Cultural Enrichment Coalition


The Cultural Enrichment Coalition (CEC) 健華社, a California non-profit charitable organization, was chartered in 2009 and granted the IRS exemption status of 501(c)(3)[1].

健華社 The Cultural Enrichment Coalition (CEC) 是一个公共的非营利机构,致力于公共慈善事业。 它成立于 2009 年,获得美国国税局依501(c)(3) [1]联邦税法 授予所得税豁免地位。

CEC History 健華社簡史

1989 was a tumultuous year in China. A task force was convened in the San Fernando Valley Chinese Cultural Association 聖峪中華文化協會(SFVCCA 聖峪華協), a non-profit, charitable organization in California, to seek ways of taking actions to help expedite China’s process of opening itself to the world.

1989是中國動蕩的一年,美國加州非營利慈善組織聖峪中華文化協會(San Fernando Valley Chinese Cultural Association 簡稱華協)成立專案小組,探討協助中國加速對世界開放。


  • The opening of China was important to the world peace.

  • The process of opening could be expedited by raising the average education level of China’s mass.

  • The bulk of the Chinese population resided in rural area throughout the entire country.

  • The mutual understanding between the peoples of America and China had always been crucial to China’s peaceful opening.


  • 中國對外開放有助世界和平

  • 提高一般中國人民教育文化水平,可加速中國開放

  • 中國鄉鎮人口多於城市人口,而鄉鎮文化水平一般低落

  • 中美兩國人民的互相了解,對中國對外開放極爲重要

Resolved in October, 1989:

  1. A Cultural Exchange Committee (CEC)健華社 be established immediately within SFVCCA to promote these goals and missions.

  2. In rural China, a system of privately funded public libraries be established in suitable areas badly in need of educational improvement.

  3. In the U.S., cultural activities including, but not limited to, lecture series, panel discussions, forums, book discussions, film presentations, etc., be regularly conducted for these goals and missions.

  4. CEC be run by volunteers exclusively.

  5. Fundraising through charitable donations be pursued.


  1. 華協成立健華社(Cultural Exchange Committee, CEC),以上述考慮各點為工作目標與使命

  2. 在中國,選擇適當鄉鎮,設立美國模式公共圖書館,以助提升當地教育文化水平

  3. 在美國,經常舉辦各類文化活動,包擴“演講,座談,研討會,書評,影展,等等”,促進文化交流

  4. 健華社全由志工擔任各種職務

  5. 經費全來自慈善捐款

Since then, CEC’s progress has been successful. By now, 179 Jianhua Libraries 健華圖書館 were established across rural China. Concurrently in the U.S., cultural activities outlined in the Resolutions have been carried out on a regular basis. At the same time, CEC has been widely publicizing its activities through its periodic issues of electronic bulletins.

健華社成立以來,業務推展迅速。至今,已成立179所健華圖書館,遍佈中國鄉鎮。同時在美國,各類既定文化交流活動, 都已積極展開。健華社每月出版數通電子通訊,向公衆報告服務項目。

In 2009, due to its robust progress and specific growing needs, the Cultural Exchange Committee of SFVCCA chartered anew as an independent non-profit charitable organization, entitled Cultural Enrichment Coalition. CEC now stands as a sister organization of SFVCCA. The primary missions and goals remain unchanged.

由於發展迅速,業務日多,健華社于2009年,英文名更為 Cultural Enrichment Coalition,中文名稱不變,使命與目標不變,自組美國加州非營利慈善組織,成為聖峪中華文化協會姊妹社團 。

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