CaseCraft App Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

2. Personal Information That May Be Collected.

3. Uses Made of the Information.

(a) Limited Uses Identified. Without customer's prior consent, CaseCraft will not use your personal identifiable information for any purpose other than that for which it is submitted or as identified hereunder. CaseCraft uses personal identifiable information to reply to inquiries, handle complaints, provide operational notices and in program record-keeping. CaseCraft also processes billing and business requests related to CaseCraft Web Site participation and use. We collect, sell and/or share your personal information for the following business purposes:

(vii) Undertaking internal research for technological development and demonstration;

(viii)Undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service or device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by CaseCraft, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the service that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by CaseCraft;

(xiii). The table below explains what We use (process) your personal information for and Our reasons for doing so:

What We use your personal information for

Our reasons

To prevent and detect fraud against you or CaseCraft.

For Our legitimate interests or those of a third party, i.e., to minimize fraud that could be damaging for us and for you.

Conducting checks to identify Our customers and verify their identity.

Screening for financial and other sanctions or embargoes.

Other processing necessary to comply with professional, legal and regulatory obligations that apply to Our business.

To comply with Our legal and regulatory obligations

Gathering and providing information required by or relating to audits, enquiries or investigations by regulatory bodies.

To comply with Our legal and regulatory obligations.

Ensuring business policies are adhered to, e.g., policies covering security and internet use. 

For Our legitimate interests or those of a third party, i.e., to make sure We are following Our own internal procedures so We can deliver the best service to you.

Operational reasons, such as improving efficiency, training and quality control.

For Our legitimate interests or those of a third party, i.e., to be as efficient as We can so We can deliver the best service for you at the best price.

Ensuring the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information.

For Our legitimate interests or those of a third party, i.e., to protect trade secrets and other commercially valuable information.

To comply with Our legal and regulatory obligations.

Statistical analysis to help us manage Our business, e.g., in relation to our financial performance, customer base, or other efficiency measures.

For Our legitimate interests or those of a third party, i.e., to be as efficient as We can so We can deliver the best service for you at the best price.

Preventing unauthorized access and modifications to systems.

For Our legitimate interests or those of a third party, i.e., to prevent and detect criminal activity that could be damaging for us and for you.

To comply with Our legal and regulatory obligations.

Updating and enhancing customer records.

For the performance of Our contract with third- parties.

To comply with Our legal and regulatory obligations.

For Our legitimate interests or those of a third party, e.g., making sure that We can keep in touch with Our users about existing orders and new products.

Statutory returns.

To comply with Our legal and regulatory obligations.

Ensuring safe working practices, staff administration and assessments. 

To comply with Our legal and regulatory obligations.

For Our legitimate interests or those of a third party, e.g., to make sure We are following Our own internal procedures and working efficiently so We can deliver the best service to you.

Marketing Our services and those of selected third parties to:

—existing and former users and customers;

—third parties who have previously expressed an interest in Our services and product;

—third parties with whom We have had no previous dealings.

For Our legitimate interests or those of a third party, i.e., to promote Our business to existing and former customers.

Credit reference checks via external credit reference agencies. 

For Our legitimate interests or those of a third party, i.e., to ensure Our users are likely to be able to pay for Our products and services.

External audits and quality checks, e.g., for accreditations and the audit of Our accounts.

For Our legitimate interests or a those of a third party, i.e., to maintain Our accreditations so We can demonstrate We operate at the highest standards.

To comply with Our legal and regulatory obligations.

4. Disclosure of the Information.

5. Use of Computer Tracking Technologies.

6. Information Security.

7. Privacy Policy Changes and Opt-Out Rights.

8. Access Rights to Data.

9. Accountability.