Car Insurance Help Center

Everything you need to know about car insurance

Get help on the following car insurance topics

auto insurance deductible
Auto Insurance Deductibles
car insurance premium
Car Insurance Premiums
auto insurance discounts
Auto Insurance Discounts

The following options effect auto insurance rates

driving record
Driving Record
claim history
Claim History
amount of auto insurance coverage
Amount of Coverage

Auto Insurance Deductibles

Auto insurance deductibles can effect your monthly car insurance premiums. There are a few key points to keep in mind when it comes to auto insurance deductibles;

  1. The higher your deductible is, the lower your auto insurance rate will be.

  2. The lower your auto insurance deductible is, the higher your rate will be.

  3. Only take a higher deductible if you have money saved for potential repairs.

To learn more about auto insurance deductibles please refer to this article.

Car Insurance Premiums

A car insurance premium is the amount you pay to the insurance company on a monthly or prepaid basis, in return for auto insurance coverage. Below are a few of the common reason you may see an increase in your auto insurance;

  1. You were involved in an accident.

  2. You moved to a different area that is deemed more of a risk than your previous address.

  3. You need to increase your coverage limits.

To learn more about car insurance premiums please refer to this article.

Auto Insurance Discounts

There are many factors that determine car insurance rates, and a few ways to save money as well. Car insurance discounts are out there, you just have to ask your auto insurance agent what you qualify for. Below we point out a few of the more common car insurance discounts;

  1. You are accident free. If you do not have any "chargeable" accidents for the past 3 to 5 years you may qualify for a discount on your car insurance.

  2. If you have certain affiliations to schools, clubs or memberships, you might qualify for a discount on your auto insurance.

  3. Do you have anti-lock breaks on your vehicle? People with anti-lock breaks can occasionally qualify for car insurance discounts.

To learn more about car insurance discounts please refer to this article.

Driving Record

Your driving record has a large impact on what your auto insurance premium ends up being. Being a safe driver over a period of time can save you money.

  1. Your driving history after a look back period may not affect your auto insurance rates. This varies from state to state.

  2. A good driving history in general means lower car insurance premiums.

  3. During the underwriting process of your policy, your driving history will be used to determine your auto insurance premiums.

To learn more about driving history and how it can effect your car insurance rate refer to this article.

Claim History

Car insurance claims are tracked by an insurance claims database called CLUE (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange). CLUE tracks the following data;

  1. Personal Information: name, address, date of birth, SSN, etc.

  2. Claims Paid: Previous claims that insurers have paid on your behalf.

  3. Claims Not Paid: Denied claims are also tracked.

  4. Inquiries: Any serious inquiry to your agent or adjuster are often reported.

For more information on what is on your CLUE report, please refer to this article.

Amount of Coverage

The amount of car insurance coverage you need will impact your auto insurance premium. We go over a few common examples of when a higher coverage amount is needed below;

  1. You purchase a $200,000 super car. Your insurance will need to cover the value of the car.

  2. You use your vehicle for your business.

  3. You do a lot of driving, more than average.

For more information on auto insurance coverage amounts please refer to this article.

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