Privacy Policy

Privacy Poli

Your trust is very important to us. We are well aware of the importance of personal information to you. We will take corresponding security protection measures in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations to try our best to protect your personal information in a safe and controllable manner. In view of this, we have formulated this \"Privacy Policy\" (hereinafter referred to as \"the Policy\") and remind you:

This policy applies to the \"software\" products and services. Before using the \"software\" products or services, please read and thoroughly understand this policy, and use the related products or services after confirming your full understanding and consent. Once you start using the \"software\" product or service, it means that you have fully understood and agreed to this policy. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the content of this policy, you can contact us by sending an email to the mailbox [], under normal circumstances, we will reply within 30 days.

1. How we collect and use personal information

When you use the \"software\" software and services, we will collect information in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, fairness and necessity. The information we collect or ask you to provide will be used to:

1. Guarantee the normal operation of the product foundation

2. Realize various functions and services

3. Optimize and improve products and services

4. Ensure the safety of products, services and users

5. Follow laws, regulations and national standards

(1) Personal information we directly collect and use

We will collect information that you proactively provide during use and use automated means to collect information generated during your use of functions or receiving services in the following ways:

1. Guarantee the normal operation of the \"software\" and services

When you use the \"software\" and related services, in order to ensure the normal operation of the software and services, we will collect your hardware model, operating system version, international mobile equipment identification number (ME), network device hardware address (MAC), IP address, software version number, network access method and type, operation log and other information. Please understand that this information is the basic information we must collect to provide services and ensure the normal operation of our products.

2. This software is a tool to provide picture download, video download, picture editing, and video editing. All download content is saved on the server

(1) When you record or edit audio and video, we will ask you to authorize sensitive permissions for cameras, photos, and microphones. If you refuse to provide authorization, you will not be able to use this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of the \"software\".

3. Ensure the safety of products, services and users

In order to help us better understand the operating status of the \"Software\" and related services, so as to ensure the safety of operation and provision of services, we may record network log information and the frequency of using the software and related services, crash data, overall installation, and clear usage Information such as status, performance data, etc.

4. Carry out marketing activities

(1) When you choose to participate in relevant marketing activities held by us, you can provide your name, mailing address, contact information, and bank account information according to the needs of the activity. This information is personal sensitive information and is necessary for you to receive transfers or gifts , If you refuse to provide this information, we may not be able to transfer money or send gifts to you.

(2) We may obtain your personal information from third parties.

1. When you actively use a third-party account to log in to the \"software\", we may collect the nickname, avatar and other information of the third-party account.

2. The information collected by us for your use of our products or services, for example, the information released by other users may contain some of your information (for example, information related to you in feedback, audio and video, etc.).

(3) Processing of changes in the purpose of collecting and using personal information

Please understand that with the development of our business, the functions and services provided by the \"software\" may be adjusted and changed. When a new function or service is related to scenes such as video acquisition, video editing, and video publishing, the personal information collected and used is directly or reasonably related to the original purpose. In scenarios that are not directly or reasonably related to the original purpose, we will collect and use your personal information, and we will notify you again and obtain your consent.

(4) Personal information that is legally exempt from the collection and use of consent

Please understand that in the following situations, in accordance with laws, regulations and relevant national standards, we do not need your authorization to collect and use your personal information

(1) Directly related to national security and national defense security;

(2) It is directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

(3) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;

(4) It is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual in order to protect the life and property of the personal information subject or other individuals and other major legal rights;

(5) Your personal information collected is disclosed to the public by yourself;

(6) Collect your personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

(7) Involving trade secrets;

(8) Necessary for signing or performing a contract according to your requirements;

(9) Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the \"software\" software and related services, such as discovering and handling faults in the \"software\" software and related services;

(10) Necessary for legal news reports;

(11) When it is necessary for academic research institutions to conduct statistics or academic research based on public interests, and when they provide academic research or description results to the outside, they de-identify the personal information contained in the results;

(12) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

You are particularly reminded that if the information cannot identify your personal identity alone or in combination with other information, it is not your personal information in the legal sense; when your information can identify your personal identity alone or in combination with other information, or we When combining data that cannot be linked to any specific personal information with other personal information of you, this information will be treated and protected as your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy during the combined use.

