Windows Performance Counters provide a high-level abstraction layer that provides a consistent interface for collecting various kinds of system data such as CPU, memory, and disk usage. System administrators often use performance counters to monitor systems for performance or behavior problems. Software developers often use performance counters to examine the resource usage of their programs.

The PerfObject element specifies the performance object to query. A performance object can be a physical component, such as processors, disks, and memory, or a system object, such as processes and threads. Each system object is related to a functional element within the computer and has a set of standard counters assigned to it. Each computer may have a different set of performance objects and counters installed on it because applications can install their own performance objects and counters. For a list of the performance objects and counters installed on your computer, see the Add Counters dialog box in the Performance tool on your computer. These objects are also listed in the PDH browse dialog box (see Browsing Counters). For a list of system performance objects and counters, see Counters by Object.

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The ParentInstance, ObjectInstance, and InstanceIndex are included in the path if multiple instances of the object can exist. For example, processes and threads are multiple instance objects because more than one process or thread can run at the same time. If an object can have more than one instance, the counter path must specify an object instance.

PDH uses the following special characters in a counter path. Providers should not use these characters in their names. If a provider uses these special characters, PDH cannot parse the full counter path to obtain the counter and instances names.

I have a strange problem creating new counters in existing group. I have a windows service, which does some work and allow me to monitor its state via performance counter. I have performance counters group and some performance counters. Group is created during service install phase (with administrator privileges), and counters are initialized when service starts (as LocalSystem user). Everything works fine, group exists, counter exist too, I can monitor them and write to Performance counters log. Service is constantly running.

Then I want to add some more performance counters. I add them in service code, rebuild and deploy to server by uninstalling previous service instance (performance counters group is deleted by uninstall code), and installing service again (performance counters group is created during install phase with all new counters). Then I start service.

I go to PerMon, add all counters to System monitor view. I can see my performance counters group, I see all performance counters including NEW performance counters that I've just added. I can add them to System monitor view. And I can see, that old counters are working. But new counters doesn't work, they don't collect any data. Well, ok, perhaps there was my mistake, I switch to log view and try to log performance counters data. Old counters are logged as they logged before. But when I try to add new counter, I find in Event Viewer following warning:

The service was unable to add the counter '\AGENT\MyCountersGroupName\MyNewCounter' to the NewCountersLog log or alert. This log or alert will continue, but data for that counter will not be collected. The error returned is: The specified counter could not be found.

I tried to reinstall service, remove old counters, add them again, and nothing changed. Old counters are working, and new counters don't work. Then I restart Windows and new counters started working! Nothing changed in service, I've just restarted the server. I encountered this problem on 2 servers, the both are running under Windows Server 2003 SP1. The code for all performance counters is identical, 'cause I create them using code with generics.

You can say "hey, don't bother, restart your Windows every time when you need to add new performance counters", but I can't. My service is running on server along with other services, and we need these services work constantly, we can't restart server every time I change one service.

Update 3I changed code to install counters via .NET component PerformanceCounterInstaller, and nothing changed. Old counters work as they worked, and newly created don't work and attempt to log them results in the exact error (warning) message in event log. The installer creation code is as follows:

Perf counters are based on shared memory segments. I have seen similar problems when someone still has a handle to the shared memory segment. This can include the perfmon tool itself. You may be able to use the handle utility to see who is holding onto the shared memory.You shouldn't need to reboot so try to see if this problem goes away of you shut down perfmon first and then re-create the counters. Also make sure that your service is not running.

After these steps new performance counters appeared as they should. Perhaps it is not necessary to stop logging, but I have no time to check it out by the moment. I'll try it later. I accept Mike's answer as correct since it points to the cause of problem.

I had a similar case where I created some performance counters for different segments of my system and add them to a Dictionary for direct access by name, and they all have written one to all (any increment on any of them would update the rest).

I'm trying to grant an application running as a service on a Windows 2012 R2 machine to create performance counters.I tried to add the service account the application is running under to the "Performance Monitor Users" group (as suggested in some forums) but it didn't make any difference.The application gets an access denied when accessing in order to create the performance counter category and the performance counter itself:

To create a performance counter you must be administrator. There is no way to grant permissions to an application to create performance counters other than running the application as an administrator. The correct way to create the performance counters is during the application setup.

When we first saw the house we thought a sink under a new window with a view to the backyard would offer the most pleasing view. But even with the kitchen corner window accommodating a higher countertop, a sink in that location might feel a little scrunched.

But here was my bigger epiphany, if the windows in the kitchen were high enough for a counter, it opened up an even more intriguing idea in the dining room where there is another window. Sure enough, it too was high enough for a countertop below it.

When we built our retirement house we wanted to size down so our kitchen is fairly small but w a large island. We chose corner windows that go to the counter spaced between the range and sink. There is plenty of space for a few plants as well as work space for chopping veggies etc. Sadly, I do not have a fantastic view but have bird feeders and flowers& shrubs in summer. Everyone remarks on our long corner windows as it brings in light & enlarges the space.

Yes, I agree. You are definitely onto something. Be sure to give your counters extra depth if you can. Our kitchen sink area in our previous home felt so cramped. When we remodel that kitchen and again in our new/old house we were able to add three inches to the depth of the counter. It is hardly noticeable but what a difference it makes!

One thing that really makes this idea work is if you can have the countertop and window sill in one piece. I had this arrangement a couple of houses back, and it was perfect. There was lots of room behind the faucet and no seam or raised area for the window sill.

Agree with the note of caution! Our son and daughter-in-love have the window/counter combination and the view is fabulous however the window needs to be washed up about 18 inches constantly. Its not hard but it can be a nuisance.

While I love all your inspiration photos, my only suggestion would be to make sure there is a good distance behind the faucet to the window. My faucet is too close to the window which is also at the counter level. And while I do have a great view out to the garden, I am constantly wiping the window for water spots, which drives me crazy!! We are going to be building a new home soon and I will definitely be having the window at counter level but at least 2 feet back. Good luck.

That seems correct to me. You should be able to use your 3D API of choice to enumerate the physical adapters available and correlate those with these counters in order to get a name for them, if you like.

Windows maintains numeric representations (indexes) for object and performance counter names. Zabbix supports these numeric representations as parameters to the perf_counter, perf_counter_en item keys and in PerfCounter, PerfCounterEn configuration parameters.

However, it's not recommended to use them unless you can guarantee your numeric indexes map to correct strings on specific hosts. If you need to create portable items that work across different hosts with various localized Windows versions, you can use the perf_counter_en key or PerfCounterEn configuration parameter which allow to use English names regardless of system locale.

GPU Captures in PIX on Windows support collecting hardware-specific counters on AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA GPUs. There are several PIX features that will show hardware counter values to you in different ways. See below for details.

Each hardware vendor chooses which counters they support in PIX. If you would like PIX to support more hardware counters, then please contact us and/or your representative at the appropriate hardware vendor.

In the Event List view, you can click on the clipboard icon in the top-right corner of the view to open the counter selection panel. In this panel, you can choose individual counters that you would like to collect. After selecting a counter and collecting timing data, PIX will display a value for the counter next to each event: be457b7860

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