Why Should You Try To Teach Your Cat To Stop Spraying in Your Home

Most cat experts know that un-neutered male cats will spray urine on their furniture, walls, and other places where it can mark its territory. However, many pet owners are surprised when their “fixed” cats spray or when their female cats exhibit this noxious behavior.

In fact, the condition of your cat’s litterbox might be the cause of their spraying. Factors such as cleanliness, type of litter, and placement can cause your cat to use other areas than your litter box.

Cats don’t have synthetic modifications such as Prozac to stop their spraying behavior. There are organic remedies to solve this problem without harming your cat. Discuss with your veterinarian before using them.

Cat urine can take hours to clean. Even then, the stain will be placed on the affected area. It’s strong enough to penetrate through the fabric and leave a long-lasting mark. That’s why you have to teach your cat to stop spraying in your house.

On What To Pay Attention When Choosing Solution For Stopping Cat Spraying

You have to choose a solution that works for your cat. Not all solutions are the same, so you’ll have to spend time experimenting with multiple methods. With the Cat Spraying No More program, you’ll have a multitude of strategies in one place to help you effectively take care of your cat.

Here are some tips you should follow to help create proper “bathroom” spots for your cats to spray in:

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As a cat owner, you have to find a solution that works. This table explains the multiple solutions that are proven to fix your cat’s spraying habits.

​Treatment Method

​How It Works

Neuter or Spay

​To eliminate spaying, you can either spay or neuter your cat. By reducing their sex hormones, the amount of spaying is lowered as well.

Assess Your Cat’s Conflict

​Check to see if your cat’s conflict is due to other cats in your home. If stray cats are causing stress, you can keep your cat indoors, this helps eliminate stress that your cat might be experiencing outside.

Toys & Treats

​Give your cats toys to help it focus throughout the day. Some cat toys include interative toys or cat food puzzles that they can use in your absence. This gives your cat less time to spray in your house and become stressed.

Give Positive Reinforcement

You can change your cat’s favorite marking area by doing activities that your cats find enjoyable in that area.

Alternatively, you can feed your cat in their previous spraying area. If the issue continues, contact your veterinarian; they can give medical and behavioral advice to help, or direct you to a qualified professional to further assist you in your training.

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Clean Spray Spots Regularly

To remove cat urine from your furniture, use hot water and biological washing powder. Wipe down each sprayed area with a wet cloth.

After cleaning the area, use a enzymatic neutralizer. Spray the areas that your cat sprays most often. The enzymatic neutralizer will prevent your cat from spraying on the same area.

Make sure not to use the spray near your cat’s urine. This will cause them to leave their spot and relocate to another area.

Create Structure and Stability

​Schedule a few play sessions with your cat each day to provide structure in their day and stability with humans and other pets in the household.

Using these methods will help you effectively take care of your cat. We suggest that you try a combination of them to achieve the best results. Once you implement proper care and maintenance strategies, your cat will adapt and stop spraying.

Is It Easy To Follow?

Your solution should be simple and easy for you to implement in your cat’s life. While you can opt for a complex program, your cat might ignore its teachings and continue to spray throughout the house.

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The Cat Spraying No More program is a program that doesn’t require extensive explanation to your cat. Simply add more litter boxes, feed your cat healthy food, and provide a stress-free environment and your cat will be fine.

Is It Comfortable For Your Cat?

Get a cleaning solution that’s comfortable for your pet! First, find out if your cat is urinating or spraying. Cats urinate when squatting on a horizontal surface; sometimes spraying happens when they’re standing up.

If your cat is urinating outside their litter box, make sure the box is thoroughly cleaned. If this behavior continues, take your cat to the vet to see if it has cystitis or a urinary tract disease. Urinary tract infections cause your cat to pee while standing, often confusing it for spraying.

Cystitis also causes urinary tract symptoms such as crying while urinating, blood in urine and straining to urinate. Cats who have severe cystitis have increased fluid intake; meaning that you’ll have to switch to wet cat food.

When gauging your cat’s comfort, understand that changes in your household might affect its behavior — especially if your cat spends the majority of their time indoors — such as schedule changes, relocating homes, or even the arrival of a new pet or baby.

To protect your cat from the threat of other neighborhood or household cats, block access to doors or cat flaps. Once your cat feels that their territory isn’t being compromised, they’ll feel less inclined to urinate.

