
First author

  1. Hui-Yu Tsa, Chen, H.-Y., Lee, M.-W., Wang, Z., Tseng, S.-P., Hong, J.-H.*, & Jan, M.-L*. (2019). Experimental evaluation of depth-encoding absorber designs for prompt-gamma Compton imaging in proton therapy. Radiation Measurements, 127, 106145. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2019.106145. (2019.08)
  2. Hui-Yu Tsai*, Sung, C.-H., Chen, H.-H., Lin, M.-W., Huang, H.-C., & Chang, S.-L. (2019). Clinical application of ionization density dependence of the glow curve for measuring linear energy transfer in therapeutic proton beams. Radiation Measurements, 127, 106146. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2019.106146 (2019.08)
  3. Hui-Yu Tsai*, Yung-Chieh Lin, Yeu-Sheng Tyan, "Patient-specific Organ Dose Estimation during Transcatheter Arterial Embolization using Monte Carlo Method and Adaptive Organ Segmentation" Radiation Physicsand Chemistry104 (2014)376–380 (SCI) link
  4. Tsai Hui-Yu*, Lo Chun-Che, Yeh Shann-Horng, Lee Ming-Yung, Chen Tou-Rong, "Ambient and Personal Effective Dose Assessment at the International Arrival Hall of Taichung Airport" Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, Published online: 23 Jan 2014 (SCI) link
  5. H. Y. Tsai, P. L. Lai, Y. Y. Li, Y. S. Tyan, “Establishing an individual dosing system for patients undergoing interventional transcatheter arterial embolization: Radiochromic film and Monte Carlo, ” Radiation Measurements 46 (12), 2107-2110 (2011). (SCI) link
  6. H.Y. Tsai, N. S. Chong, Y. L. Ho, Y. S. Tyan*, “Evaluation of depth dose and glandular dose for digital mammography,” Radiation Measurements, 45(3-6), 726-728 (2010). (SCI) link
  7. H. Y. Tsai, C. H. Yang, K. M. Huang, M. J. Li, C. J. Tung*, “Analyses of Patient Dose and Image Quality for Chest Digital Radiography,” Radiation Measurements, 45(3-6), 722-725 (2010). (SCI) link
  8. H. Y. Tsai*, C. C. Chen, Y. S. Hwang, H. L. Liu, “Review and Recommendations for Physics Testing of X-ray Computed Tomography: CSMPT CT Task Group Report,” Chin. J. Radiol. 34(3), 173-184 (2009). link
  9. H. Y. Tsai, C. J. Tung*, C. C. Yu, and Y. S. Tyan, “Survey of Computed Tomography Scanners in Taiwan: Dose Descriptors, Dose Guidance Levels, and Effective Doses,” Medical Physics 34(4), 1234-1243 (2007). (SCI) link
  10. H. Y. Tsai, Y. C. Lin, and C. J. Tung*, "Age-dependent Computed Tomography Dose Index for the Reference Asian Man," Biomedizinische Technik 50, 1307-1308 (2005). (SCI)
  11. H.Y. Tsai, C. J. Tung*, M. H. Huang, and Y. L. Wan, "Analyses and applications of single scan dose profiles in computed tomography," Medical Physics 30(8), 1982-1989 (2003). (SCI) link

Corresponding author

  1. Yi-Shuan Hwang., Hui-Yu Tsai, Yu-Ying Lin, Ying-Lan Liao. (2019). Impact of using the new American College of Radiology digital mammography phantom on quality survey in modern digital mammography systems_ Evidence from nationwide surveys in Taiwan. European Journal of Radiology, 117, 9–14. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrad.2019.05.014
  2. Ying-Lan Liao, Nan-Ku Lai, Yu-Sheng Tyan, Hui-Yu Tsai *,“Bismuth shield affecting CT image quality and radiation dose in adjacent and distant zones relative to shielding surface: A phantom study, ” Biomedical Journal
  3. Yu-Ying Lin, Hui-Yu Tsai , Yu-En Wu, Ying-Lan Liao, Yi-Shuan Hwang*, “A Nationwide Survey on the Dose of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis.” Formosan J Med. 23(3), 298-309. (2019.05)
  4. Yu-Ying Lin, Yi-Shuan Hwang, Yung-Chuan Kung, Ching-Ruei Hung, Hui-Yu Tsai*, " Dose Reduction and Risk Estimation of Whole Spine Examination in Pediatrics" Formosan J Med. 22(6), 577-585. (2018.12)
