Computer Algebra Applications in the Life Sciences

Screenshot of a computation done by Singular, computing a Comprehensive Grobner System of the steady state ideal of the 2-site phosphorylation network. Creater: AmirHosein Sadeghimanesh.

ICMS 2024 Special Session

22-25 July 2024, Durham, UK


Confirmed Speakers

Aims and Scope

Consider a project of studying the evolution of bacteria under harsh conditions. Although this research may sound associated with laboratory work, it involves extensive mathematical analysis. Chemical reactions and their effects are described by ODE systems, some of which are influenced by protein activity and cellular decisions regulated by gene expression. In order to identify the genes responsible for specific tasks, gene sequencing and data analysis methods are necessary. Additionally, understanding bacterial evolution and creating a tree to represent relationships among different variants requires mathematical tools. However, due to the large number of variables and parameters in these models, manual calculations are infeasible, necessitating the use of mathematical software. Our session aims to bring together computer scientists, mathematicians, and life scientists to discuss the state-of-the-art in mathematical software and algorithms for such problems, as well as to address new questions that require the development of novel algorithms.

This will be the third edition of CASinLife. The first two editions were held as special sessions of ACA 2022 (in Turkey) and ACA 2023 (in Poland). Topics of interests include, but are not limited to the following:


Our session is scheduled for the first three days of ICMS, 22nd-24th July. The detailed schedule is displayed in the table below. Times would be in UK time zone GMT+00:00. We will have CASinLife group photos in each day of the session a few minutes before the start of the session. Make sure to be in the session's room on time to not miss being in the photos.

Below you can see the abstract of each talk by clicking on its title. The talks are ordered alphabetically by the last name of the speaker. All talks are in-person.

* The 3rd talk on Wednesday is given by group of Dr Yujiang Wang (3 speakers) and is longer than the other talks; 11:30 - 12:30.

** Additionally there is a talk given by AmirHosein Sadeghimanesh in another session on Thursday 25th at another session (14:39-15:00) in case you are interested. Title of the talk is "Using ML tools to predict number of solutions of parametric system of polynomial equations with the help of CRNs". For the abstract see their homepage (click here).

Call for Contributions

If you are interested in presenting your recent work in this session, please send your title and abstract to one of the session organizers, no later than January 31, 2024.

Images at the top of the page: The photo in the middle and the two other images are created by AmirHosein Sadeghimanesh.
For permission to use these images out of this page, contact the corresponding creator.