Please note that the resulting files of CAT12 are organized in separate subfolders (e.g. mri, report, surf, label). If you don't want to use subfolders you can change the option "cat12.extopts.subfolders" in cat_default.m to "0".

Moreover, you can use the volume-based atlases that are provided with CAT also as atlas maps with SPM atlas functions. This is especially helpful if you have used the default VBM processing pipeline because the CAT12 atlas maps are then in the same Shooting space as your data. Thus, if you have used the default VBM processing pipeline it is strongly recommended to use the CAT12 atlases in Shooting space (indicated in the name by a leading ''cat12_'') rather than the SPM Neuromorphometrics atlas. In order to use CAT12 atlases you have to call the cat_install_atlases function once that will copy the atlases to SPM. Atlas maps for surfaces can be used with Surface Overlay. Here, the data cursor function allows you to display atlas regions under the cursor. Furthermore, you can use the ''Atlas labeling'' function to print a list of atlas regions of the resulting clusters.

Cat12 Spm Download


2.) Indeed, if you want to stay BIDS conform, data obtained through a processing pipeline/workflow/etc. should go to /derivatives/, in your case: /derivatives/cat12/sub-01/anat/..... I never worked with CAT12, but IIRC BIDS support at this end of the spectrum of processing pipelines is rather limited. That being said, I think SPM has some support for reading (and maybe writing?) BIDS datasets that maybe could be adapted for your purpose. @Guillaume do you have any insights here? 006ab0faaa

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