Carlos Eduardo van Hombeeck

Economist, International Monetary Fund*


[Journal of Banking & Finance, July 2023] [Bank of England Staff Working Paper]

[Journal of International Money and Finance, March 2020] [Online Appendix] [Bank of England Staff Working Paper] Coverage: []

[IMF Economic Review, June 2017] [IMF Working Paper] [Data]

[Journal of International Money and Finance, February 2017] [IMF Working Paper]

Working Papers

Policy Papers and Blog Posts

[South African Reserve Bank Financial Stability Focus Topical Briefings, June 2021]

[Bank of England Financial Stability Paper No. 45] [Banca d'Italia Occasional Paper No. 589]

[Bank Underground] [Input for 'COVID-19 and the financial system: a tale of two crises', by Julia Giese and Andy Haldane]

[ECB Occasional Paper No. 242] [FSC Paper] [Empirical benchmark tool]

[Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin 2017 Q4] Coverage: [Jeffrey Sachs' Project Syndicate article] [WSJ] [Conversable Economist]

[Bank Underground]

Contributions to Noteworthy Policy Speeches and Notes

*The views expressed in my research do not necessarily reflect those of the IMF.

Email: cvanhombeeck2 "at"

Address: 700 19th St NW, Washington, DC 20431