Meet our Artists

Elise Nelson

Sophomore at the University of Denver. Co-Founder of Cases on Cue

Hello, I am Elise Nelson. I am from the Central Carolina's, which kind of means I live on the border of North and South Carolina. I love doing art and anything that is a stress reliever and is fun . I love exploring Denver and taking the RTD all around,. If you like my stuff and want a special one, message me on my Instagram!

Elise Hamann

Sophomore at the University of Denver. Co-Founder of Cases on Cue

Hey! I am Elise Hamann. I go to school in Denver but I am from all over the place because my dad is in the State Department. I ended up in Denver and am an International Studies and French major. In my free time, I design cases for CasesonCue! Check me out at my Instagram down below.

Ben Burgert

Freshman at the University of Denver.

My name is Ben Burgert and I started taking photographs four years ago. It started with me wanting to take higher quality pictures while car spotting, but the passion quickly grew and in the next year, I would start taking pictures for clients. I have always had a passion for cars. By combining both photography and cars, I would find what I really wanted to do: be an automotive photographer. While most of my passion is for automotive photography, I also love taking portraits, landscapes, and wildlife. I hunt, fish, and love to be outdoors. I used my knowledge of the wilderness to help with my landscape and wildlife photography.

My love for photography grows day by day and I would love to share it with you.

Lahra Nelson

Based on worlds of spirituality and mysticism, my art attempts to reach divine enlightenment with each canvas drawn.

All my works are original and made from the heart. You will be intrigued by how the figurative, abstract forms and shades will call to you, especially when you realize how vibrant and alive the colors are in each piece.

As I continue to translate my emotions into visual form, my work has become a spiritual diary of sorts. My story is told in each frame. The strength of my images is in my technique, honed through years of training, eliciting emotions and ideas from viewers. Inspiration comes from all sorts of influences in my life and can be anything from the environment to other people.

I attended California State Northridge for a fine arts degree and studied in Florence, Italy, to learn how to paint like the masters. I have exhibited in different galleries in LA, Chicago, and Georgia. I now have a studio gallery in Fort Mill, SC.