Keeping to the structure of Sunday School, this lesson includes praise and worship, a lesson video, a teacher's sharing, and activity instructions and resources. Please pray with your child/ren before you start and follow the progression of the lesson by watching and engaging with the resources sequentially.


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9


Due to copyright and privacy reasons, we cannot embed the video into this site. Please click on the buttons and it will direct you to YouTube.


Age 3 - 7

AGE 8 -13

Teacher Sharing


Age 3 - 7:

  • Activity: Colour in 'God has a plan for me'

    • Print out

    • Colour in/ draw

    • Stick in your fridge/bathroom mirror/somewhere that you visit often to remind you and your family that God has a plan for us no matter what we go through.

'God has a plan for me' colouring

Age 8 - 13:

  • Activity: 'God's plan Jigsaw'

    • Using the Jigsaw puzzle template, create a jigsaw puzzle by writing 'God's plan never fails' across the whole puzzle

    • Cut it out and have someone in your family complete your puzzle!

    • Praise God that He has a plan for you and we can trust in that truth!

Jigsaw puzzle templates

Jigsaw Puzzle Piece LARGE.pdf
Jigsaw Puzzle Piece SMALL.pdf


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9


Prayer points are all from Sunday School kids through 'Prayer Points' google form.

  • Pray for people who lost their jobs will have money and be able to feed their family

  • Pray for school return for Year 3-9 next week

  • Pray that God hears our prayers

  • Pray that we can help others

  • Pray from people to remain happy and positive

If you have any other prayer points, please fill in this Google form and we will keep you in our prayers.


All of the teachers really miss all of the children of our CCCC Sunday School. If you completed any of the work from today's lesson, we would love to see it! Take a photo of it and upload it into our Google drive. (Must be logged into gmail account to upload).