Computer Vision Machine Learning Lab

Jin Hong



- End-to-End Metric Learning From Corrupted Images Using Triplet Dimensionality Reduction Loss

Juhyeon Park, Jin Hong,  and Junseok Kwon, Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA),  vol 238, Part C, 2024 [pdf] [code]

ACK: 2021-0-01341, Artificial Intelligence Graduate School Program, NRF-2020R1C1C1004907

Optimal Visual Tracking Using Wasserstein Transport Proposals

Jin Hong, and Junseok Kwon, Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), vol. 209, page 118251, 2022  [pdf]   

ACK: NRF-2020R1C1C1004907, CAU GRS

- Visual Tracking of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Based on Object Proposal Voting

Jin Hong, and Junseok Kwon, Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 3, Jan 2021 [pdf]

ACK: CAU GRS, NRF-2020R1C1C1004907 
