It seems so easy, too easy to develop a full database-backed website in a matter of minutes just by generating everything here and there, also by generating the code, it is guaranteed that the code works without having to write any test files. Or am I wrong?

I've managed to connect the login form with sso without User_CustomValidate server event

but when I press logout in the application but I haven't logged out from sso, and I will log in with sso, it turns out that sso is still logged in, so logout must open the url

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PHP is a popular web scripting language, and is often used to create database-driven web sites. This tutorial helps you get started with PHP and Oracle Database by showing how to build a web application and by giving techniques for using PHP with Oracle. If you are new to PHP, review the Appendix: PHP Primer to gain an understanding of the PHP language.

Below left is diagram of nonpooling. Every script has its own database server proces. Scripts not doing any database work still hold onto a connection until the connection is closed and the server is terminated. Below right is a diagram with DRCP. Scripts can use database servers from a pool of servers and return them when no longer needed.

Bind variables enable you to re-execute statements with new values, without the overhead of reparsing the statement. Bind variables improve code reusability, and can reduce the risk of SQL Injection attacks.

When you manipulate data in an Oracle Database (insert, update, or delete data), the changed or new data is only available within your database session until it is committed to the database. When the changed data is committed to the database, it is then available to other users and sessions. This is a database transaction. 


 By default, when PHP executes a SQL statement it automatically commits. This can be over-ridden, and the oci_commit() and oci_rollback() functions used to control transactions. At the end of a PHP script, any uncommitted data is rolled back.


 Committing each change individually causes extra load on the server. In general you want all or none of your data committed. Doing your own transaction control has performance and data-integrity benefits. 


 To learn about transaction management in PHP with an Oracle database, perform the following steps.

This performs the same query with different prefetch sizes. Prefetching is a form of internal row buffering. The number of rows in the buffer is the prefetch value. The larger the prefetch value, the fewer the number of physical database access are needed to return all data to PHP, because each underlying physical request to the database returns more than one row. This can help improve performance. PHP code does not need to change to handle different prefetch sizes. The buffering is handled by Oracle code.

From the Downloads page select the installation package that is appropriate for your target machine. Download and run the installer, which will install and register PHP Manager's binaries with IIS. Note that only IIS versions 7.0 and above are supported. After installation is complete, launch the IIS Manager and find the "PHP Manager" feature:

When opened, the "PHP Manager" feature provides a configuration overview for the PHP installation that is registered with IIS and is currently active. If no PHP is registered with IIS, then the only action that can be performed is the registation of a new PHP version.

To register a new PHP version with IIS, first you need to download the zip archive with PHP binaries from and then extract the files from it into a folder of your choice. Note that you can also install PHP by using Web Platform Installer or the Windows installer from - the PHP Manager can be used to manage those PHP installations as well.

After multiple PHP versions have been registered with IIS, you can use PHP Manager to easily switch between the versions on a server and site level. This means that you can configure some IIS sites to use one PHP version, while other sites use different version.

phpinfo() function in PHP provides very detailed information about all aspects of PHP runtime configuration. To check the phpinfo() output from within PHP Manager use the "Check phpinfo()" task.

PHP development began in 1993[9] when Rasmus Lerdorf wrote several Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs in C,[21][22] which he used to maintain his personal homepage. He extended them to work with web forms and to communicate with databases, and called this implementation "Personal Home Page/Forms Interpreter" or PHP/FI.

