Interesting to hear about issues with Mask improvement suggestions (#1 separate mask commands, would need additional keyboard shortcut, and #2 Keeping as toggle but dynamically update label text, would break the way keyboard shortcut mapping is currently done).

But it says nothing about how. They use capital letter for the restart word, so normally it should mean something if you emphasize an appellation. Is there some hidden restart button or a key shortcut?

How do I restart the IDE?

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Once you've set up a shortcut, you can simply type forward-slash ( / ) followed by the name of the shortcut while chatting with a visitor and the text will be replaced with the text you add to the Enter Message text box.

Before saving, there are a few final options to choose from when deciding how your new shortcut will function. Just below the Add Message button for Suggested Messages, you have a choice between making the new shortcut Public or Personal.

Once you've got your new shortcut set up the way you want, make sure to click the green Save button in the bottom right corner. This will take you back to the list of shortcuts, giving you a quick view of all your entries.

To duplicate multiple layers in After Effects, you can use either the Edit menu or keyboard shortcut, the only difference being that you need to first select the multiple layers in your composition you want to duplicate.

"Tips and Tricks" lets you jump right in and learn how to be productive with Visual Studio Code. You'll become familiar with its powerful editing, code intelligence, and source code control features and learn useful keyboard shortcuts. This topic goes pretty fast and provides a broad overview, so be sure to look at the other in-depth topics in Getting Started and the User Guide to learn more.

All of the commands are in the Command Palette with the associated key binding (if it exists). If you forget a keyboard shortcut, use the Command Palette to help you out.

Are you used to keyboard shortcuts from another editor? You can install a Keymap extension that brings the keyboard shortcuts from your favorite editor to VS Code. Go to Preferences > Migrate Keyboard Shortcuts from... to see the current list on the Marketplace. Some of the more popular ones:

The commands Copy Line Up/Down are unbound on Linux because the VS Code default keybindings would conflict with Ubuntu keybindings, see Issue #509. You can still set the commands editor.action.copyLinesUpAction and editor.action.copyLinesDownAction to your own preferred keyboard shortcuts.

Shortcut keyboard adalah kombinasi tombol keyboard yang Anda tekan untuk melakukan berbagai tugas menggunakan komputer. Menggunakan shortcut seringkali lebih cepat daripada mouse karena Anda posisi kedua tangan Anda tetap pada keyboard. Shortcut juga universal, yang berarti Anda dapat menggunakan banyak shortcut yang sama pada berbagai perangkat lunak. Misalnya, Anda dapat menggunakan shortcut copy (salin) dan paste (tempel) menyalin dan menyisipkan teks dalam aplikasi pengolah kata dan browser web.

Sebagian besar shortcut keyboard membutuhkan Anda untuk menekan dua atau lebih tombol dengan urutan tertentu. Misalnya, shortcut Ctrl dan X dilakukan dengan menekan dan menahan tombol Ctrl kemudian tekan tombol X, dan lepaskan keduanya.

Shortcut-shortcut keyboard sangat berguna ketika memanipulasi teks pada aplikasi pengolah kata, e-mail, dan lain-lain. Shortcut ini dapat membantu Anda melakukan tugas-tugas yang berulang, seperti menyalin dan menyisipkan teks.

Anda juga dapat menggunakan shortcut untuk membuka, menutup, atau berpindah aplikasi. Ketika Anda sedang mengelola berkas (misalnya berkas dokumen Microsoft Word), maka shortcut dapat digunakan untuk membuat berkas baru, mencari kata, dan cetak dokumen.

Shortcut juga dapat digunakan untuk navigasi browser web Anda. Banyak shortcut di atas yang dapat digunakan juga pada aktivitas online Anda, seperti memilih, menyalin, dan menempelkan teks ke dalam kolom isian alamat browser web. Mungkin beberapa shortcut ini dapat sedikit berbeda tergantung pada browser yang Anda gunakan.

Saat Anda menekan tombol Alt, maka Anda dapat melihat akses ke semua menu di aplikasi yang sedang Anda gunakan saat ini. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat melakukan hampir semua tugas hanya melalui keyboard Anda. Misalnya, Anda dapat menekan tombol Alt dan F dan X untuk menutup aplikasi. Saat Anda menggunakan shortcut ini, Anda tidak perlu menahan tombol Alt.

