For a day or two we did nothing but cruise pleasantly around theislands, within sight of the Mexican pickets, sometimes landing on thelarger Venado, and scooping up, from a natural bowl, a few gallons offresh water that was distilled from the dew, and trickled down betweencrevices of the rocks. The climate, though excessively damp, was yetdelightfully agreeable, tempered by the most regular succession ofdiurnal sea breezes. It never rains out of season, and were it not forthe heavy night dews, the very birds would famish. Until now we had madeno prizes, saving quantities of excellent fish jerked out of oldNeptune's bosom, without going through the forms of condemnation by acourt of admiralty. Once we made a swoop on a small shallop, manned by acouple of Frenchmen, but finding nothing for the trouble, and the Patronswearing he would, under cover of night, bring us on board somethinggreen and eatable, we set him at liberty, after whispering in my ear therequest that Messieurs would discharge a carbine over his boat topreserve his honor; which mild compliment we promised to comply with.All this did very well, and we had begun to be quite happy in ourindependence. We discovered the best fishing rocks, clearest bathingbeach, and purest pool of water, when the powers above us, kind[Pg 92] souls,judged we were too far removed from the parental protection of theirguns; talked about the possibility of our being cut out, and cut up, andso forth; and the little Rosa was ordered to take a nearer station bythe Flag-ship. There we lay rolling and tumbling in the worst possiblesea and humor, within a cable's length of the Constance, keeping abright look-out on the town, and a brighter still on a surf chafing rocknear our counter. Then again, we would run round little Creston, whichforms a sort of gate-post to the new port, and get in comparativelysmooth water, and bathe twice a day; eat sparingly, per force, and doanything to fill up the crevices of indolence; until at last we wereagain ordered to resume our former position, and the Rosa gladlystretched her wings, and the same day dropped her anchors at the oldbirth, under shelter of Venados.

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