
We assume that most players know how to act online with respect and understanding. This is a temporary rule set for the BETA and is expected to be followed. 

Extended later when things go awry. 

Skip this if you must... but the Most Important Rule is...

"The Salty Rule!"

This is the "don't be a dick" rule. Treat the others with respect and don't screw with people (especially if it involves their real lives). Just remember although others may act, look, and maybe smell weird, we are all part of the community.

Discord is NOT required

Discord is highly recommended, but not required if you wish to have a Caro. We do not pressure people into joining the whole community if you wish to remain undisturbed by our overbearing presence. 

Be Over Thirteen

As a Standard, Under 13 members are not allowed to join our overall community. Our themes are for 13+ year olds. For all users, especially teenagers, we recommend using filters on your web browser, sites and the offical discord for content curation, and choosing the correct age group on Discord.

For those over 18 years, we have specific rooms and areas only accessible by adults. We will automatically ban anyone who we might consider being underage who use these rooms.

Implied-Consent is Active

We are a group-wide implied-consent that all Caros can be drawn or mentioned as surprise gift art, cameos, etc. 

However always ask for permission for important character roles, relationships, harming another character, etc

We Welcome Players of ALL Skill Levels and Activity

There is no minimum or maximum skill requirement to join, either in writing prose or in artistic style. We encourage improvement over time and only ask that you provide yourself ample opportunities to learn and discover your style.

We do not judge and we ask that the community gives solid encouragement! 

However we do discourage any spamming, if you have a lump amount of quickly produced art or writing such as drabble and sketches, please submit it within one submission.

The Setting is Low-Cyberpunk, Grimdark, Post Apocalyptic and Cruel

We have darker than usual themes, most modern influences and references are allowed, especially for Marauders. The world is also very dangerous. Please be aware of the darker themes before joining Caros.

No Bullying

We have a zero tolerance for bullying or bigotry. Players will be warned if toxic comments are made and for continued misbehavior. If directed to a specific player, they will be banned -- No exceptions. 

We also do not allow people to taunt or threaten to report someone, or to belittle or shame someone for reporting. If you are being harassed, do not respond in kind, be calm and report the bullying to staff immediately. Taunting, firing back, harassing or threatening to report another user is not allowed and will also result in being punished.

No Impersonation

Impersonating other people, especially staff, is not allowed. This also includes having alternative accounts to game the system of Caros.

Treat Others With Respect

Please be courteous to fellow members and treat others as you would want to be treated. 

Please keep out-of-character disputes outside of in-character events (ooc to ic) and please refrain from having in-character events affect the way you treat other players out-of-character.

Do not Backseat Moderate or Rules Lawyer

Do not take administrative duties into your own hands or enforce the rules. If you see a person breaking the rules, alert a staff member as staff are trained to determine if infractions are made, try to keep logs or evidence. Prevalent and constant rules lawyering by individuals may end up with a warning.

If you are being messaged inappropriately by players who rule-lawyer, you have every right to report them. 

Do not shame other members, based on their plots, art style, prose, etc.

Encourage others to improve, give solid feedback and remember to always compliment! Character's choices are completely up to the owners of the Caros. You can play whatever you want, you can choose whomever you wish to interact with, and other players can choose whether or not to interact with you. 

Staff are Here to Assist

Staff are there to listen and to help. If you feel you need the assistance of a mediator to help you sort out a dispute with another player, please contact a moderator. If you feel as if you are being treated unfairly by any of the staff in Caros, please report it to SlapDrink, the owner. Do not be afraid to take evidence and report misbehavior, even if it involves a staff member. We desire for all of our players to have a respectful and friendly environment.


Please keep inappropriate or mature conversations out of our main group. If you feel the need to discuss anything that may seem mature in any way, please take it to PMs/DMs. Staff will not tolerate inappropriate conversations in the group. Please realize that we have players who are as young as 13 years old. Please, use discretion by using the correct tags and subjects.

Species Credit

Please, credit the Species Website OR Discord in the description or within the image. This isn't required but would be highly appreciated to spread word about the species. :)

The Canon Setting is OPTIONAL

The setting of Caros is supposed to be optional and a sounding board for people who need more structure for their caros. Feel free to put them in any setting, both antrhomorphised or as animals. 

Etiquette of Our Community

Selling Caros

Caros are meant to be open, free. The Caro species is meant to be easily accessible, not for making money. Therefore, the idea that a player needs to buy a caro to participate is the antithesis of the community's goals: to create an easy barrier of entry for anyone interested to participate

 YCHs and Commissions are always acceptable..

Mature Plotlines, Stories, Creative Control and YOU

Plotlines, Unofficial Events and Personal Stories are player created content. We cannot control aspects of another person's storylines and we don't have interest in moderating personal stories and unofficial events. You are more than welcome to write and draw whatever stories you wish WITH some very obvious exceptions regarding hate speech/etc. (elaborated below). 

As discussed in the rules, Arken is meant to be both inhospitable and dangerous, story themes which might be 'edgier' or 'darker' than regular ARPG writing is allowed. Expressing and exploring darker themes is allowed and never discouraged, exploring darker tones of nature, both human and otherwise, allows us to explore in a safe and controlled environment. Having themes and stories which might be considered shocking/morally wrong, or explaining the intentions of characters who do great atrocities contribute to our understanding & empathy for others, highlighting certain real-life issues the creator may be facing or experiencing. 

Recommended Warnings System

We allow players to use warnings if needed and if the author chose not to warn for content, players must be aware that there might be some mature themes but the author has chosen not to specify them. If the author chooses to mark their stories with a warning, they must make sure to update any warnings regarding them in the future. Authors may also mark their stores as "General" "PG+16" "M+16" or "R+18"

Creative works that contain hateful symbols; Hate Speech; Misuse, misrepresentation, or misappropriation real life cultures; Use depictions or descriptions that parody or downplay sensitive real life topics; Taunts or belittles real victims; or have racist depictions cannot be presented on the Official Discord and will get you banned.

Feedback and Critique Etiquette

Players may ask for feedback and critique with their works, this means that honesty is always appreciated. Critique and feedback requires a level of respect on both sides. Understand that whoever you might be speaking to has put in a genuine effort into their work, and those offering it are giving genuine pointers -- Feedback and Critique must be genuine, mutually. 

Golden Rule: Do not give feedback or critique unless specifically asked! It is better to avoid giving critiques if no one has requested it. We all work hard on our art and it is proven that positive feedback encourages people to continue pursuing their passion. We're here to support each other.  

Make a 'compliment sandwich!' - start off with something good, then something that could be improved and at the end remember to say something kind.

AI Generated Art