  5. Hwang, Y.-S., Lai, P.-L., Tsai, H.-Y., Kung, Y.-C., Lin, Y.-Y., He, R.-J., & Wu, C.-T. (2018.09). Radiation Dose for Pediatric Scoliosis Patients Undergoing Whole Spine Radiography: Effect of the Radiographic Length in an Auto-Stitching Digital Radiography System. European Journal of Radiology. 108, 99–106. (SCI) (2018.09)
  6. Yi-Shuan Hwang, Mei-Yu Yeh, Shih-Wei Chiang, I-Chi Liu, Ying-Lan Liao , Hui-Yu Tsai*, Ho-Ling Liu* "Recommendations for Physics Testing of Digital Mammography Systems" Formosan J Med. 22(3), 311-323. (2018.05)
  7. Tang, Y. C., Liu, Y. C., Hsu, M.-Y., Tsai, H.-Y., & Chen, C.-M. (2018.08). Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction 3D Integrated with Automatic Tube Current Modulation for CT Coronary Artery Calcium Quantification. Comparison to Traditional Filtered Back Projection in an Anthropomorphic Phantom and Patients. Academic Radiology. 25(8), 1010-1017. (SCI)
  8. Yi-Shuan Hwang, Hui-Yu Tsai, Yu-Ying Lin, & Kar-Wai Lui. (2018.02). Investigations of organ and effective doses of abdominal cone-beam computed tomography during transarterial chemoembolization using Monte Carlo simulation. BMC Med Imaging, 18(1), 2-8. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12880-018-0247-7 (SCI)
  9. Yi-Shuan Hwang, Yun-Chung Cheung,Yu-Ying Lin, Hsiao-Lan Hsu, Hui-Yu Tsai*. (2018.8). Susceptibility of iodine concentration map of dual-energy contrast-enhanced digital mammography for quantitative and tumor enhancement assessment. Acta Radiologica, 59(8), 893-901 (SCI)
  10. Yung-Liang Wan, Pei-Kwei Tsay, Patricia Wanping Wu, Yu-Hsiang Juan, Hui-Yu Tsai, Chung-Yin Lin, Chih-Sheng Yeh, Chun-Hua Wang, Chun-Chi Chen, “Impact of filter convolution and displayed field of view on estimation of coronary Agatston scores in low-dose lung computed tomography,” International Journal of Cardiology 236, 451–457. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2017.02.124 (SCI) (2017.06)
  11. Liao, Y.L., Chen, H.H., Chen, H.Y., Huang, H.C., Yeh, C.Y., Tsai, H.Y.*, “Secondary neutron ambient dose equivalent measurement of the wobbling system of a proton beam radiotherapy facility”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 137, 116–120. (2017.08) (SCI)
  12. Yung-Chieh Lin, Chung-Chi Lee, Tsi-Chian Chao, Hui-Yu Tsai*. Ambient neutron dose equivalent during proton therapy using wobbling scanning system: Measurements and calculations. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 140, 290–294. (2017.11). (SCI)
  13. Hsin-Yu Chen, Hsien-Hsin Chen, Ying-Lan Liao, Kuan-Wei Jin, Chien-Yi Yeh, Hui-Yu Tsai*,“ Evaluation of Neutron Ambient Dose Equivalent around Varian TrueBeam System By using a Wendi-II Detector”, Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 24(3), 239-245. (2017.09)
  14. Wei-Yuan Chen, Chien-Cheng Chen, Ta-Fu Liao, Yon-Cheong Wong, Hui-Yu Tsai, Yi-Shuan Huang, “Performing Brain CTA by Portable CT to Evaluate the Efficacy after Surgical Clipping in the Operating Room - Case Report” , C J Radiologic Tech 41(3): 145-150. (2017)
  15. Chien-Ming Chen,Yang-Yu Lin, Ming-Yi Hsu, Chien-Fu Hung, Ying-Lan Liao, Hui-Yu Tsai*, "Performance of Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction 3D Integrated With Automatic Tube Current Modulation in Radiation Dose and Image Noise Reduction Compared With Filtered-back Projection for 80-kVp Abdominal CT: Anthropomorphic Phantom and Patient Study" European Journal of Radiology 85 (2016) 1666–1672 (SCI) link
  16. Ming-Che Lee, Keh-Shih Chuang, Mu-Kuan Chen, Chi-Kuang Liu, Kwo-Whei Lee, Hui-Yu Tsai*, Hsin-Hon Lin*, "Fuzzy C-means Clustering of Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Maps for Predicting Nodal Metastasis in Head and Neck Cancer" Br. J. Radiol. (2016) 11:20150059 (SCI) link
