Cat Marketing

The Cat Marketing Team appreciates all you do to care for our cats and kittens: keeping them happy, healthy and safe. When it’s time to find them a forever home, we are here to help!

Our goal is to represent each of your fosters individually, so that each one is irresistible to their perfect adopter. Together we can make this happen! You know your fosters better than anyone and are their best hope to find a perfect forever family. This is why you are required to submit photos and information as part of your contribution in fostering. We rely on you!

How Does Marketing Help Your Foster?

Fosters are rarely seen outside your home without marketing. With the materials you send, you give the cat or kitten in your care a chance at a quick adoption. Help them go straight from your home to their loving forever family!

Comprehensive marketing materials will:

  • Give a cat an attractive profile on the APA! website, with 1,000s of views per day.

  • Enable our Matchmaking Team to make a recommendation on their behalf.

  • Give them a chance at being in our social media, topping 150,000+ followers.

  • Help them earn a feature in local media through our many partnerships.

Adult Cat Profile

The ideal time to create a full adult cat profile is around 1-2 weeks, when you’ve gotten to know your foster. The Cat Marketing Team will email you reminders to get your forms sent in. Forms are required by the end of those two weeks.

Use the Cat Profile Form to help create a written profile for kitties 3 months and older.

  • Complete the form to the best of your ability

  • Be thoughtful, focus on what makes him/ her special. Be descriptive and colorful.

  • Make meeting this kitty impossible to resist!

Kitten Profile

For kittens you likely need a few days before you can fill out a form. You should be able to finish marketing requirements for an entire litter in 30-45 minutes.

Use the abbreviated, super short Kitten Profile Form for babies under 6 months. Simply upload photos and 3 features that make this kitten unique.

  • Bringing up a Litter? - Complete form when kittens are 7 weeks old.

  • Get a kitten under 3 months old? - Completed form due in 1-2 weeks.

  • Got Mom at home, too? She needs you! Her form and photos are required before she leaves your care.

Make your kitten stand out by being specific about how they are uniquely wonderful. Elaborate, be thoughtful, use colorful adjectives to attract that adopter!


The number one way to snag an adopter’s attention is through amusing, adorable photos! Take your time to get the best shots you can.

The #1 no-fail way to get a great shot of a cat is to make them comfortable! Spending just a few extra minutes with a cat can make the difference between a mediocre photo and a great one.

Got that? Good! Now try these things if you need a little extra help getting their attention. Remember, every cat is different…

  • Petting them can help them relax and you might even get a cute hand nuzzle!

  • Waving a wand toy or crinkling/jingling a toy

  • Enticing them by holding a treat bag in one hand (reward after!)

  • Making clicking, chirping sounds or use a high pitched voice

  • Tapping on a surface above or around them - they’ll often look that direction so be ready to take a shot!

Keep the goal in mind to grab the attention of an adopter. Face up, ears forward, eyes open and bright.

  • A Head-Shot or portrait from mid-chest up, show that cute face

  • A Full Body Photo: entire cat in any position, show that nice coat

  • A Personality Photo: playing or snuggling, help a potential adopter imagine what life with this kitty would be like

  • Compatibility: moments with cats, people/kids, and dogs

Questions: Contact


A picture may speak a thousand words, but a video can say even more. 😸

Even a short, 30 second clip helps potential adopters better imagine a kitty in their home. Loud purrs, funny quirks, the sound of that cute, chirpy meow, or a dramatic pounce or yawn… Sometimes, video just says it best.

Please hold your camera horizontally and take a 10 - 30 second video clip. Email your clip to and we can add it to their profile.

Each clip you submit can show off a different personality trait… Think, what does this clip say about the cat in front of me? “I love to cuddle!” “I’m a shoulder cat!” “I’m a catnip fiend.” “I love my dog friend!” We won’t get too prescriptive. Every cat is unique!

Social Media

Share the little things.

Many of our fosters have found adopters through social media accounts they’ve created specifically for their foster cats. It’s the little details adopters often ultimately fall in love with. Facebook and Instagram are two phenomenal outlets for showing off the special kitties that come through your home.

When creating your account, keep in mind you may foster more than one cat or litter. It’s best to choose a handle that is general or refers to you (like @laurasfosters) rather than one containing the name of your foster.

We are happy to support your efforts by including the links to your social media accounts in your kitty’s APA! profile. Please be sure to enter these links in your form! You never know when an adopter will click over and follow your feed.

Use hashtags to reach a wider audience! Check out APA!’s Cat Program Hashtags for examples and suggestions.

Post an extra-adorable pic or video? If it’s good enough to share on your own IG or FB, then remember to share it with us, too! We can post it for 150,000+ (yes really!) APA! social followers to see. One of them might just fall in love with your foster!

Profile Updates

New revelations or stories? A socialization breakthrough? Email us and we can add it to their profile!

Is Your Foster Simply Not Ready to Find a Home Yet?

Maybe your foster is still a little shy or isn't ready yet for their forever home. Please let us know! Respond to our email requesting marketing material for them, or write Whatever the reason, we are here to help!