The Litter for Good program is being offered again and every time HSS is nominated we will receive more FREE cat litter. Please help us and the kitties by nominating the Humane Society of Sedona.

Cat Pride Cat Litter Where To Buy

This cat litter is uniquely designed to trap odor immediately on contact. It absorbs liquid quickly and forms tight, hard clumps that keep odors locked away until you are ready to scoop. This is an unscented litter, so the fact that it does so well in odor-control is impressive. It is completely free from perfumes and dyes, making it an allergy-friendly formula for your cats and your family.

Though this formula did well in producing hard clumps and controlling odor, it was fairly messy. The litter produced some dust when it was first poured into the tray, and it tracked to a significant degree.

Because this formula is non-clumping, however, the materials must be highly absorbent to control waste and odor. We found that the litter absorbed liquid fairly well, though the larger granules were tricky to scoop.

Another potential issue with non-clumping cat litters is odor control. When testing this litter, we found its odor-absorbing properties to be hit or miss. Urine soaked into the litter quickly before the smell became a problem, but solid waste tended to put off a bit of odor when not fully covered by fresh litter. The litter itself had a fairly strong scent, though not unpleasant.

This brand offers a wide variety of products, both scented and unscented, that promise long-lasting odor control. Their litter also forms tight, hard clumps which makes scooping the box easy and reduces litter box waste.

This cat litter made my cat very sick! It started with a sneeze here and there. By the end of a week she was sneezing 10-15 consecutive sneezes. Her nose was beat red and she seemed a little lethargic. I thought she was catching a cold or something. When I realized it started around the time I had purchased this particular brand. So I dumped and scrubbed her box out and replaced the litter with a brand I had previously used. Within 24 hours she was almost completely recovered. I even had the unscented kind because I worry about this sort of thing Happening. And it did anyway!

I will never purchase Cats Pride again!

Absolutely the worst litter I've ever tried. I'm sweeping the floor around 2 litter boxes shared by 3 cats twice a day and it's continually covered by litter. The same boxes have been used with other litters and they didn't dig so hard they coated the floor around them.

I like the quantity for the price but it does not hide smells. I would like to try the cedar litter but that seems so messy but smells really good. For this cat litter, it's a mess and does not cover smell. A person would really need to stay on top of this cat litter and change it constantly.

The litter is so dusty it made my cat sneeze and cough. It does nothing for the smell and it's hard to scrape off the litter box. There has to be another cheap litter out there if your in a pinch.

So I did try the Cats Pride scoopable litter when I was running out of my usual brand and the store didn't have my usual stocked. I have to say as a multi-cat house, this is not the brand. It was ok for my first two using the restroom but when a few of my others tried stepping in, it was already a no go. I was having to check my litter boxes every 2 hours to make sure my babies had enough clean litter that wasn't stuck to the bottom of my litter boxes for them to do their business. The cleaning was horrible!!!! It soaked the urine and dried it solid to the bottom of one of my litter boxes. Once I got home I had such a hard time scrapping it off that I just threw that litter box away and bought a new one.Defiantly not for a multi-Cat family!

This is my favorite brand of cat litter when I need something cheap and scoopable, but it doesn't keep the poo from smelling up your house. If your cat doesn't have super-smelly bowel movements or you have an outdoor litterbox, this stuff works great, but if your cat has a sensitive digestive system, I recommend going for a heavier odor controller.

I tried this litter because it was less expensive and I had a coupon. It does clump well. The problem is all the dust. Very dusty. It does not do a good job at hiding or controlling odors either. I have two cats and this litter did not do the job. I went back to Tidy Cats even though its a bit more expensive.

The litter gets every where, in corners, cracks, and is easily thrown from the litter box (which has a cover mind you). The only upside to this product is that it does do it's job of masking the smell, with that said, I've never had problems with kitty litter smell. I also clean my cat's litter box every day, so I don't know how much that says about the smell thing.

I have 10 indoor cats, so I am always looking for inexpensive cat litter that clumps. It does create dust and can be messy, but it clumps really nicely and does disguise some of the cat oder. This is not a bad product, and if you have a lot of cats, and are looking for a clump style litter, and always have a mess to clean up anyway, I would recommend this litter in a pinch. Not bad, worth a try.

Not the best for sure, leaves dust all over, and does not control odor very well at all. We have actually found that Special Kitty works a lot better for less money. But our favorite brand is Tidy Cat, You can get it 2 for $10 on sale. Buy that and stick with it. Arm and Hammer is also very dusty and odor control is terrible as well. You may as well use Non clumping. Has not odor control We do clean our litter box twice a day, would YOUR cat want to walk in their own feces? Mine sure don't . We would rather clean it up and take out those small bags directly to our garbage bins in our apt.

