Coopertown BEEAutification Crew

~ Planting Pollination Stations in Our Neighborhood~ 

Join the Coopertown BEEautification Crew

The Coopertown BEEautification Crew is a volunteer team of grownups and kids committed to supporting pollinators in our neighborhood.


What are pollinators, and what difference do they make?  

Pollinators include bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, hoverflies, and all critters who move from flower to flower and help with crosspollination. Pennsylvania has 437 bee species, and 146 species of butterfly have been reported here. Pollinators are critical to human survival: they support reproduction in 90% of the world’s flowering plants. More than 150 food crops depend on pollinators, including almost all fruit and grain crops. Pollinators support our gardens, and they keep meadows and forests healthy. Plants clean the air and prevent soil erosion, keeping waterways clean. It’s all connected.

You can help the bees and butterflies

You may have heard that the monarch butterfly is endangered. Many other bees and creatures are also struggling. One major problem is lack of habitat and food sources. American suburbs often look lush but are a “green desert” for pollinators: green lawn, ornamental shrubs, and mulch, but little to eat, no place to raise young, and dangerous pesticides everywhere. We can change that together! Imagine Coopertown as a pollinator haven, a butterfly highway, where every street offers food and habitat. That’s the vision of the Coopertown BEEautification Crew: to help Coopertown become a pollinator neighborhood. You can help.


How can you get involved?

Connect with us on Facebook! Click here to request to join our Facebook group.

See pollination stations at the following:

Resources for Selecting/Identifying Native Plants 

Curated by the Coopertown BEEautification Crew

Local Native Plant Suppliers

Mail-order Native Pollinator Seed Suppliers

Steps to Making a Pollination Station


Outlined plot

Grass removed, amended soil

Newly planted babies!

1.5 months later...

Location:  The Coopertown neighborhood in Haverford/Bryn Mawr, PA