Cécile Guieu

Oceanographer -

Marine Biogeochemist

contact me: cecile.guieu //at// imev-mer.fr

I am Senior Scientist at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and work at Laboratoire d’Oceanographie in Villefranche sur Mer (LOV), France, affiliated with Sorbonne University.

Research Interests:

  • Iron and nutrients cycles

  • Atmospheric and hydrothermal sources: impact on biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems

  • Processes studies in a context of climate change

  • Experimental developments: ‘trace metal clean’ large mesocosms, 'climate reactors'(minicoms)


Shallow hydroThermal sOurces of trace elemeNts: potential impacts on biological productivity and the bioloGicAl carbon pump

ProcEss studies at the Air-sEa Interface after dust deposition in the Mediterranean sea

In the frame of the project Adopt a Float, I communicate with young students about oceans, about my job and about issues related to climate change.