Removing the program from my pc's last month was the issue or bug I had with MBAM Premium

I did google: "Does the current version Ccleaner have malware in the program?" and, it appears

that it had its main servers hit a year ago... 


CCleaner has had many problems in the past few months, mainly of their own making, a clash with Malwarebytes is not one of them.

(The latest CCleaner v5.46 has not had any major issues reported, and so far less minor issues than any version for a year).

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The CCleaner installer hack last year was an odd one, thousands of users worldwide got the infected installer but it was a 3 stage attack targeted at 20 or so big tech firms, and only around four PC's got infected with the final payload. It seems to have been an attempt to steal industrial secrets.

It was still a big embarassment to Piriform that the thing got into their installer in the first place, even if ultimately it caused no damage for users.

The previous version, 5.45, had a lot of issues (particularly with unwanted monitoring and privacy) and was withdrawn from release.

The release announcement for 5.45 was still on the website and wasn't removed until about the 26th, (but I'm not sure of that date).

I'm wondering if MB somehow flagged that one because of the withdrawal?

It is not with the new version in itself, but some users are reporting that older versions are being automatically updated to the latest version without giving the user any choice in the matter.

These users all say that they had automatic updating turned off.

Thanks for the update! this is the 1st I've heard of the automatic update issue? When I start CCleaner, I always get a small box inside CC. That says theres a new version, with an OK or Cancel. Even if I have this box checked? it warns me 1st. but, if an 'emergency' updater' they might send it out like you said? We can always find a way to contact them: business is business, so will we get an answer? CCleaner 1-800-816-9004 - I don't know... Yesterday I just bought a year of CC Pro. I'll see if I find that email they sent me...

@nukecad I had some shaky issues with software years ago here. beta testing ect... or a change of an AV program -- I sent an email off to Ccleaner support a few days ago. I said: "Do I need these exclusions in: Options/Exclude tab?"  see pic.

Thank you for your email. These would be recommend as they would keep CCleaner from affecting the files associated with your antivirus software (Windows Defender and Webroot) and antimalware software (Malwarebytes and SUPERAntiSpyware).

Product Docs: 

Help Center: First time I put exclusions in Ccleaner this month, & I've used that program since appx: 2007 without exclusions.... My pc runs nice & quiet now.... So you be the judge & will take it 1 day at a time..... cheers !!!

TBH I'm not realy using CCleaner at the moment, I'm writing my own cookie/junk cleaner for my own personal use.

(It's going well and is much faster than CC, but of course it's specifically for my machine).

As for Windows logfiles and temporary files I'm using Storage Sense on a daily schedule, it's Windows stuff let Windows clear it.

It looks like Storage Sense is only going to get better with the next Windows 10 upgrade due this/next month.

I was going to say much more, but I'll refrain since this isn't the place. I will just say that I am glad to be a user of the portable build (which they still make available here although I can find no way of reaching it publicly through the other pages on their site although it used to be accessible via a "builds" link that was once at the bottom of the download page for the standard installer along with the "slim" (no toolbar) version) as I've noticed it includes no additional executables (though I had an older version, prior to 5.45, but 5.46 doesn't have it either, at least for the portable build), and while it does attempt to access the web, I have blocked it with my firewall so that it can't communicate with their servers (assuming they weren't already blocked via any of my privacy tools).

That page has-

The Standard installer, with a pre-ticked Avast 'offer' which will install Avast AV if you don't untick it.

The Slim installer, which does not contain the Avast 'offer' but is usually released a week or two after the Standard installer.

The Portable version, no installer at all it's just a zip file with the main programme components.

PS. Click on that 'Data Factsheet' link if you want a laugh about how to seem to give detailed information about what you are collecting, without actually giving such detailed information only generalities.

They've gotta get something profitable out of their free products, right? Of course they don't want to understand, plus they're late to the party for Big Data since they waited until after GDPR went into effect, so now it's too late and they're playing catch-up with all the other vendors (not to mention the big guys like Microsoft and Google, who know more about us than we know about ourselves).

I knew the builds page was still there, but I couldn't find any way to access it through their site without explicitly entering the URL into the address bar of my browser. It used to be linked near the bottom of the download page for the standard version, but not any more. Piriform started concealing it a while back, before the Avast buyout, then brought it back for a while, then got acquired by Avast and Avast removed it once more (not surprising considering everything).

I realize companies have to make money and I don't begrudge them that, however I do believe they're really pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable and ethical, or at the very least honorable to their users/customers. Regardless of where their actions stand legally, I'm not a fan of these tactics at all and I think Piriform could have made different choices a long time ago to make themselves profitable without relying on such shady tactics. They have a lot of good tools and technologies and I'm certain some modification and/or combination of those could have been transformed into at least one paid/freemium product people would be willing to buy for a reasonable price without all the bundleware and data harvesting. The data recovery field alone has seen a huge re-emergence with the rise of ransomware and other destructive PC threats (not to mention all those old HDDs that many people still own which fail all the time that they haven't replaced with SSDs yet) and I know that if all these PUP vendors with their "system optimizers" and "registry cleaners" can turn a profit with their halfhearted efforts (yes, people actually pay for that stuff, even when it isn't telling them that they have tons of "critical issues" that need fixing) that Piriform could have done something with all of their tools to make something worth selling, especially since they already had a widespread reputation as a company people actually trusted who were known for making "legit"/"good" versions of the kinds of tools often found to be PUPs (i.e. non-scareware that actually works and doesn't try to frighten users into paying for it and doesn't install tons of unwanted toolbars and other bundleware junk on their systems), but that ship has sailed now and they're a lot closer to those PUP vendors than they ever were before, and it's just sad in my opinion.

Say what you will about Malwarebytes and the changes they've made to their products, licensing model etc., but to this day they still offer an effective, completely free malware removal tool with unlimited use to everyone, and in fact now provide more free functionality than ever with the addition of the default scheduled scan just because they know many people will forget to scan every once in a while to check for new threats on their systems and they want to do what they can to help those free users (and obviously remind them that they are still there with an effective product that the users might consider purchasing some day to unlock the additional Premium features, but they're not obnoxious about it at all). Their integrity is still intact. I'm not so sure about Piriform, and it's a real pity.

It was never on public facing link (if not a private internal build), MajorGeeks has done this before. The link was probably taken down at the request of ccleaner staff, after moderation asked staff about the build to clarify your query.

That we publish our builds in a known location with a known naming convention makes it easy for someone to keep hitting ccsetup[currentversion+1].exe until it no longer returns a 404 error - but that's not such a great idea since that method misses patch releases (like 6.11.10455) and can inadvertently pick up release candidates that are subsequently withdrawn before release, or that are stray files never actually intended for release. (Better instead to put a monitor on the announcements section of this forum site, or on =release-announcement.)

Unfortunately, MajorGeeks and other such sites who pride themselves on being the first with the news are now going to be a month behind, since they seem convinced they already have 6.12 so are unlikely to be distributing anything new until 6.13 some time in June :-P

For some days now, ive been trying to work out why Windows Search on my Win11 laptop wouldn't start with "Error 15, could not find destination." At first I believed it to be core isolation which was causing the problem, as disabling it seemed to allow the search service to start correctly on boot. However, I had to choose between one or the other. I started uninstalliing programs one by one in order to locate the issue. Low and behold as soon as i uninstalled CCleaner the problem vanished and i could use both core isolation (a security feature) and windows search. I also did not have smart cleaning enabled, or allow CCleaner to start with Windows.... ff782bc1db

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