2. The use of cookies and similar techniques

Cookies and similar technologies are common and commonly used technologies on the Internet. When you use the \"software\" software and related services, we may use related technologies to send one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and store information about your visit and use of this product. We use cookies and similar technologies to achieve the following functions or services:

(1) Ensure the safe and efficient operation of products and services

We may set cookies or anonymous identifiers for authentication and security, so that we can confirm whether you log in to the service safely or whether you have encountered illegal acts such as embezzlement or fraud. These technologies will also help us improve service efficiency and increase login and response speed.

(2) Help you get a more relaxed visit experience

Using this type of technology can help you save you from repeating the steps and processes of filling in your personal information and entering search content (for example, it may realize a one-click login process and record search history).

(3) Recommend, display, and push content or accounts that may be of interest to you

We may use cookies and similar technologies (such as Beacon, Poy, etc.) to understand your preferences and usage habits, conduct consultation or data analysis, to improve product services and user experience, and optimize your advertising choices. We promise that we will not use cookies for any purpose other than those stated in this privacy policy.

3. How do we store personal information

(1) Location of information storage

In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, we store your personal information collected and generated during our domestic operations in the People's Republic of China. At present, we will not transmit the above information overseas. If we transmit overseas, we will follow the relevant national regulations and seek your consent.

(2) Storage period

We only retain your personal information for the period necessary to provide the \"software\" and services. For example, for the audio and video information you posted, we will retain the relevant information while you have not withdrawn, deleted, or cancelled your account. After the necessary period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

4. How do we share, transfer and publicly disclose personal information

(1) Sharing and transfer of personal information

We will not share or transfer your personal information to third parties unless you have obtained your prior authorization or consent or the personal information shared or transferred is de-identified information, and the shared third party cannot re-identify the natural person subject of such information .

(2) Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

1. After obtaining your explicit consent;

2. Disclosure based on the law; we may publicly disclose your personal information when required by law, legal procedures, litigation, or compulsory government departments.

5. How do we protect the security of personal information

(1) We have used safety protection measures that comply with industry standards to protect the personal information you provide to prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of data. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information. For example, the data exchange between your browser and the \"service\" is protected by SSL encryption; we will use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data; we will use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on data; we will deploy Access control mechanism to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information; and we will organize security and privacy protection training courses to strengthen employees’ awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

(2) Our data security capabilities use Huawei Cloud servers.

(3) We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that irrelevant personal information is not collected. We will only retain your personal information for the period required to achieve the purpose stated in the policy, unless it is necessary to extend the retention period or is permitted by law.

(4) The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and emails, even communications, and communication with other Lazy Cat demo users are not encrypted. We strongly recommend that you do not send personal information through such methods. Please use a complex password to help us ensure the security of your account.

(5) In the unfortunate event of a personal information security incident, we will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, and the disposal measures we have taken or will take. You can independently prevent and Suggestions to reduce risks, remedial measures for you, etc. We will promptly notify you of the relevant information of the incident by email, etc. If it is difficult to inform the main subject of personal information one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to issue an announcement.

(6) We would like to remind you in particular that the personal information protection measures provided in this privacy policy only apply to \"this software\" software and related services. Once you leave the \"software\" software and related services, browse or use other websites, services, and content resources, we have no ability and obligation to protect you from the \"software\" software and related services, and anyone provided by the website information.

6. Your rights

We attach great importance to the management of your personal information and do our best to protect your right to access, modify (update or correct) and withdraw your authorization and consent to your personal information, so that you have the ability to protect your privacy and security.

(1) Complaints and reports

You can make a complaint or report in accordance with our publicized system. If you think your personal information rights may be infringed or find clues that infringe your personal information rights, you can contact us by clicking \"Settings\" to enter the suggestion feedback interface. We will feedback your complaint and report within 30 days after verification.

(2) Access privacy policy

You can view the entire content of this privacy policy in [VIP]-[Privacy Policy].

(3) Stop operation and notify you of the right

If we cease operations, we will promptly stop the activities of collecting your personal information, notify you of the suspension of operations in the form of one-by-one delivery or announcement, and delete or anonymize the personal information we hold.

Seven, minor clauses

If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should read and agree to this privacy policy under the supervision and guidance of your parents or other guardians before using the \"software\" software and related services.