  17. Yi-Shuan Hwang, Yi-Hui Hsiao, Shih-Wei Chiang, Mei-Yu Yeh, I-Chi Liu, Feng-Xian Yan, Hui-Yu Tsai*, Ho-Ling Liu* "Recommendations for Physics Testing of Fluoroscopic and Interventional Radiologic Systems" Formosan J Med (2015);19:517-527 link
  18. Y.L. Liao, Y.S. Chen, N.K. Lai, K.S. Chuang, H.Y. Tsai*, "Overbeaming and Overlapping of Volume-Scan CT with Tube Current Modulation in a 320-detector row CT scanner, "Radiation Physicsand Chemistry104 (2014)225–229 (SCI). link
  19. Yi-Shuan Hwang, Yu-Ying Lin, Yun-Chung Cheung, Hui-Yu Tsai*, "Three-dimensional Dose Distribution in Contrast-enhanced Digital Mammography using Gafchromic XR-QA2 Films: Feasibility Study, " Radiation Physicsand Chemistry104 (2014)204–207 (SCI). link
  20. Chien-Ming Chen, Sung-Yu Chu, Ming-Yi Hsu, Ying-Lan Liao, Hui-Yu Tsai*, "Low-tube-voltage (80 kVp) CT aortography using 320-row volume CT with adaptive iterative reconstruction: lower contrast medium and radiation dose, " European Radiology 24(2) 460-468 (2014) (SCI). link
  21. N.K. Lai, T.R. Chen, Y.S. Tyan, H.Y. Tsai*, "Off-Centre Effect on Dose Reduction to Anterior Surfaces With Organ-Based Tube-Current, " Radiation Measurements 59, 155–159.(2013) (SCI) link
  22. S.W. Chan, Y.J. Ho, Y.S. Tyan, H.Y. Tsai*, "Organ dose and scattering dose for CT coronary angiography and calcium scoring using automatic tube current modulation, " Radiation Measurements 56, 333-337.(2013) (SCI) link
  23. Y.L. Liao, N.K. Lai, Y.S. Tyan, K.S. Chuang, H.Y. Tsai*, "Automatic Tube Current Modulation for Volume Scan in a 320-detector Row CT Scanner, " Radiation Measurements 56 328-332.(2013) (SCI) link
  24. M. C. Lee, H. Y. Tsai, K. S. Chuang, C. K. Liu, M. K. Chen, “Prediction of Nodal Metastasis in Head and Neck Cancer using 3T MRI ADC Map,” AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2013 34(4): 864-869. (2013) (SCI) link
  25. Y.S. Hwang, C. C. Chen, Y. P. Liao, W. C. Kuan, H. Y. Tsai*, H. L. Liu*, "Establishment and Application of Diagnostic Reference Levels of Medical Radiation Exposures: CSMPT DRL Task Group Report, " Formosan J Med 2012;16: 16: 518-528. link
  26. Y. C. Lin, P. L. Lai, Y. S. Tyan, Y. Y. Li, H. Y. Tsai*, “Radiation Dose Estimate for Interventional Angiography of Transcatheter Arterial Embolization”, C J Radiologic Tech 2012; 36(3): 135- 144. link
  27. 4. M. T. Lin, C. J. Tung, H. Y. Tsai*, “Scatter and Energy Dependence of Thermoluminescent Dosimeter to Determine Half-Value Layer in Digital Mammography: Monte Carlo Results, ” Radiation Measurements 46 (12), 2090-2093 (2011). (SCI) link
  28. Y. L. Liao, H. C. Kao, K. S. Chuang, C. P. Chen, H. Y. Tsai*, “CT dose estimation using Gafchromic XR-CT film: Model comparison, ” Radiation Measurements 46 (12), 2052-2055 (2011). (SCI) link
  29. N. K. Lai, Y. L. Liao, T. R. Chen, Y. S. Tyan, H. Y. Tsai*,“Real-time Estimation of Dose Reduction for Pediatric CT using Bismuth Shielding, ” Radiation Measurements 46 (12), 2039-2043 (2011). (SCI) link
  30. C. J. Tung, S. F. Tsai, H. Y. Tsai*, I. J. Chen, “Determination of Voxel Phantom for Reference Taiwanese Adult from CT Image Analyses,” Radiation protection dosimetry 146, 186-190 (2011). (SCI) link
  31. Y. L. Liao, Y. S. Tyan, S. C. Lee, H. Y. Tsai*,“Optimization of Pediatric Protocol for Multislice CT ” C. J. Radiologic Tech. 35(2), 83-90 (2011). link
  32. S. F. Tsai, Y. S. Tyan, I. L. Hung, Y. L. Liao, H. Y. Tsai*, “Dose and Image Quality for Automatic Tube Current Modulation of CT,” C. J. Radiologic Tech., 34(2), 81-89 (2010). link
  33. C.J. Tung, M.T. Lin, F.Y. Hsu, J.H. Lee, C.H. Chu, H.Y. Tsai*, “Half-value layer determination using thermoluminescent dosimeters for digital mammography,” Radiation Measurements, 45(3-6), 729-732 (2010). (SCI) link
