The Soul Unearthed

Celebrating Wildness and 

Spiritual Renewal Through Nature

edited by Cass Adams

Wilderness is circular, unpredictable, moving and changing. Nature weaves around itself in an unending breath of life. That which is truly wild spills over the edges--onto our kitchen floors, into our love lives, through the sidewalk cracks, and in the form of dandelions and emotional outbursts. One way to return to a lifestyle that is more organic and harmonious with the whole of nature is to get outside more often, to let the unpredictability of wildness touch the soulful longings within yourself. Wilderness is innate to who we are. You do not have to go far to find wildness, only as far as your own beating heart and the joy you find in life.

--by Cass Adams, from The Soul Unearthed, reprinted by Celestial Seasonings on their Bengal Spice tea box

17 ratings by Goodreads

ISBN 10: 0971078637 / ISBN 13: 9780971078635

Published by Sentient Publications (edition Revised), 2002

Mission Statement: 

Creating The Soul Unearthed; Celebrating Wildness and Spiritual Renewal through Nature was a labor of love. Through several thousand snail mailed letters, I solicited and narrowed down hundreds of submissions prior to creating the superb and inspiring collection that it isThe first edition, presented as part of the New Consciousness Reader series with Tarcher/ Putnam/ Penguin, sold 7,000 copies. The revised second edition, through Sentient Publications, sold another 3,000 copies. 

In order to gain a sense of the quality and content of the anthology, take a look at  the Foreword , Prefaces  and Epilogue under the Book Descriptions menu above, as well as the endorsements under Praise, Contents and Excerpts, and the Editor and Contributors  sections, also above.   The book is as strong and relevant today as it was 20 years ago.

While The Soul Unearthed sold well that didn't spare it from going out of print. Around 2005, I acquired several thousand remainder copies. Life intervened, I had a daughter, and worked multiple jobs to generate reliable income. The past two decades, I sold copies as I could, yet books remain.  As a means of distributing these remaining copies, I am offering The Soul Unearthed at major discounts: 1 signed copy for $13 each, 3 books for $9 each, 6 books for $7 each, and a box of 40 copies for $5.50 per book (shipping and handling costs included, plus taxes).  The book retails for $16.95 plus tax.  I will give additional discounts if you are a contributor,  wilderness guide, educator, writer or support organizations that preserve wilderness.

While I would like monetary reward for my efforts, mostly I desire to see this wonderful anthology circulating with wilderness enthusiasts rather than sitting in boxes. Please consider buying copies as gifts for your friends, family, local library, or the outdoor organizations you support.

I want this website to serve as a hub to promote individuals and organizations who are promoting an aesthetic of respect, reverence and preservation toward nature. Recommendations for educators, rites of passage guides, environmental organizations, and suggested readings are encouraged, so I can add these to the Suggested Readings and Wilderness Resources sections above under the More tab. If you have websites and offer something associated with celebrating and connecting with nature, if you provide a link for my website I will do the same. Lastly, I welcome suggestions for places to market, distribute, or republish The Soul Unearthed. Please read about ways we can Support Each Other.