Oh Yes! Mes is VERY Purrticular about my litter. Well, not as much as me used to be since the litter me LOVED is not made any more! And me is like Chris, me POOPS on the floor when me dont like the current one.



I just wonder, do you have a cat litter box with a cover? I had one years ago and my cat didnÂt like it so that she prefered to pee in my bathtub (laughing). It was at least not too stupid of her. Anyway, I was annoyed by this. Later then, my cousin told me that she experienced the same with her cat and in her case it was the litter box cover. I removed the cover after she told me, and see there, the cat now used the litter box. Now everything is fine.

True. There can be so many reasons. Cats are very fussy about litter boxes. This is something that should be checked first and I usually tell it friends who got their first cats. Some just dislike the cover (understandably, as you mentioned in the other post, we try to avoid those Port-O-Potties as well if possible, because they are bhaaaa), and then I know cats that demand of you that you should sit near the litter box for 24 hours to be able to clean even if there is only one poop in it, and that immediately.

No. 1 all-in-one disposable Litter Tray with free premium litter. With fresh & clean scented non-clumping clay cat litter. Makes cleanup easy! Travel - easy to transport. For every day - kiss litter box cleaning goodbye! Pet sitters - hassle-free. Odor control - Use 7 days & dispose! (Based on laboratory testing). Inquiries: Please call us at 1-800-645-3741, e-mail us at catspride(at), or visit us at 100% recycled & recyclable plastic tray! Easy to recycle. WarningsNote: Please wash hands thoroughly after handling used litter. Cat feces can sometimes transmit a disease called toxoplasmosis. For more information, contact your physician. Please do not flush cat litter in toilets or dispose of it outdoors in gutters or storm drains.

Safe & effective odor control. Recommended by the American Humane Association. Designed for superior performance and safety. You want the best care for your cat, and so does Cat's Pride. That's why we developed Cat's Pride to be a quality cat litter proudly endorsed by the American Humane Association. Every day, all across the country, this non-profit organization dedicates its time and services to the prevention of cruelty, neglect and exploitation of animals. Now, you too can work with us to help animals everywhere when you purchase Cat's Pride. Because with each purchase of Cat's Pride, a donation is made to the AHA to assist in their efforts all across the country. A Product The American Humane Association Stands Behind: The AHA stands behind hundreds of clinics, thousands of animal shelters and millions of cats, yet it still only recommends one brand of cat litter, Cat's Pride. This approval is not given lightly. It requires the absolute best in product quality, safety and effectiveness. And, it means that Cat's Pride and the AHA share mutual values and feelings about the proper care of animals. Natural, Sponge-Like Minerals for Unsurpassed Absorbency: Cat's Pride takes advantage of nature's gifts by processing only the highest absorbing sponge-like minerals as the foundation for superior odor control. Safe And Effective Odor Control: We also add safe and highly effective ingredients that prevent the growth of germs in the litter, suppress odors and leave a fresh and clean scent All without harsh chemicals or overpowering fragrances.WarningsNote: We want to remind pregnant women and those with suppressed immune systems that a parasite found in cat feces can sometimes transmit a disease called toxoplasmosis. Please wash hands thoroughly after handling used litter. For further information, contact your physician.

Lightweight same uses as 20 lbs (Our naturally lightweight uses as a traditional 20 lb jug of clumping litter. 10 lb jug = 20 lb jug). Advanced Odor Control Powered with Baking Soda: Odor Control: Odor control powerful odor control without harsh chemicals or overpowering fragrances. Forms Tight Clumps: Tight, no-mess clumps make litter box cleanup easy. Great Value: Our highly porous clay is so absorbent, you get 50% more litter per pound. (As compared to other traditional scoopable clay litters). Consult with relevant municipal authorities on flushing restrictions. The State of California encourages the disposal of cat feces in trash and discourages flushing feces in toilets or disposing of them in drains. Litter for Good: 1 jug = 1 lb donated. Powerful odor control. Forms tight clumps. Great value. Manufactured in a facility that also produces scented products. 30-Day Guarantee: If you are unsatisfied with this product for any reason in the first 30 days of use, please return the sales receipt and label proof of purchase symbol for a full refund. Together we're saving cats. One jug at a time! For every jug at Cat's Pride you buy, one pound of litter will be donated to an animal shelter in need. It's that simple! After the last scoop, please recycle or reuse this jug. Help lower our carbon pawprint. Proudly made in the USA.IngredientsUnscented Natural Clay with Odor-Controlling Properties and Baking Soda.WarningsNote: Please wash hands thoroughly after handling used cat litter. We want to remind pregnant women and those with suppressed immune systems that a parasite found in cat feces can sometimes transmit a disease called toxoplasmosis. For further information, contact your physician. Some settling may occur during shipment.