  34. T. T. Huang, C. J. Tung, H. Y. Tsai*, “Computer-aided analysis for the image quality in digital radiography,” C. J. Radiologic Tech. 34 (1), 21-28 (2010). link
  35. N. K. Lai, Y. S. Tyan, Y. L. Liao, K. Y. Chen, H. Y. Tsai*, “Feasibility of using a novel CT-SD16 solid-state detector to perform multi-slice CT quality assurance” C. J. Radiologic Tech. 33(2), 85-92 (2009). link
  36. Y. S. Tyan, H. Y. Tsai*, Y. L. Hung, N. G. Lia, and C. P. Chen, “In vivo dose assessment of multi-slice CT in abdominal examinations,” Radiation Measurements 43, 1012-1016 (2008). (SCI) link
  37. C. G. Hsu, H. Y. Tsai*, C. H. Chu, and S. M. Yiou, “Energy responses and visibility for thin film–thermoluminescent dosimeters in mammography,” Radiation Measurements 43, 964-967 (2008). (SCI) link


  1. Yi-Shuan Hwang , Yen-Peng Liao , Wan-Chun Kuan, Hui-Yu Tsai, Ho-Ling Liu, " Radiation safety in fluoroscopy and interventional radiology" Formosan J Med 2014;18:345-54
  2. Yi-Shuan Hwang, Hui-Yu Tsai, Chien-Chuan Chen, Pei-Kwei Tsay, Huay-Ben Pan, Giu-Cheng Hsu, Jen-Hsuan Lin, Chen-Shou Chui, Yung-Liang Wan, Ho-Ling Liu, “Effects of Quality Assurance Regulatory Enforcement on Performance of Mammography Systems: Evidence From Large-Scale Surveys in Taiwan,” Am J Roentgeonl 201 (2) , pp. W307-W312 (2013). (SCI) link
  3. Chih-Sheng Yeh, Hui-Yu Tsai, Kar-Wai Lui, Wei-Chih Hu, Chian-Fu Huon, “Evaluation of coronary artery calcium score using lower dose CT scan,” C. J. Radiologic Tech. 35(3), 142-146 (2011). link
  4. Y. C. Lin*, S. H. Su, H. Y. Tsai, and S. H. Jiang, “Wall Correction Factors Estimated by Monte Carlo Calculation for Spherical Graphite-Walled Cavity Chambers in INER’s 60Co Air-kerma Standard,” Nuclear Technology, 168:74-78 (2009). link
  5. Y. S. Hwang, H. C. Wang, C. C. Chen, H. L. Liu*, and H. Y. Tsai, “Review and recommendations for physics testing of conventional and digital mammography: CSMPT mammography task group report,” Chin. J. Radio. 33(3), 153-179 (2008). link
  6. S. M. Yiou*, H. Y. Tsai, C. Y. Yieh, G. Y. Li, H. H. Yiao, and G. C. Hsu, “Impact on radiation dose using automatic and manual selection of AEC sensor position in digital mammography," C. J. Radiologic Tech. 32(1), 11-18 (2008). link
  7. H. C. Wang*, C. S. Chui, H. Y. Tsai, C. H. Chen, and L. F. Tsai, “Dose deviations caused by positional inaccuracy of multileaf collimator in intensity modulated radiotherapy,” Radiation Measurements 43, 925-928 (2008). (SCI) link
  8. C. J. Tung*, C. J. Lee, H. Y. Tsai, S. F. Tsai, and I. J. Chen, “Including body size in the evolution of patient effective dose for diagnostic radiography,” Radiation Measurements 43, 1008-1011 (2008). (SCI) link
  9. C. J. Tung*, H. Y. Tsai, M. Y. Shi, T. T. Huang, C. H. Yang, I. J. Chen, “A phantom study of image quality versus radiation dose for digital radiography,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 580(1), 602-605 (2007). (SCI) link
  10. F. Y. Hsu, H. Y. Tsai, C. Y. Hsu, C. J. Tung*, C. C. Liao, and Y. S. Tsay, "Dose reconstruction for residents living in buildings with moderate and minor 60Co contamination in rebar," Health Physics 85(3), 357-364 (2003). (SCI) link
  11. C. J. Tung*, H. Y. Tsai, S. H. Lo, C. N. Guan, and Y. B. Chen, "Determination of guidance levels of dose for diagnostic radiography in Taiwan," Med Phys 28(5), 850-857 (2001). (SCI) link
  12. C. J. Tung*, C. Y. Cheng, T. C. Chao, and H. Y. Tsai, "Determination of entrance skin doses and organ doses for medical X ray examinations," Radiation Protection Dosimetry 85(1-4), 417-420 (1999). (SCI) link
  13. C. J. Tung* and H. Y. Tsai, "Evaluations of gonad and fetal doses for diagnostic radiology," Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China. Part B, Life sciences 23(3), 107-113 (1999). link