Montreal Carpet Cleaner

What Method Did Carpet Cleaner Rental In Montreal Use to Clean Carpet?

When you buy a carpet, you imagine your house to match the carpet with the house. And there are different types of carpet available; you choose the one you think would suit your house. The carpets are made with different materials, so it requires different cleaning and care according to the carpet's material. Carpet steam cleaning in Montreal uses different methods for carpet cleaning. Let us have a look at the methods used.

Soap water

In those times, the development of technology was not there, and people used soap water to clean the carpet. Due to which the carpet loses its durability and does not last longer. The carpet is a huge material, so while cleaning and drying it out, a lot of foam residue remains on the carpet, which takes longer to dry, and it becomes sticky while using. Montreal dry cleaner carpet is useful in this method and could provide extra support to the carpet.

Hot water extraction

This process is used by many people. In this process, hot water is necessary to clean the dirt from the carpet. First, the hot water is used in the dirty carpet; after that, a brush is used to clean the carpet with continuous agitation as it would pull out all the dirt from the carpet. But some people do not consider the carpet's material, but not all carpet is used for cleaning by this process, as hot water can Detroit the material of some carpet. After the cleaning process, it is left in the heat or in the air-conditioned room to dry.

Dry carpet cleaning

It is a method that is getting popular, and many people are also using this. This technology is a new invention to make it easier for the people, and it also does not take much time. Wet cleaning methods take relatively more time than this. In this process, a motorized brush is used, which can move from one side to the other, go deep into the material, and clean even a small dust particle. This technology pulls out any dirt in the carpet and makes it look new in a few minutes.


Synthetic detergents are used to clean the carpet in this process. The foam encapsulation process uses synthetic detergent to turn into powder when the foam dries. After the foam dries, make sure to absorb every dirt present on the carpet and then using a brush or a vacuum, you can pull out all the specks of dirt on the carpet.

Bonnet cleaning

In this process, a motorized machine consisting of a spinning pad is used, which helps clean the topmost layer of the carpet and absorbs every dirt particle from the surface. As it does not clean the carpet from inside, several dirt particles remain on the interior part of the carpet, creating issues for the environment. But this is a great technique in urban areas and does not require much time.

These are the techniques people use to clean the carpet; choose the one that would suit your carpet's material.