Christina Cauley

Graduate student studying volcanic geochemistry

Graduate student at the University of Oregon

Originally from Hilo, Hawaii, Christina Cauley graduate with degrees in Geology and Anthropology from the University of Hawaii at Hilo in 2015. During her master’s at Wesleyan University, she worked with Dr. Joop Varekamp to tease out the history of hydrothermal activity in Paulina Lake from the lake sediments. At the University of Oregon, she will be working with Dr. Paul Wallace to better understand volcanoes' eruptive patterns through the gas composition in glass inclusions (more details to come!). After a few years traveling around the US, she is excited to be head back West to enjoy some of the best hiking out there with her pup, Lena.

Research Interests

Evolution of melts in Kilauea's East Rift Zone

Melt inclusion research into composition of melts leading to the 1700's Keanakakoi deposits.

Paulina Lake at Newberry Volcano

The continuation of a nearly 10 year project looking into the geochemetry of the two volcanic lakes at Newberry Volcano.

GIS and Remote Sensing

Prior projects in remote sensing and GIS.

Other Projects

Geosourcing and lithic analysis - projects in archaeology.


Please feel free to contact to get more information on the status of any project