Join us every second Thursday of the month at 1 PM UK time via ZOOM

CCAIS Seminars 

Seminar Series on 

Citizen-Centric AI Systems

Welcome to the CCAIS Seminars, an exciting online event where we come together to meet and discuss ideas related to citizen-centric AI. In today's rapidly evolving world, citizen-centric AI plays a crucial role in addressing societal challenges and shaping the future. These seminars provide a platform for experts, researchers, and enthusiasts to delve into topics such as privacy, ethics, transparency, and the practical implementation of citizen-centric AI solutions. Join us as we explore innovative approaches, share insights, and foster meaningful discussions to empower citizens and create AI systems that prioritise their needs and values.

Please register  to receive a calendar invite for all our upcoming talks.

Want to give a talk at the Citizen-Centric AI Systems Seminar? Please submit a talk proposal here.