Need an angel investor for your project?

The JPIIHS Cardinal Booster Club is accepting grant applications to fund one or more internal projects.  Apply by March 8 to take advantage of this special opportunity.

The Cardinal Booster Club is accepting applications for one or more internal funding grants.  One or more of these grants will be awarded to applying JPIIHS organizations up to the budgeted amount of $9000.  Funds will be available as early as April, but no later than the start of the new fiscal year on July 1, 2024.  These grants will be awarded based on selection criteria that supports the Cardinal Booster Club mission at John Paul II High School.

The John Paul II High School Cardinal Booster Club (CBC) is a non-profit organization that exists to promote a more complete appreciation of student participation in cocurricular JPIIHS activities.   

Selection Criteria

In addition to how well a project supports CBC goals, projects will be evaluated against a number of other special considerations:

The project should benefit a significant portion of the JPII student and faculty population.

The project should result in a "durable" outcome

Durable Examples

Nondurable examples

The project should be completed by the end of the 2024-2025 school year

Timeline and important Dates

Application Deadline - Friday, March 8, 2024

Initial Committee Evaluations - March 11 - 22, 2024

Final decisions and award notifications - by April 1, 2024

Frequently asked questions