Catalina Granda-Carvajal

Welcome to my website!

I am Senior Economist at Banco de la República in Medellín (Colombia).

My current research interests are macroeconomics, public finance and development economics.

Contact details:


Peer-reviewed articles:

Granda, C. and C. Kogler (2023) Introduction to the symposium on the shadow economy, tax behaviour, and institutions. Journal of Institutional Economics, 19(5): 651-655. [Accepted version]

Granda-Carvajal, C. and D. García-Callejas (2023) Informality, tax policy and the business cycle: exploring the links. International Tax and Public Finance, 30(1): 114-166. [Presentation (in Spanish)]

Granda, C., and F. Hamann (2020) On the aggregate implications of removing barriers to formality. Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review, 102(2): 203-220. [Info-graphic summary (in Spanish)]

Granda, C., F. Hamann, and C.E. Tamayo (2019) Credit and saving constraints in general equilibrium: A quantitative exploration. Journal of Development Economics, 140(C): 302-319. [Accepted version]

Florez, L.A., and C. Granda (2019) Retirement choice in a frictionless labor market. Economics Bulletin, 39(1): 734-740.

Granda-Carvajal, C. (2015) Informality and macroeconomic volatility: do credit constraints matter? Journal of Economic Studies, 42(6): 1095-1111. [Accepted version]

Granda-Carvajal, C. (2012) Macroeconomic implications of the underground sector: challenging the double business cycle approach. Economic Analysis and Policy, 42(2): 237-256. [Online appendix]

Chrysochoou, M., K. Brown, G. Dahal, C. Granda-Carvajal, K. Segerson, N. Garrick, and A. Bagtzoglou (2012) A GIS and indexing scheme to screen brownfields for area-wide redevelopment planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 105(3): 187-198.

Granda-Carvajal, C. (2010) The unofficial economy and the business cycle: a test for theories. International Economic Journal, 24(4): 573-586. [Accepted version]

Granda Carvajal, C., L.G. Perez Puerta, and J.C. Muñoz Mora (2008) The Environmental Kuznets Curve for water quality: an analysis of its appropriateness using unit root and cointegration tests. Lecturas de Economía, 69: 221-244.

Book chapters:

García, D., y C. Granda (2021) Informalidad, ciclos económicos y política fiscal: una exploración de los nexos. En: varios autores. Política fiscal: una visión de futuro (p. 307-333). Asobancaria-Alpha Editorial.

Granda, C., F. Hamann, y C.E. Tamayo (2017) Ahorro y crédito en Colombia: una aproximación desde el equilibrio general. En: C.E. Tamayo y J. Malagón (eds.), Ensayos sobre inclusión financiera en Colombia (p. 33-70). Asobancaria-BID.

Working papers:

Granda, C., and F. Hamann (2015) Informality, Saving and Wealth Inequality in Colombia. Working Paper IDB-WP-575, Inter-American Development Bank.

Alviar Ramírez, M., C. Granda Carvajal, L.G. Pérez Puerta, J.C. Muñoz Mora, y D.C. Restrepo Ochoa (2006) La curva ambiental de Kuznets para la calidad del agua: Un análisis de su validez mediante raíces unitarias y cointegracion. Borradores del CIE 14, Universidad de Antioquia.


Manrique Díaz, O.G., y C. Granda Carvajal (2004) Introducción a las Relaciones Energía-Desarrollo: Un análisis de la reestructuración del sector eléctrico colombiano desde la economía de la energía. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Non-refereed articles:

Chrysochoou, M., K. Brown, G. Dahal, C. Granda-Carvajal, K. Segerson, N. Garrick, and A. Bagtzoglou (2011) Reviving Brownfields. The Connecticut Economy, issue Winter: 14-16.

Granda C., C. (2007) Condiciones técnicas para el crecimiento sostenible en la teoría económica. Un análisis. Gestión y Ambiente, 10(3): 105-114.

Granda Carvajal, C. (2005) De la tierra a la sostenibilidad: los avatares del concepto de capital natural. Ensayos de Economía, 15(27): 75-94.



Volunteer work: