Carlos Prados
Ph.D. in Robotics at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Software team leader at ARX Robotics
Carlos Prados
PhD in Automation and Robotics (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM)
Supervision of Bachelor and Master's students
University professor
Peer-reviewer experience: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE Access, Applied Sciences, Electronics, Energies, Telecom.
Software team leader at ARX Robotics.
Design of the omnidirectional robotic platform for the inspection of the SPS accelerator at CERN
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Custom-made SLAM algorithm for tunnels environments like particle accelerator tunnels (CERN)
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ROMERIN: The modular legged-and-climbing robotic organism that uses active suction cup
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ROMHEX: Non-modular and small version of ROMERIN
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What's new?
[2023 Dec] I have successfully completed my PhD in Automation and Robotics at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, obtaining Cum laude mention.
[2023 Jul] An article about torque-based control of multi-limbed systems is accepted in the "Machines" journal. Check here .
[2023 Apr] I have started a PhD internship in the Centre for Biorobotics at TalTech (Tallinn, Estonia).
[2023 Jan] An article about ROMERIN is accepted in the "Biomimetics" journal. Check here.
[2022 Dec] An article about ROMERIN is accepted in the "Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial" journal. Check here.
[2022 Nov] I presented the work carried out with ROMERIN at the conference "I Jornada de Investigación de la ETSIDI".
[2022 Oct] An article about ROMERIN is accepted in the "International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems" journal. Check here.
[2022 May] I presented the work carried out with ROMERIN at the iberoamerican conference "Jornadas de robótica, educación y bioingeniería 2022"
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