
Carsteroids is a "2D car-combat sci-fi shooter '90s inspired game"

Carsteroids is a challenging top-down shooter set in a dark future after humanity colonized the asteroids.

Now that place is a set for a violent car-combat gameshow.

Inspired by the "90s 16-bit era machines" and the "arcade machines", the game is concentrated on the player's skills to win the impossible tournament and to proceed with the story.


"418 years after our planet's death, the man entered into its darkest age...

The asteroid belt was the final frontier for the search of the resources. Now, it is the biggest spaceport ever known, the asteroids are almost drained and the inhabitants are raging civil war for the independence from the Earth dominion."

The Governor of Vesta created a combat game show to avoid the war, the game was called Carsteroids.

Carsteroids is a challenging tournament where all the pilots and the fighters gather to find their fortune.

One of our "protagonists" will need to win the final prize for getting out from his sudden troubles...

"We have the greatest show in the Solar System! Are you looking for glory? Money? Are you smuggling some goods? Are you seeking for revenge? Maybe you are a slave with no choices, so fight for freedom! Or simply wanna have fun? Make your own destiny in the Carsteroids arenas!"


  • 60 fps

  • Single player story mode

  • Arcade mode

  • Multiplayer fun (versus ball mode + arcade co-op)

  • Random stages and crazy enemies

  • Fast and challenging old school car-combat

  • Different weapons and powerups!

  • Multiple endings

  • Loot sexy collectibles

  • Unlockables

  • Bonus levels

  • Hidden areas

  • Bossfights

  • Keyboard or full gamepad control

  • STEAM achievements

The asteroids bonus level

The first bossfight


After the "mining age" the asteroids became the Solar System's main spaceport, where humans and aliens meet for commercial exchanges, tourism and fun.

All the abandoned mineral warehouses were converted into "fighting arenas" for the game show, where pilots combat to earn money and where slaves and prisoners fight to obtain their freedom.

After a stage is clear the player is brought to the shop where he can buy new items, new upgrades and restore the energy.

To win the final prize, the player must beat all the 15* stages.

Two "on foot" slaves fighting for their freedom

What do you need to buy?