This document describes the default keyboard and mouse shortcuts of Inkscape, corresponding to theshare/inkscape/keys/inkscape.xml file in your Inkscape installation. Some of the keyboard shortcuts may not be available for non-US keyboard layouts, but most (not all) of these shortcuts are configurable by the user. You can create custom shortcuts and load custom keyboard shortcut files in the Inkscape Preferences, or by following the instructions in the default.xml file.

But the good news is that there are a few workarounds that will get you close. And the better news is that I have developed a simple (free) solution that will allow you to easily customize your own keyboard shortcuts for font and fill colors.

In the first part of this article I will explain all the built-in keyboard shortcuts that will help you apply font and fill colors. Since there is no direct way, I consider these to be workaround solutions (#1-#4 below). Even though these workarounds won't directly solve your problem, there are some great tricks to learn here to help save you time.

The ultimate goal of using a keyboard shortcut is to save time. Especially for repetitive tasks when you need to quickly apply the same colors over and over again. None of the workaround methods really accomplish this, so I created an Excel add-in that will allow you to customize your own shortcuts. The add-in is explained in #5 below with a link to the download page.

The keyboard shortcut to open the Fill Color menu on the ribbon is Alt+H+H. This will open the menu so you can view the color palette, but you have to take additional steps to select and apply the color. Here is a quick guide:

The Fill Color and Font Color menus can be added to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). This will help make the keyboard shortcut to access them shorter. Instead of pressing Alt+H+H, you could put the Fill Color menu in position #1 of the QAT and use the shortcut Alt+1 to open the Fill Color menu. See my articles on how to setup the Quick Access Toolbar and how to use the QAT's keyboard shortcuts for instructions on this.

A keyboard shortcut for Paste Formatting can be created by adding the button to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). This makes it very fast to copy the cell that contains the color and then only paste the formatting of that cell. The values or formulas in the copied cell will NOT be pasted. Only the formatting is pasted.

The four solutions listed above are the best workarounds that I've found, and hopefully they will help you learn some new Excel skills if nothing else. But they do not directly solve the problem, which is to have a fast way to apply a font or fill colors with one single keyboard shortcut.

So I developed this add-in that allows you to create custom keyboard shortcuts for font and fill colors. It basically allows you to choose your own shortcut key that will apply a specific font or fill color to the selected cell(s).

You can change the shortcut key to any character on the keyboard. The screenshot above shows the setup menu for the shortcut keys. You can see that I have setup the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A for the font color of red. When I press Ctrl+Shift+A on the keyboard the font color of the selected cells will change to red. It's a one-step process that is really fast!

Unfortunately there are no direct keyboard shortcuts for font & fill colors. Hopefully you learned some new tricks with the workaround solutions (#1-#4) that you can apply to other areas of your work. If nothing else, at least it will save you time from doing the web searches and research I did before building the custom add-in.

Now any time you right click on a file or folder, you can drag that file or folder with in "Files" to "Desktop" on the left side column. Once the symbolic link or shortcut is moved, you can rename it so it looks like the original source file or folder name.

For example, I was trying to create a shortcut for pycharm named pycharm.desktop, but the Allow launch option was not showing up, until I renamed the file to After renaming everything worked smoothly.

For folder shortcut, first you need to enable the simlink creation under Files --> Preferences in the Behavior tab (Show action to create symbolic links) in order that the Create link menu can appear when you right click on a folder. You can do the same with SHIFT+CTRL+M but this key combination works only if the simlink creation is enabled as described above (otherwise useless), and you will also need to turn on Capslock before using the keys to trigger capital 'M'...

But let's say you want to zoom out using the AZERTY layout. Because the shortcut for zooming out is a character ( - ) and not a letter, you have to use the US English keyboard as a reference and instead of pressing - on your keyboard, press whichever key is located at the same place as - on the US English keyboard:

Controlling Resolume with the mouse is great. You can access every parameter and set it with precision. But during a live performance, you'll want to have more control than what the mouse can offer. Sometimes, you want an exact thing to happen at an exact moment, without having to scroll and search for it with the mouse. That's where shortcuts come in.

You use shortcuts to assign a button on your computer keyboard or MIDI controller to a control in Resolume. Sort of like how CTRL-C and CTRL-V are shortcuts for copy-pasting. Except this time, you get to decide what the shortcuts are.

Resolume supports external control via your computer keyboard, MIDI controllers and OSC messages. If you're running Arena, you can also use DMX input from a lighting desk. ff782bc1db

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