5 Things That Should Be Checked When Getting Caravan Servicing

Caravan servicing is a much-needed procedure that is needed to keep your vehicle in top condition. Here are some things that you should check and keep in mind when getting your caravan serviced

Check for Moss and Algae

When you are sending your caravan for servicing make sure that you observe moss and algae growth in the vehicle. Horse floats and mobile homes tend to have a build-up of moss and algae because the flat roof of the vehicles and edges and corners are such that algae and moss can easily attach themselves to them. The windows and doors of the caravan also tend to collect algae and moss. You should have the servicing professionals note that there is an algae build-up so that you can be certain that they don’t miss it when they are cleaning and servicing your horse float.

Caravan Cover

The caravan cover is meant to protect it when it is not in use. The cover enables the caravan to remain cleaner, especially if you are not planning to use it for a considerable length of time. But the cover is also exposed to the elements and nibbles from pests and rodents. Therefore make sure that the cover is dusted off regularly and that you have set up a duration after which you take it off and wash it. while many caravan owners are not in favour of putting a caravan under the cover, but over the years, we have noted that covers do a great job of keeping the caravan intact and clean. Moving around the cover tends to cause some scratches, but if you dust it off regularly then the dust does not settle into the nooks and crannies and does not harm the paintwork.


Caravan tyres are the main support of the vehicle and should be cared for well. When taking the help of caravan servicing professionals in Sydney make sure that you let them know that you need the tyres serviced as well. Take a check of the tyre pressure after it comes back from servicing and ensure with the tyre manufacturer how long the tyres should last given the kind of use you put them to. You can purchase your pressure gauge or you can ask the serving professionals to check it when you are around so that you can take note.

Preparing caravan for servicing

When you are giving your caravan to service professionals make sure that you switch off all alarms and switches and keep all valuables safe with you. Alarm systems might prevent professionals from accessing areas in your caravan that might need good cleaning and maintenance. You should also take care to move away from any fragile items that you may have around your caravan so that there are no breakages or physical damages during the process.

Make sure that you remove drapes, curtains, and anything else that you think will get damaged in the servicing of the caravan.

Check for Damp in your Caravan

Damp in your caravan is a major factor for deterioration. If you step into your caravan and you can sniff the musty smell just oozing through the items, it means that water has somehow seeped in through the roof or walls. This should immediately sound an alarm for you and you should check the damp with a moisture meter. If you don’t have one handy, ask the caravan servicing professionals in Sydney to check it for you. Once they have determined the moisture level try and locate the leak and seal that inlet. You can also get your caravan serviced and repaired to make sure that the sealing is refreshed throughout the caravan.

Fixing Caravan Window Scratches

Window scratches are an eyesore and while they look bad they cannot be prevented. You can ask caravan servicing professionals in Sydney to help you fix light scratches with suitable chemicals that they have. Make sure that the scratches do not run deep, and if they do consult with the servicing professionals as to whether they need to be replaced or not.

Keep all these things in mind when sending your Caravan for repairs. you can also call us for more guidance about servicing and repairs.

Disclaimer: This is a generic Information & post; content about the services can be changed from time to time as per your requirements and contract. To get the latest and updated information, contact us today or visit our website.