As part of its commitment to nurturing future-ready learners, the Ministry of Education announced that all students in Singapore schools will be supported in their learning by the Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS), an online learning platform that contains curriculum-aligned resources and learning tools.

With the SLS, students will be able to learn better through the use of technology. Students will be able to learn anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace, whether independently or with their peers. Teachers will also be able to use the SLS to complement their classroom teaching, further enriching students’ learning experience. We believe such a learning experience is essential to help your child to become an active and confident user of technology.

The Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS) is accessible through the internet browsers on either Windows PC, Mac, iPad or Android tablets (with screen size larger than 7 inches for good user experience). However, the system is currently not optimised for use on these devices.

Student Learning Space

Watch the video to find out more on what SLS can do for students and for their lessons!

How does the SLS enable Self-Directed Learning?

Watch on to find out!

Student's Username & Password

Your login ID has been given to you. It is actually made up of your name and ID number. For eg. if your name is Sam Tan and ID is T1234567D, then your login will be SAMTA4567D. It is first five letters of your name and last five characters of your ID.

For login, use the following default password: (Class + cckps2019)

E.g, if your child is from 4IN2, the default password is 42cckps2019 or 42Cckps2019.

Do ask your child to see if they changed their password. They have been instructed to write it down into their Pupil’s Companion.

Click the button below to go the SLS Homepage