jammed and power outages occur, so potentially, the traditional role of an army musician to play "calls" to communicate may still have a role to play. 

Pipe or Bugle Master positions are used to train future band leaders and soloists and also to teach "calls" to soldiers. It's a two way teaching/mentoring system. It's a job my DiL would love to be promoted to.

An Army musician needs to practise handling ceremonial attire and slippery soled boots whilst marching into gusts of wind, sleet and hail, keeping in tune and remaining to tempo. The sound of a practising musician isn't always a listening treat! Playing reveille is difficult to practise "properly". It isn't the same thing at all to play at 11 0'clock, or indoors - learning to wrestle with a cold instrument at dawn in all weathers requires practise. Even on a military base there are sleeping babies and other personnel whose work/rest shouldn't be disturbed so there only a few military bases where soloists can get in the essential practise they need.

When my Dil isn't practising her music drills she works as an administrator within the army base. She's also received basic military training, so in the event of a terror attack on a public gathering at which she is playing, she will be able to take on a first responder role. 

Based on a salary of 37k with 6 weeks leave and a 40 hour week, the cost of a 15 minute reveille call is 5 or 35 per week This seems IMHO excellent value for a back up alarm system on key sites. To train a musician as a soldier and first responder and employ them as part-time administrators to save them twiddling their thumbs waiting for an emergency or a state funeral also seems a good use of public money.

Hi! Once again, it's been a while. I was traveling for most of January, then I had a contract gig that ate up February, then I got sick and then I was just unfocused for a while and here we are. But I got a tiny comic done! Plus I bought a teeny tiny alarm clock! And it's spring now, so it feels like we all get a do-over.

Here the alarm clock going off in the middle of the night, set by a previous guest, is actually within the control of the property so the hotel should own the mistake and improve its procedures so that checking the alarm clock is part of the checklist for turning over a room. 589ccfa754

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