Cardiff NLP


We have a new website, visit it here:

For more information about the NLP workshop we are organising in June/July, please visit this website.

⚠️This website is no longer maintained since March 2022 ⚠️

This is the unofficial page for the Cardiff NLP (Natural Language Processing) group. The official website of the NLP research group at Cardiff University can be accessed here.

In this website you can know more about the team members, projects/resources and our schedule of planned activities and seminars.


Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI) concerned on how computers deal with language. NLP is a growing global industry with many active research directions. In our group we are working on various aspects of NLP, both theoretical and applied. We believe NLP is interdisciplinary in nature, and that is why in our group we are interested in both NLP and domain experts that can bring the field forward, and enable impact in applications that matter.

We conduct active research in diverse NLP topics such as lexical semantics, commonsense reasoning, multilinguality, downstream and social NLP applications (e.g. health, social media) and many others.


Follow our Cardiff_NLP Twitter account for news and hiring announcements.

Here is where you can write more information about your team's core value.

Here is where you can write more information about your team's core value.

Here is where you can write more information about your team's core value.

If you are in Cardiff and interested in NLP, please contact Jose Camacho-Collados to join our group and/or subscribe to our mailing list