Privacy policy


In Android, permissions are a way for apps to request access to certain system resources or data on a user's device. Android's permission system is designed to protect user privacy and security by giving users control over what information and resources apps can access.


Storage Permission

In Android, storage permissions are a type of permission that allows apps to access the device's storage. The storage can be either internal or external, and it includes the ability to read, write, and delete files on the device.

Location Permission

Apps that require location permission include mapping and navigation apps, weather apps, and location-based social media apps. Without location permission, these apps may not be able to function properly or may not be able to provide accurate information.

Camera Permission

In Android, camera permission is a type of permission that allows apps to access the device's camera. Camera permission is considered to be a dangerous permission, which means that it requires explicit user approval before an app can access it.

Read Phone State

In Android, the 'read phone state' permission is a type of permission that allows apps to access information about the device's telephony state. This includes the phone number of the device, the current cellular network information, and the status of any ongoing calls.

Media Permission

In Android, media permission is a type of permission that allows apps to access the device's media files, such as photos, videos, and music. Media permission is considered to be a dangerous permission, which means that it requires explicit user approval before an app can access it.

Contacts Permission

In Android, contacts permission is a type of permission that allows apps to access the user's contacts. Contacts permission is considered to be a dangerous permission, which means that it requires explicit user approval before an app can access it.