We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations, and will only collect, use, share or disclose the personal information of minors when permitted by law, parents or other guardians expressly consent or necessary to protect minors Information; if we discover that the personal information of minors has been collected without prior verifiable parental consent, we will try to delete the relevant information as soon as possible.

If you are the guardian of a minor, when you have any questions about the personal information of the minor you are guarding, please contact us through the contact information disclosed in this privacy policy.

8. Revision and notice of privacy policy

(1) In order to provide you with better services, the \"software\" software and related services will be updated and changed from time to time. We will revise this privacy policy in due course. Such revisions form part of this privacy policy and are equivalent to this privacy policy. The effectiveness of the policy. However, without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under this privacy policy currently in effect.

(2) For major changes, we will also provide more noticeable notifications (we will explain the specific changes to the privacy policy through methods including but not limited to emails, SMS, private messages or special reminders on the browsing page).

The major changes referred to in this privacy policy include but are not limited to:

1. Our service model has undergone major changes. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, the way of using personal information, etc.;

2. Significant changes have taken place in our ownership structure and organizational structure. Such as all changes caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers, etc.;

3. The main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure have changed;

4. Your right to participate in the processing of personal information and how to exercise it has undergone major changes;

5. When the department responsible for handling personal information security, contact Wanshi and complaint channels change.

Nine, the scope of application

This privacy policy applies to all services provided by us and its affiliates, including this software client, applet, etc., and does not apply to third-party products or services that have a separate privacy policy and are not included in this privacy policy.

This privacy policy does not apply to:

1. Other third-party products or services may include products or H5 and advertising content shown to you in personalized recommendations or other products or websites linked to in the \"software\" service;

2. Other third parties who advertise this app.

Your use of these third-party services (including any personal information you provide to these third parties) will be bound by the terms of service and privacy policies of these third parties (not this privacy policy). Please read the third party's terms carefully. Please properly protect your personal information and provide it to third parties only when necessary.

The \"software\" and related services described in this privacy policy may vary according to factors such as the phone model, system version, and software application version you are using. The final products and services are based on the \"software\" you use and related Service shall prevail.

APPENDIX A - Advertising networks and their partners

The below companies assist us by providing services relating to advertising and marketing. If you reside in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), the advertising networks, analytics providers, and other companies listed below request your consent to collect or receive device information from our apps on your browser or device for advertising purposes, including personal and non-personal information, such as advertising (or ad) identifiers, IP address, or other information regarding the delivery of advertisements and your interaction with them, the inventory of installed apps and/or other tracking technologies to provide measurement services, personalization, ad selection, delivery, reporting, and optimize targeted ads. Ad identifiers are non-permanent device identifiers such as the Android advertising ID and/or Apple's ID for advertising (IDFA). In addition, the advertising networks listed below, with the exception of Fyber, Mobfox, and PubNative who act as data processors upon our instructions, are independent data controllers in respect of your personal information and you can learn more about how each handles your data or provides opt-outs by accessing their respective privacy notices using the hyperlinks below.

Amazon Developer

Amazon Developer is an advertising service provided by Amazon, Inc. (US). Amazon does not require opt-in or opt-out signals from users in our Services, relevant signals are collected directly from the user upon creating an account in such service.

Privacy Policy:

You can manage your personalized ad preferences in relation to Amazon directly from your Amazon account here:


AppLovin is an advertising service provided by AppLovin Corporation (US)

Privacy Policy:

Facebook Audience Network

Facebook Audience Network is an advertising service provided by Facebook, Inc. (US) that may collect or receive information from our apps and other apps and use that information to provide measurement services and targeted ads. Facebook does not require opt-in or opt-out signals from users in our Services, relevant signals are collected directly from the user upon creating an account in such service.

Privacy Policy:

You can manage your personalized ad preferences in relation to Facebook directly from your Facebook account.


Fyber is an advertising service provided by Fyber Group. (Israel)

Privacy Policy:

Google AdMob and their partners

AdMob by Google is provided by Google Inc. (US)

For more information on how AdMob uses the collected information, please visit the Privacy Policy of Google:

For more information on AdMob Partners, please visit:

You can opt-out from AdMob by Google service by following the instructions described by Google:

Google AdSense

Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on our Service. Google's use of the DoubleClick cookie enables it and its partners to serve ads to our users based on their visit to our Service or other websites on the Internet.

