Went directly to the download page on the website using Firefox 99.0.1. Selected the free version and clicked to download, but I get this error:

An error occurred during a connection to bits.avcdn.net. SSL_ERROR_RX_UNEXPECTED_RECORD_TYPE

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Ccleaner Download Download

Download Zip 🔥 https://tlniurl.com/2y2Gbp 🔥

PS. Like Hazelnut I have no idea just what "PKiDDiTB.exe" is, I'd stick with something well know while trying things out.

As you say CCleaner was being blocked then stick with trying to download that while testing.

No idea what PKiDDiTB.exe is either. That's what the error message said when I tried to download CCleaner from the link provided here. Not trying to test by downloading anything other than CCleaner. Googling for that file name doesn't find a single thing, which is why I posted the screen shot, so you'd see exactly what I saw.

Just tried to download the slim build again in FF from the link posted above, and got another error message, similar to the one I posted above, but with a different file name that couldn't be saved (see below). Are these file names being randomly generated by the server?

So the immediate issue is resolved, but it doesn't explain what causes the failures from the link to check for updates inside CCleaner or when trying to download it manually without using a private FF window.

I wouldn't worry too much about those strangely named files.

It's just something that Firefox does when downloading files, it puts some random letters there and the '.part' until the download is complete.

You are seeing them because the download was halted while incomplete.

Just changed that to use system proxy setting and was able to download both the latest official and slim builds instantaneously. One caveat is I powered the PC system off when I left my desk for a couple of hours after the failures this A.M., and rebooted again this P.M. and now it worked. I'll leave FF set to use system proxy and monitor things.

Haven't tried to download any .exe files from other sites in recent weeks so don't know if there's something FF on my PC doesn't like about the CCleaner site. I could reset FF or uninstall/reinstall it if the problem recurs.

It's safest to treat the Downloads folder as a temporary location and not store things in there that you want to keep.

I basically treat the Downloads folder much as I treat the Recycle bin, something temporary and not safe for long term storage.

(eg. I have a "Saved Installers" folder that I move downloaded installers and other .exe's to if I want to keep them for a while).

The first is from the CCleaner download page - when, in some browsers notably Firefox, you see an arrow 'tag' bouncing up and down in the top right corner saying 'Click here to install'.

If you try to click on that arrow itself you could hit the advertising banner underneath it and get taken to the download page for the Browser.

If you weren't paying attention you could think you were still downloading CCleaner and so click the download button there.

One thing that I will note is that if you installed CCleaner a year ago and hadn't been updating it then it WILL have force updated itself.

This has been going on gradually for a couple of months to make sure that everyone who can be is up to date (Win XP/Vista have to stay on old versions): -us/articles/360052107891-Why-have-I-been-updated-to-CCleaner-v5-74-#why-have-i-been-updated-to-a-newer-version-of-ccleaner--0-0

@nukecad's strange-looking swirly loading screen where the offer graphic doesn't appear, but only the Accept/Decline buttons, is an exceptionally rare bug, but one that QA has finally been able to reproduce after torturing some test machines. It has been confirmed that due to the different rendering methods involved, this does not impact the offers presented after an automatic update, but only for new installs and manual updates where a fresh installer is downloaded. Even though the offers display properly for 99.9% of users, that's still thousands of users every week on whom we are not making the best first impression (since in the absence of other information, malice will always be assumed) and we are looking at getting this 100% bulletproofed in an upcoming release.

By way of correction, note that the bouncing arrow on the CCleaner download page is actually pointing to the CCleaner installer that you just downloaded so that you can open it from your browser downloads status bar. In some browsers this will be pointing to bottom left of your window:

This may lead to some confusion for Firefox users as to what exactly they are being prompted to click on, but note that inadvertently clicking on that CCleaner Browser banner will not actually download anything. If you hover over it, you will see that it actually points to the CCleaner Browser product information page

I was going from the following which I have observed in the past (I've now tested it some more):

In Firefox if you are late in clicking on the arrow tag, or click where it has just bounced from, then you actually click the Browser banner and get taken to the page to download the browser.

(You don't actually have to click the blue 'Download Free' button in that banner, it's a graphic and not an actual button and clicking anywhere on the banner will take you to the browser dowload page - maybe that could be changed to an actual button).

The unobservant may then think they are still downloading CCleaner and so click the green 'Free Download' button for the browser as well.

Admittedly though that still shouldn't install the browser, just download the installer.

@Dave CCleaner No I have uninstalled it same with ccleaner. I did make a memory dump of ccleaner with WinDbg and exported the assembly code and gonna check over the weekend if it sided loaded anything.

Sorry but it's very strange to me how an application would be dormant for over a year and suddenly pops to live. I keep my pc very clean and only have a handful of stuff installed for work. Check my installed applications on a weekly basis to track what is installed and what can be removed. For example SDK's I no longer need. Besides that I only have Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code and Chrome installed on this machine. Literally only a development machine.

Problem with adding in user downloads is for some people it isn't junk files residing in there, they actually store all their downloads in there for archival purposes. I think it would be especially bad for downloaded and archived purchased software especially for software that's no longer being developed, i.e.; last version. And some people will enable a feature not knowing the catastrophic end results.

So I got the premium version of CCleaner (a friend shared his account) and when I start to scan for cookies, I got the installation of uTorrent lol and its surprising because I dont use torrents and dont have any torrent clients installed. Why would it auto download uTorrent?

In a supply chain attack that may be unprecedented in the number of downloads, servers hosting CCleaner, a popular tool for cleaning up the PC, has been delivering a version of the said software with malware.

CCleaner users that are running older versions or that do not trust the one they are using now are encouraged to update their CCleaner software to version 5.34 or higher. The latest version is available for download here.

I don't think this is Firefox, I have IE and it still won't work. I go onto my Homepage and type in "Ccleaner/Piriform" A list of them come up. I pick the 'official' page for them, but when I try to download it, or whatever you call it (clicking on it?) All I get is a blank page with the 'little wheel' spinning, but it never downoads. Tried several others and ended up getting a hacker "Trivio" (Big mess) cleared that, but can't get Ccleaner at all. When I click the "Home" it flashes on for a second then disappears and Home comes up.I need something to clear my History. Thank you.

Thank you for your research. And yes, I'm aware of clearing my history. But I also like to use Ccleaner by Piriform. My problem was being able to get their web page. I tried it also on my Tablet, and got a warning that the site was not safe. So I did go to another website phillo.....? and was able to download it. Thank you again. ferngully2

CCleaner is a free, closed-source programme that can be downloaded to various devices and has been developed by the private software company Piriform Ltd, based in London, UK. Its launch date was September 23, 2003. Over the years it has undergone several updates and versions on the three platforms on which it is available: Windows, MacOS and Android.

By downloading CCleaner, the software allows the cleaning up of different files, as well as optimisation of the operating system. In addition, it is capable of uninstalling multiple programmes from the interface and disabling certain applications from being executed at system startup.

The benefits that the device in question derives from downloading CCleaner are improved boot speed, reduced system load and release of wasted disk space. Also, access becomes much faster.

In addition, when running different programs, temporary files and other settings are saved. By downloading CCleaner, all these useless files can be removed, as well as browsing history. As a result, space is freed up on the hard disk, allowing the system to run faster. By focusing only on folders with relatively unimportant files, there is less risk of losing valuable files. ff782bc1db

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