Be the Player No One Forgets

Hello Volleyball Enthusiasts,

It's Dr. Darren Cannell from the Canadian Elite Academy, back with a new piece of inspiration. Today, let's talk about striving to be that player - the one no one forgets.

In volleyball, every player has a unique role, a unique skill set, and a unique contribution to make to the team. Striving to be unforgettable is about maximizing those unique attributes and making your mark both on and off the court.

So how do you become the player no one forgets?

Tip 1: Master Your Skills

Whether you're a hitter, a setter, a libero, or a blocker, strive to be the best at your position. Invest time and effort in honing your skills until they're second nature. When you consistently deliver standout performances, people remember.

Tip 2: Show Sportsmanship

Respect your teammates, opponents, coaches, and referees. Be gracious in victory and defeat. Displaying good sportsmanship is a memorable trait that people appreciate and respect.

Tip 3: Be a Team Player

Remember, volleyball is a team sport. Strive to lift your teammates up, encourage them, and work with them to make your team the best it can be. Being a great team player is an unforgettable attribute.

Tip 4: Display Tenacity

Show up, work hard, and never give up. Be the player who dives for every ball, fights for every point, and always gives 100%. The level of your determination will not be forgotten.

Tip 5: Show Leadership

Leadership isn't about being the captain or the best player on the team; it's about setting a positive example, taking responsibility, and inspiring others. If you can be a leader, you'll certainly be unforgettable.

Tip 6: Keep Improving

Never stop learning, growing, and improving. Be the player who's always looking for ways to get better, to contribute more to the team, and to raise the bar.

Remember, being the player no one forgets isn't necessarily about being the most talented or the most celebrated. It's about being a player who's respected, admired, and remembered for their skills, sportsmanship, team spirit, tenacity, leadership, and continual improvement.

Strive for excellence, be memorable, and enjoy every moment on the court.

Cheers, Dr. Darren Cannell Head Coach, Canadian Elite Academy