You may opt-out of the use of the DoubleClick Cookie for interest-based advertising by visiting the Google Ads Settings web page:


InMobi is an advertising service provided by InMobi PTE Ltd (Singapore)

Privacy Policy:



IronSource is an advertising service provided by IronSource, Inc. (US) and does not require opt-in or opt-out signals from users in our Services, since they provide only non-personalized ads in our Services.

Privacy Policy:


Liftoff is an advertising service provided by Liftoff, Inc. (US)

Privacy Policy:

MoPub and their partners

MoPub is provided by MoPub, Inc. (US)

For more information on what information MoPub collects and how it's used, please read MoPub Privacy Policy:

For more information on MoPub Partners, please visit:

You can opt-out from MoPub service by following the instructions on MoPub Opt-out page:


OpenX is an advertising service provided by OpenX Software Ltd (US) and does not require opt-in or opt-out signals from users in our Services. Relevant signals are collected directly from Amazon for the users who have or create an account in such service.

Privacy Policy:


PubMatic is an advertising service provided by PubMatic,Inc. (US) and does not require opt-in or opt-out signals from users in our Services. Relevant signals are collected directly from Amazon for the users who have or create an account in such service.

Privacy Policy:



PubNative is an advertising service provided by PubNative GmbH (Germany)

Privacy Policy:

Smaato and their vendors

Smaato is an advertising service provided by Smaato, Inc. (US)

Privacy Policy:

For more information on the Smaato Vendors, please visit:

Unity Ads

Unity Ads is an advertising service provided by Unity Ads Inc. (US)

Privacy Policy:

Verizon Media and their vendors

Verizon Media, previously known as Oath, provides advertising services under their AOL, Yahoo and other brands.

Privacy Policy:

For more information on VerizonAOL (OATH) Vendors, please visit:

APPENDIX B - Analytics and other service providers

We use your information to perform our own analytics and to enable analytics provided by third parties and other essential functions. We use analytical information for supporting business analysis and operations, business intelligence, product development, improving the Services, personalizing content, providing advertising, and making recommendations. In order to learn about how your information is used by our analytics service providers, you can follow the hyperlinks in the list below to each provider’s privacy notice.


Adjust is analytics service provided by Adjust GmbH (Germany)

Privacy Policy:


AWS is cloud computing services provided by Amazon Web Services, Inc. (US).

Privacy Policy:


Fabric is an analytics service provided by Google Inc. (US)

Privacy Policy:

Facebook Ads conversion

Facebook Ads conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Facebook, Inc. (US) that connects data from the Facebook advertising network with actions performed on the Services.

Privacy Policy:

Facebook Analytics

Facebook Analytics is an analytics tool provided by Facebook, Inc. (US) that may collect or receive information from our apps and other apps and use that information to provide measurement services.

Privacy Policy:


Firebase is an analytics service provided by Google Inc. (US)

You may opt-out of certain Firebase features through your mobile device settings, such as your device advertising settings or by following the instructions provided by Google in their Privacy Policy:

Google reCAPTCHA

Google reCAPTCHA is a spam protection service provided by Google LLC. (US)

It is primarily used to distinguish whether an input is made by a natural person or abusive by automated processing. The service includes sending data required by Google for the reCAPTCHA service to Google. Additional information about Google reCAPTCHA and Google's privacy policy can be found at

Google Admob privacy

To improve the performance of AdMob, the Google Mobile Ads SDK may collect certain information from apps, including:

  • IP address, which may be used to estimate the general location of a device.

  • Non-user related crash logs, which may be used to diagnose problems and improve the SDK. Diagnostic information may also be used for advertising and analytics purposes.

  • User-associated performance data such as app launch time, hang rate, or energy usage, which may be used to evaluate user behavior, understand the effectiveness of existing product features, and plan new features. Performance data may also be used for displaying ads, including sharing with other entities that display ads.

  • A Device ID such as the device's advertising identifier or other app-bounded device identifiers, which may be used for the purpose of third-party advertising and analytics.

  • Advertising data, such as advertisements the user has seen, may be used to power analytics and advertising features.

  • Other user product interactions like app launch taps, and interaction information, like video views, may be used to improve advertising performance.