Early PHP was not intended to be a new programming language, and grew organically, with Lerdorf noting in retrospect: "I don't know how to stop it, there was never any intent to write a programming language [...] I have absolutely no idea how to write a programming language, I just kept adding the next logical step on the way."[25] A development team began to form and, after months of work and beta testing, officially released PHP/FI 2 in November 1997.[citation needed]

PHP received mixed reviews due to lacking native Unicode support at the core language level.[44][45] In 2005, a project headed by Andrei Zmievski was initiated to bring native Unicode support throughout PHP, by embedding the International Components for Unicode (ICU) library, and representing text strings as UTF-16 internally.[46] Since this would cause major changes both to the internals of the language and to user code, it was planned to release this as version 6.0 of the language, along with other major features then in development.[47]

However, a shortage of developers who understood the necessary changes, and performance problems arising from conversion to and from UTF-16, which is rarely used in a web context, led to delays in the project.[48] As a result, a PHP 5.3 release was created in 2009, with many non-Unicode features back-ported from PHP 6, notably namespaces. In March 2010, the project in its current form was officially abandoned, and a PHP 5.4 release was prepared to contain most remaining non-Unicode features from PHP 6, such as traits and closure re-binding.[49] Initial hopes were that a new plan would be formed for Unicode integration, but by 2014 none had been adopted.[citation needed]

Other minor changes include support for use of ::class on objects, which serves as an alternative for the use of get_class();[72] non-capturing catches in try-catch blocks; variable syntax tweaks to resolve inconsistencies; support for named arguments; and support for trailing commas in parameter lists, which adds consistency with support for trailing commas in other contexts, such as in arrays.[citation needed]

The match expression is a new feature in PHP 8.1 that allows you to perform value matching in a more concise and flexible way. It is similar to a switch statement, but with some additional features and syntax improvements.

The "Random" extension provides a new object-oriented API for generating random values in PHP. It includes several classes ("Engine"s) that implement different algorithms for generating random numbers and storing their state within objects. This allows for multiple independent seedable sequences, which can be useful in certain contexts, such as testing or simulation.

The \Random\Randomizer class provides a high-level interface for using the engine's randomness to generate a random integer, shuffle an array or string, select random array keys, and more. This can be a convenient way to perform these common tasks without having to directly use the lower-level engine classes.

Beginning on 28 June 2011, the PHP Development Team implemented a timeline for the release of new versions of PHP.[57] Under this system, at least one release should occur every month. Once per year, a minor release should occur which may include new features. Every minor release should at least be supported for two years with security and bug fixes, followed by at least one year of only security fixes, for a total of a three-year release process for every minor release. No new features, unless small and self-contained, are to be introduced into a minor release during the three-year release process.

The mascot of the PHP project is the elePHPant, a blue elephant with the PHP logo on its side, designed by Vincent Pontier[195] in 1998.[196] "The (PHP) letters were forming the shape of an elephant if viewed in a sideways angle."[197] The elePHPant is sometimes differently coloured when in plush toy form.[citation needed]

However, as no requirement exists for PHP code to be embedded in HTML, the simplest version of Hello, World! may be written like this, with the closing tag ?> omitted as preferred in files containing pure PHP code.[200]

The PHP interpreter only executes PHP code within its delimiters. Anything outside of its delimiters is not processed by PHP, although the non-PHP text is still subject to control structures described in PHP code. The most common delimiters are to close PHP sections. The shortened form

Variables are prefixed with a dollar symbol, and a type does not need to be specified in advance. PHP 5 introduced type declarations that allow functions to force their parameters to be objects of a specific class, arrays, interfaces or callback functions. However, before PHP 7, type declarations could not be used with scalar types such as integers or strings.[71]

Arrays can contain elements of any type that PHP can handle, including resources, objects, and even other arrays. Order is preserved in lists of values and in hashes with both keys and values, and the two can be intermingled.[212] PHP also supports strings, which can be used with single quotes, double quotes, nowdoc or heredoc syntax.[213]

In lieu of function pointers, functions in PHP can be referenced by a string containing their name. In this manner, normal PHP functions can be used, for example, as callbacks or within function tables.[216] User-defined functions may be created at any time without being prototyped.[215][216] Functions may be defined inside code blocks, permitting a run-time decision as to whether or not a function should be defined. There is a function_exists function that determines whether a function with a given name has already been defined. Function calls must use parentheses, with the exception of zero-argument class constructor functions called with the PHP operator new, in which case parentheses are optional.[citation needed] be457b7860

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