Rub a piece of soft cotton cloth on your cat’s face; this is where their individual pheromones and scent is produced. Use the cloth several times a day to clean your cat’s frequent spraying areas.

Your cat feels the most comfortable when they’re the most secure. You can give your cat a sense of security by limiting their area to one or two rooms. Doing so gives them only a few rooms to spray in and is easier to manage.

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Other Tips

Follow these extra tips to improve your cat’s well-being and overall cleanliness.

Diagnose Medical Issues

Studies show that up to 30% of domesticated cats urinate at home due to an underlying medical problem. Start by taking your cat to the vet for a checkup. Feline infections can spread and advance quickly; you should take your cat to the vet once you notice something wrong.

Obscure Your Cat’s View Of The Outdoors.

Seeing other animals or cats outside the house can create a territorial response and encourage your cat to spray in your home. To create a better environment, design your house in a way that restricts their view from the outside.

We recommend that you move your furniture away from windows to reduce perching locations for your cat to view the outside. Also, you can place curtains or cover the window to your cat’s height.

Revert To Your Old Cat Litter Brand

Sometimes, your cat will spray even if you relocate or clean the litterbox. Your cat might disapprove with the new brand and will urinate in a different area. Switch back to your previous cat litter brand, and your cat will stop spraying in your house.

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Stress Medication

If comforting your pet doesn’t aid in stopping the stress-related cat spraying, then you’ll have to seek medical assistance. Clomicam and Valium are the most common medications used to calm your cat and stop them from spraying.

On the other hand, these drugs might have some side effects, and your cat might feel less energetic, lose its

personality, and become less friendly. We suggest using either behavioral therapy or other methods to assist your cat.

Use Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural alternative to remove unwanted cat smells. Unlike other cat detergents, vinegar produces a sound that cat’s don’t like. Clean the area with water and vinegar and the smell will temporarily keep your cat away from that area.

Pheromone Diffusers

A new way to prevent male cat spraying is through the use of pheromone diffusers. They work by producing an odor that’s similar to cat urine and will prevent them from spraying around your house.

To use them, place the pheromone diffusers in the most common places where your cat sprays. Doing so keeps them away from their spraying areas and forces them to go in the litter box. Plug-in diffusers are also available.

Our Recommendations

Does cat spraying no more really work? It works once you start following the advice that’s provided. We recommend this program because of the results it produces. On average, you’ll have to wait 2–4 weeks to see differences and a reduction of cat spraying.

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Best Cat Spraying Solution: Cat Spraying No More

Cat Spraying No More is an eBook made by Sarah Richard. The book gives in-depth knowledge and information on the proper ways to raise a cat. It helps you train your cat on toilet behavior which helps you avoid spending money on repairs due to your cat’s hygiene habits.

Sarah Richard made the program after having trouble with stopping her cat from spraying in her home. To help her cat pee in the litterbox, she consistently trained using natural techniques and methods. The small change reversed her cat’s habits, and now he uses the box regularly.

Product Features:

​4 Natural Herbal Remedies

​4 Bonus Booklets

​Enhances Cat Hygiene

Saves Money on Cleaning Supplies

66 Pages of Cat Maintenance Techniques


– Learn from real-life examples.

The people behind the program have all the experience. They have been through everything, and they’ll teach you how to fix it.

– Stress-free.

There are many ways to train animals. However, this program focuses on a positive experience. Your cat will stop naturally, not forcefully.

– Easy to follow!

Don’t worry if you’ve never trained an animal or had a cat. The system will help you with everything.

– Proven methods.

Training animals is an ancient discipline; there’s nothing new under the sun. However, there is a lot, and it’s easy to get lost. Here, you’ll find the best, positive methods.


– Digital-format only.

There are no hard copies, so you’ll need a digital device to access it.

– Natural remedies

It seems that they work for most people, but they can be tricky to master. So, you have to play a little with the recipes if they don’t help at first.

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Cat Spraying No More is a recognized and effective system that makes your life with cats 100% easier.

The main goal is that you can train your cat to stop spraying everywhere. However, while that happens, you also learn tips and tricks to make him not want to spray anymore.

Training cats is not a new thing. There’s a lot of information out there, and it’s easy to get lost.

However, this program puts all the useful techniques together and delivers them for you in just one guide!


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